Chapter 118: A Double Dose of Trouble

Pazuzu's wings flap so hard feathers fly.

"Calm down," I say in my best Boss Voice. "Is it Damon?"

Immediately nervous, Tina and Jocelyn stand up.

Pazuzu settles down, hovering a few inches above the ground. "Yes, it is. His car is making its way here. Should we stall him? Try to stop him?"

I shake my head, remembering how that worked out when Tina was being chased by the Mothman. "No. We're just about finished here." I shoot a remorseful look at Hades and Persephone. "You can say, 'I told you so.'"

Hades stands up. "I've come to accept the reality of being a god and living part-time at the Wendigo. Besides ... I need to work off some of this excellent meal. Anyone else?"

Daji stands up. "As Van is fond of saying, 'It's showtime.'"

Ever eager to assist, Loki and Apollo pull Jocelyn aside. "You remember what we discussed?" Loki prompts.

Jocelyn shuts her eyes. "I'm ready. Do what you have to do."