My grandparents sacrificed themselves to destroy a demonic box. And these same people are lecturing me about how I handled Lamashtu? I feel warm and fuzzy that they want to protect me still. I just wish they had given more thought to protecting themselves.
Daji grips my grandfather's hand. "This is outrageous!"
Gramps smiles. "Fierce Daji. Always ready to fight for us."
"Oh, I haven't even begun," she vows. "The Consortium will pay for this. They will pay. They've gone not hiding, but we will find them. And why, oh why, didn't you call us when you found the Dybbuk Box?"
Gram blushes. "We got over our skis. We thought that after all that time of dealing with gods and dempns that we could get the Dybbuk Box ourselves. Quickly. Quietly."
Daji growls. "I got rid of Crevuz. He refused to tell us what happened. He was banned from the Wendigo. I think he may have been a Consortium plant."
"Oh, Daji." Gram gives her a skeptical look.