You are the one making the payment...

"Shall we?" Adrian taunted, a smirk playing on his lips.

As if on cue, they both propelled themselves away with a single powerful leap, putting some distance between them.

Then, like predators circling their prey, they began to circle each other, their gazes locked intently.

Each step was carefully calculated, their bodies coiled, ready to strike.

They moved slowly, their senses alert, attuned to the other's movements.

"You will not best me," Kyros hissed, a murderous glint in his eyes.

Adrian chuckled, a wicked grin on his lips. "I will do more than that," he taunted, his body taut with tension, ready for the slightest provocation.

Then, like a bolt of lightning, Kyros made his move and almost immediately, Adrian responded.

Like a synchronized move, they charged at each other once more.

Their weapons clashed again, sending showers of sparks into the air. Adrian pushed with all his strength, attempting to swing his sword at Kyros's legs, but the Draegonian was too quick, and he managed to evade, the edge of Adrian's blade narrowly missing him.

Not one to be outdone, Adrian took advantage of the situation. He utilized his chains, directing them toward Kyros and sending them flying at a rapid speed.

Kyros managed to evade most of the chains, but two snaked around his weapon. Thinking quickly, Kyros used the chain to pull Adrian towards himself.

Unprepared for the sudden motion, Adrian was sent stumbling forward, but quickly recovered. He swung his sword wildly, managing to land a glancing blow to Kyros's right arm.

The impact caused the Draegonian to stumble, and Adrian took the opportunity to follow up with another attack but the commander swiftly intercepted it with his weapon, parrying the attack skillfully.

As they locked blades, Kyros unleashed a burst of energy from his Morgenstern, creating a brilliant blue shockwave that emanated from the point of impact. The force of it sent Adrian stumbling backward, leaving a small crater in the desert floor where he had stood.

Adrian retaliated with a powerful swing, his sword crackling with Lilith's magic. A surge of amber energy burst from the blade, and Kyros held his weapon in a defensive stance, reducing the effect of the slash. The impact created a blinding explosion of light, briefly obscuring their figures from view.

As the dust settled, Kyros unleashed another energy blast, this time aiming for Adrian's feet. He leaped into the air, narrowly avoiding the attack. The ground where the blast hit erupted in a violent explosion, sending a shockwave through the battlefield.

While mid-air, Adrian summoned his fiery chains, which burst into action, extending from his back like deadly serpents. With precision, he swung them toward Kyros.

The first one was easily evaded, but the second managed to catch Kyros off guard, wrapping around his ankle.

Kyros grunted as he was pulled to the ground, the impact knocking the wind from his lungs.

He rolled onto his back, struggling to free his leg, but the chain only tightened its grip.

With a swift swing, Adrian pulled Kyros toward him, delivering a vicious kick to his chest.

Kyros groaned in pain, his armor caving in under the force of the impact.

Kyros lunged at Adrian, their weapons clashing once more. Sparks flew as they exchanged a series of rapid strikes, each one trying to gain the upper hand.

"You've improved," Kyros admitted, his voice strained as he blocked another of Adrian's attacks. "But it's still not enough."

Adrian gritted his teeth, "We'll see about that."

Kyros swung his sword with increased vigor, trying to push the advantage, but Adrian was able to match him strike for strike.

As they locked blades, they stared into each other's eyes, their expressions fierce.

"What the hell are you?" Kyros asked, his tone one of both frustration and disbelief.

"Just an ordinary king whose life was destroyed by your actions," Adrian replied, his voice cold.

"Well, it's time for you to die, and this time, I won't miss," Kyros threatened.

Adrian smiled, "Go ahead and try."

Their exchange was interrupted by the sounds of battle and they looked over to see Lilith engaging a group of Draegonians.

Despite her smaller size, she was a whirlwind of death, her sword dancing through the air with lethal precision.

With each stroke, a Draegonian fell, his body sliced to ribbons.

Her speed was astounding, and her opponents were hard-pressed to keep up with her.

Lilith was a sight to behold, her lithe body moving with deadly grace.

"Your pet is quite skilled," Kyros commented.

"She is, and you'll meet her soon enough," Adrian replied, a determined look on his face.

