Chapter 119: Entombed

Two things amaze me.

How fast those rocks fall! And how quickly Odin and Wukong work together to construct a prison for Damon Morrow--wife-murderer, child-seller, overall horrible human being.

He glowers at us through an opening barely large enough to see his smug face. "You have no right to do this."

"Let me tell you something, pal." I squat down so I can look him in the eye. "This is no longer U.S. land right here. This is independent land. This is part of the Celestial Realms. And you agreed to come here without investigating it first. So you're the dumbass."

Daji kneels beside me, her smile all teeth. "What's interesting is that Marduk and the Annunaki allowed you to come here without telling you. Maybe they were testing you. Or maybe they wanted you to cause chaos here. Whatever their motives, you failed. And i doubt they reward failure."