Stolen by a rival kitsune. Could this day get any more bizarre?
By now, Kryptosia and Dylrirra should be in hot pursuit. In the meantime, now we know what a rock tumbler feels like. This kitsune is in a hurry to abscond with his ill-gotten gains, but he probably didn't realize--or care--how many gains he has. He doesn't realize he has the owners of the freaking hotel in this dollhouse. Does he know about Berry?
"Berry," I ask. "Does he know you're in the dollhouse?"
Daji has the perfect comeback. "He brazenly and flagrantly stole an enchanted dollhouse that has 'Do Not Touch' signs posted in big letters. Maybe Lowan should have posted a neon billboard in front of it. And a mystical invisible fence wouldn't hurt."
Sighing, Berry says, "That was me. I told him everyone here was nice and no one would lay a finger on the dollhouse. They're all familiar with what happens when someone tries to steal someone else's mythical artifact."