"Well then, let's not keep her waiting," Kyros said with a smirk.

Their weapons clashed once more, and the battle resumed.

Kyros was a skilled fighter, his movements quick and precise. But Adrian was no slouch either. His mind went briefly to his first fight with Kyros. If not for the weakening spell, he would have probably killed him or land enough strikes.

But well, things happen for a reason. If not for his death then, there's a probability he won't have the alliance with the goddesses.

He dodged a powerful blow and countered with a vicious slash that nearly decapitated the Draegonian.

His fighting skills had improved, and it showed as he engaged Kyros in a deadly dance.

But as the battle raged on, Kyros began to tire out but it seemed like Adrian was only getting stronger, his movements becoming more fluid and precise.

Adrian's sword was like an extension of his body, and he used it with deadly accuracy.

With a powerful thrust, Adrian forced Kyros back, sending him stumbling a few steps. The Draegonian commander tried to regain his footing, but Adrian was relentless, pressing forward with a series of rapid strikes.

Each swing of his sword was accompanied by a flash of amber energy, the blade humming with an otherworldly power.

Kyros parried desperately, blocking one blow after another, but he was quickly losing ground. Adrian's attacks were unrelenting, each one landing closer and closer to its mark. The weight of his armor, once a source of strength, now seemed to drag him down, slowing his movements and sapping his energy.

With a sudden, ferocious lunge, Adrian drove his sword toward Kyros's chest.

The Draegonian commander barely managed to deflect the blow, but the force of the impact sent him reeling. His feet slid on the loose sand, and he nearly lost his balance. 

In that moment of vulnerability, Adrian's fiery chains lashed out, snaking around Kyros's legs and pulling him down to the ground with a brutal force.

Kyros hit the sand hard, the breath knocked out of him. He struggled to rise, but the chains tightened their grip, constricting his movements and pinning him in place. He looked up at Adrian, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and defiance.

"Is this the best you've got, Kyros?" Adrian taunted, his voice cold and unwavering. "I expected more from the man who once brought me to the brink of death."

Kyros gritted his teeth, his hands clenching around the hilt of his Morgenstern as he tried to free himself from the chains. But the more he struggled, the tighter they held him, their fiery tendrils searing into his flesh.

"You think you can defeat me, Meridian King?" Kyros spat, his voice trembling with both rage and desperation. "I've conquered kingdoms, brought entire nations to their knees. You are nothing but a ghost of your former self, clinging to a shattered past!"

Adrian stepped closer, his sword gleaming in the light as he raised it above his head. "Perhaps," he replied, his voice devoid of emotion. "But this ghost is about to end your reign."

As Adrian drew closer, Kyros lashed out with a wild swing of his weapon, but the blow was easily dodged.

"Time to end this," Adrian murmured, a smirk tugging at his lips.

Adrian launched himself forward with a burst of speed, closing the distance between them in an instant. He unleashed a flurry of blows, his sword crackling with magic as it cut through the air.

Kyros did his best to defend, but the onslaught was relentless, and eventually, he faltered, a cry of pain escaping his lips.

Blood oozed from a deep wound on his left shoulder.

His grip weakened, and he dropped his Morgenstern.

"You will pay for this," Kyros growled, his gaze burning with hatred.

"You are the one making the payment," Adrian said with a cold smile, raising his sword for the finishing blow.

"Wait! Wait! You can't kill me!"

Adrian paused, his blade inches from Kyros's neck. "Oh, why not?" he asked, his tone laced with mock innocence.

"Because if you do, then all your hopes of finding who really wanted you dead and your kingdom destroyed will be dashed. The real mastermind is someone more powerful and dangerous than you can ever imagine," Kyros responded.

"And you expect me to believe you?" Adrian asked, his voice tinged with skepticism.

"I don't care what you believe," Kyros retorted, a triumphant look on his face. "All I know is that you need me, and if you kill me, then you will never get the answers you seek."

Adrian frowned, his mind racing as he considered his options. It was true that he needed information, and Kyros was his best source.

"Fine," he said finally, lowering his sword. "I won't kill you. Not yet. But first, I need some answers. And you'll give me exactly all I need."