Chapter 45: Bringing Up Cthulhu

Yellow crime scene tape seems universal, even in a magical world. 

The staff has cordoned off the brown patch of ground, and the resident gods squat down just beyond the perimeter as though it's some paranormal detective show. 

Odin crouches low. "This is Lamashtu's work, I'm certain of it. It's merely a warning, but as with many things that gods do, it can spin wildly out of control."

Thor growled. "I am NOT tainting Mjollnir with that foulness."

"For once in your life, you're smart." Loki shudders, disgusted. "It's like sleeping with a giantess--with the exception of my wife, of course."

I blink. 

"Loki's married?" I mutter to Daji.

She swats me. "FOCUS. Don't let him distract you. And yes, he's married. Skadi prefers Asgard. She's never come here."