Chapter 172: A Pixieish Problem

Sulking in my office while leaning against my bookcase, Lowan lights some kind of fragrant herbal cigarette and blows smoke. His piercing pixie gaze, with different colored eyes like the late rocker/actor David Bowie, dares me to say a word. In this moment, he reminds me of one of Bowie's most iconic roles, the seductive, menacing, poetic, powerful, fey Goblin King Jareth in Labyrinth.

I shrug. "They're your lungs."

He releases a slow stream of smoke that smells like the entire display on a perfume counter. "Berry won't let me smoke in the house."


He glares. "Your sarcasm is not appreciated."

"Your blatant disregard for the safety of your fellow merchants and the people in this inn isn't exactly winning you points, either," I shoot back. "Rokaci looked like he wanted to barbecue you. He was there in the background."

Lowan's face pales. "Bollocks."