Shocking the entire Sect Again

As Li Yun was busy pondering how he would handle the 3rd level Qi Training puppet, many disciples had already been eliminated and were now standing outside the pagoda.

This included the majority of those who had participated in the assessment. Almost all of them had been disqualified from the Combat Pagoda, leaving behind only a select group of disciples who were still persisting.

"How long do you think Gao Zhu, Xia Guo, and the others will last?"

"It's hard to say. Given how much time has passed, I think they're all on the third floor, so I suspect they'll be eliminated soon."

"You're right. It's very difficult for first-timers like us to reach the fourth floor."

"In the end, only Gao Zhu, Xia Guo, Mi Tai, Wang Min, and Lie Hua might have a chance to reach the fourth floor, but even their chances are slim."

"Hmm, it seems the others don't stand a chance."

Discussions spread among the disciples as they observed the pagoda. Meanwhile, the remaining participants inside were being eliminated one by one.

In general, only a very small group of disciples ever managed to enter the fourth floor on their first attempt. This feat was considered an extraordinary achievement, one that set those disciples apart from the rest.

The fourth floor was not merely another level in the sect's trials; it was a threshold that tested not just power but also intelligence, willpower, and potential. Those who succeeded in reaching it demonstrated exceptional talent and resilience, qualities that the Mystic Cloud Sect valued above all else.

For the few who achieved this on their first try, the rewards were immense. They were directly promoted to Core Disciple status, bypassing the usual requirements and trials that others would have to endure.

This promotion was more than just a change in title; it was a recognition of their potential to become future leaders of the sect. Core Disciples received the sect's full support, with access to the best resources, training, and opportunities for growth.

But the possibilities didn't end there. If an elder noticed their talent and chose to take them on as a direct disciple, these individuals might even have the chance to become True Disciples.

This was the highest honor and responsibility within the sect, reserved for those who were not only powerful but also destined to play a significant role in the sect's future.

True Disciples stood at the very peak of the Mystic Cloud Sect, their status so revered that even the elders, who wielded considerable authority, approached them with a measure of caution.

These disciples were not merely students; they were the pride and future of the sect, each one a gem polished to perfection, destined to shine brightly within the Greenwood Empire. The respect they commanded extended beyond the boundaries of the sect, making them figures of influence across the entire empire.

In stark contrast, the Outer Disciples occupied the lowest rung of the sect's hierarchy, just above the nominal disciples who barely belonged. For them, the primary objective was singular and clear: to become Inner Disciples.

The path to this promotion was straightforward in theory but arduous in practice—an Outer Disciple needed to break through the 9th level of the Qi Training Realm and step into the Innate King Realm.

Achieving this breakthrough wasn't just a matter of personal pride; it was a key that unlocked greater access to the sect's vast resources, better training facilities, and opportunities that would significantly enhance their cultivation journey.

Yet, despite the allure of becoming an Inner Disciple, the true aspiration of every disciple in the Mystic Cloud Sect was to attain the rank of Core Disciple. This position was the zenith of their ambitions, a coveted status that promised not just respect and recognition, but also the unwavering support of the sect.

Core Disciples were groomed to be the future powerhouses, the individuals who would carry the legacy of the sect forward. The resources allocated to them were unmatched, from rare cultivation materials to advanced techniques, all provided with the intent of nurturing them into the next generation of legends.

For this reason, becoming a Core Disciple was not just a goal; it was a dream, a beacon that guided every disciple's efforts. It was the ultimate validation of their hard work and talent, and it represented the pinnacle of achievement within the Mystic Cloud Sect. Every disciple, regardless of their current rank, harbored the desire to one day ascend to this esteemed position, where the sect would invest in them, mold them, and ultimately, rely on them to uphold its honor and power.

"Hey, look! The list we've been waiting for has appeared!"

At that moment, a disciple shouted, catching everyone's attention.

Everyone gathered around the pagoda turned their heads toward the top of the structure, where a new list appeared below the already established one.

Only ten names were visible on the new list.

"Disciples, the top ten have been decided, so the current list should now be visible to you all," the middle-aged man standing outside the gate of the pagoda announced.

The disciples already knew this and began scanning the names on the list. Almost instantly, their faces turned to shock as they saw a name they hadn't expected to be there. In fact, they had fully believed that this particular disciple would have already been eliminated and left the area of the Combat Pagoda in shame.

But the glaring name before them made every disciple's face turn red.

On the newly revealed list, just below the name of Lie Hua, was the name of the weakest disciple in the assessment—or so they had thought—Li Yun.

At that moment, his ranking was just below Lie Hua's on the list. This list not only represented the ranking of the disciples in the Combat Pagoda but also showed what floor they had reached.

Only five names had "Third Floor" written beside them in golden light, and one of those names was Li Yun's.

All the disciples witnessing the list were shocked and flabbergasted. They couldn't comprehend how someone as weak as Li Yun, with only 1st level Qi Training Realm strength, could possibly reach the third floor.