Bearded Elder bet with Elder Zhao

Outside the cave of the combat assessment, somewhere in the Outer Sect, a pagoda similar to the Combat Pagoda stood tall in the daylight.

At that moment, all the older outer disciples and some inner disciples who had come to watch the assessment earlier had now gathered around the pagoda, their heads tilted upward as they gazed at the list that had suddenly appeared.

"Li Yun? Isn't he the same disciple who had no bone frame and miraculously mastered the Thunderclap Dragon Sword to perfection?"

"Yeah, there's only one Li Yun participating in the assessment, so it has to be him."

"But how did he suddenly reach the third floor? He's just behind Lie Hua in the rankings?"

"How did this happen? Even with his 1st level Qi Training Realm strength, he entered the third floor. This is another miracle he's created today."

"Damn, at this rate, I fear he might just force his way into the fourth floor!"

"Are you kidding me? The fourth floor? Only ten disciples in the history of the Mystic Cloud Sect have ever reached the fourth floor of the Combat Pagoda on their first try. Li Yun should be proud of reaching the third floor with only 1st level Qi Training, but as for the fourth floor? He might as well quit now. It's impossible for anyone in this generation to reach the fourth floor on their first try."

Discussions outside the cave were even more intense than inside. The old outer sect disciples went crazy when they saw how quickly Li Yun had reached the third floor. They had experienced the Combat Pagoda many times and had a much better understanding than those inside the cave, so they knew what it meant for Li Yun to enter the third floor.

The fact that he had managed to reach the third floor of the Combat Pagoda, a feat that seemed impossible for someone of his current level, was nothing short of astonishing.

"This Li Yun... he's something else!" The bearded elder exclaimed, his eyes glued to the list where Li Yun's name stood prominently.

Despite the seemingly insurmountable odds, Li Yun had defied expectations at every turn, leaving the onlookers in a state of shock and awe.

But now, a new question arose—could he push through to the fourth floor, a feat that would not only be historic but also almost impossible given his current strength?

"Elder Zhao, what do you think?" the bearded elder asked, turning to his colleague with a sly grin.

Elder Zhao, who had seen his fair share of extraordinary events, shook his head with a serious expression. "It's impossible."

The bearded elder raised an eyebrow. "That's what you said last time, and look where we are now."

Elder Zhao's expression remained solemn. "You and I both know that entering the fourth floor at the 1st level of Qi Training Realm is beyond difficult. Even with the perfected Thunderclap Dragon Sword, Li Yun could only manage to defeat the 2nd level Qi Training puppets by pushing himself to the limit. The 3rd level Qi Training puppet is just too powerful for him to overcome at this stage. The third floor is likely his limit, but I do believe he will make waves in the outer sect in the future."

The bearded elder caressed his beard as he pondered. He felt the same as Elder Zhao. In fact, all the elders present had the same thought. They understood the inner workings of the Combat Pagoda very well and also understood the difficulty of each floor, so they knew the third floor was Li Yun's limit. In fact, they believed no one among the disciples participating in the assessment, not even Lie Hua, would be able to enter the fourth floor.

At this moment, an idea sparked in the bearded elder's mind, and a mischievous smile crossed his face. "How about a bet, Elder Zhao?"

Elder Zhao's face darkened, recalling the numerous times he'd lost bets to his fellow elders. He had a reputation for losing, which made him cautious whenever a wager was proposed. "What kind of bet?"

The bearded elder leaned in, his smile widening. "If Li Yun manages to enter the fourth floor, you give me your Blazing Dragon Fist technique."

Elder Zhao narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "You're the one who oversees the Martial Library, yet you're asking for a top-grade human martial technique from me? I won't fall for this."

The bearded elder expected this reaction and was prepared. "I'll put my hundred-year-old wine on the line."

Elder Zhao's eyes lit up at the mention of the hundred-year-old wine, a rare treasure even among the elders. His face flushed with excitement, but he forced himself to remain composed. "Are you serious? The hundred-year-old wine?"

"Indeed," the bearded elder confirmed, his expression filled with confidence. "So, do we have a deal?"

Elder Zhao gritted his teeth as he pondered the bet. He was fully confident that Li Yun wouldn't enter the fourth floor, but the bet didn't have anything to do with his confidence and instead had everything to do with Li Yun.

If Li Yun entered, he would lose his top-grade martial technique, Blazing Dragon Fist. Even though a martial technique of this level didn't hold much value in his eyes, he didn't want to lose another bet. But the temptation of the hundred-year-old wine...

Gritting his teeth, he made his decision. "I accept the bet."

"Haha, it's settled then," the bearded elder laughed, feeling victorious. Now, all that was left was for Li Yun to defy the odds once more.

'Li Yun... Show me what you've got!'


Meanwhile, inside the Combat Pagoda, Li Yun was constantly on the move, carefully maintaining a safe distance from the 3rd level Qi Training Realm puppet. His every step was calculated, his every move deliberate, as he slowly but surely closed the gap between himself and the last remaining 1st level Qi Training Realm puppet.

Unlike before, Li Yun wasn't just dodging aimlessly. He was strategically positioning himself, always keeping the stronger puppets at a distance while inching closer to his target.

And he was just one sprint away from killing that puppet.

Making sure that the 3rd level Qi Training Realm puppet and the two 2nd level Qi Training Realm puppets were quite a distance from him, Li Yun swiftly changed direction and sprinted forward.

A moment later, he appeared in front of the last 1st level Qi Training Realm puppet and swung his sword.

"Thunderclap Dragon Sword!"

Li Yun's voice echoed through the pagoda as his sword sliced through the air, destroying the last 1st level Qi Training Realm puppet in an instant.

He retreated immediately, his heart pounding in his chest.

'I have a plan to deal with the 3rd level Qi Training Realm puppet, but it's risky.'

Li Yun's mind raced as he considered his next move. The 3rd level Qi Training Realm puppet was fast—exceptionally fast. To defeat it, he would have to use its speed against it, a strategy that sounded simple in theory but was fraught with danger in execution.

The saying in the cultivation world echoed in his mind:

"One can overcome anything in this world, but speed is invincible."

Li Yun had heard this countless times, but it was only now, facing the 3rd level Qi Training Realm puppet, that he truly understood its meaning.

Taking a deep breath, he prepared himself for what would come next. The odds were stacked against him, but if he could pull this off, he might just do the impossible.