Chapter 46: Don't Keep the Mesopotamian Devil Waiting

Inside the restaurant, the fauns have all hidden. They didn't even hide after the news broke about Tumnus getting arrested. But the Mesopotamian demon sitting on a donkey at one of our table has made them scurry out of sight.

With a regal head of wild glam rock hair, Lamashtu is bare-breasted with three eyes, wearing a loincloth wrapped around her lady parts. She sips a glass full of what smells like blood.

Yes, we have to serve blood at the inn. It's a dietary thing. And we have a very strict code. I approach her and point to the posted sign on the wall.


For those of you on a blood-based diet, please observe a few rules.

* No snacking outside the restaurant. People here are guests, not your morning pick-me-up or midnight nosh.