Chapter 167: Weird and Warlike Wyverns

"You're insane," Rokaci snarls at Rakkuz. "Your brother conspired with DEMONS to kill two beloved innkeepers. And not only demons, the worst of the worst, the foulest, the most evil. He's hardly a dragon altar boy."

I study Rakkuz in more detail. He's dark blue, but a beat-up blue, the color of an old house with peeling paint or a faded pair of blue jeans, but not as comfortable or lived-in. He definitely has seen better days. He's missing some scales, and his wings look droopy. 

Rakkuz has his head up, glowering at Rokaci. "And you're a human butt-kisser."

"Better that than a wyvern terrorist," Rokaci shoots back. "Put down that box NOW. You have no idea what it could do. And you don't care. You can't see past your own hurt and anger and vengeance. There's an old wyvern saying. 'Resentment is like holding your fire breath till you combust and expecting the other person to burn up.'"