Physical Training


*Ring* *Ring*

"Im up, god damn it, im up, shut the fuck up," White said as he got up from his sleeping position.

His bed sheets had been thrown onto the ground as he turned and kicked around during sleep.

White started rubbing his head in preparation for the coming headache.

He didn't have to wait long until he felt like his head had crashed into a steel wall.

'I seriously don't know what's up with this shit, it's happening every morning nowadays,' White thought as he sighed from the pain coursing through his head and got up from his bed fully.

Going into the bathroom he completed his daily morning activities and came back to his clothes drawer, where he took out a clean combat uniform.

The uniform was slick. It was almost completely black, with only some slight gray lines running through the entire suit, almost as if it were a circuit board.

'Those lines are actually circuits, but instead of electricity, they make the transfer of mana easier throughout the body. This makes engulfing your body in it much easier, which allows you to reinforce it against attacks,' White thought as he put on the suit.

His bodys countours could almost be fully seen through the black suit.

His muscles were well-defined and represented most of what he could bring out of his body through sheer effort alone.

"Status window," White said as he looked at the status screen, and a holographic panel appeared before him once more.

[Status Screen]

[Name: White Sins]

[Race: Human]


[ Attributes]

[ Strength: 19 ]

[Perception: 19 ]

[Endurance: 19 ]

[ Charisma: 19 ]

[ Intelligence: 19 ]

[ Agility: 19 ]

[ Luck: 28 ]

'It's still here, huh?' White thought as he stared at the stats.

Shaking his head, White finished dressing up and grabbed his phone from the drawer.

These phones, which were given to students, were different from normal commercial-use ones. They were essentially the most valuable items during the Academy.

They could be used as credit cards, you could see information about your schedule and any alerts from the military, and most importantly, you could see your ranking.

White walked through the hall just like he had yesterday and took the elevator to the large lounge.

Arriving in the lounge didn't take more than a few seconds with the high speed of the elevator.

When the doors opened, White could see that, unlike yesterday, the lounge was filled with students as they talked to each other, headed outside towards their training locations for the day, or even simply lounged on the couches.

White looked at the ones simply lounging and almost audibly huffed in disappointment.

'Do they think that the Academy will protect them always? Do they know that if you live in this damned dorm, your most likely fodder is only used to create a distraction for the ones stronger than you? That you are only used as a means to save the children of someone else while you sacrifice your life and no one even remembers your name,' White thought as his thoughts grew more and more hostile towards the students.


'Let's just ignore them. I will need fodder to distract myself as well,' White thought as he went outside the dorms.

Opening his phone, he scrolled through the apps until he found his schedule for the day.

[ First Class - Physical practice]

[ Second Class - Mana Theory ]

[ Third Class - Mana practice ]

[ Fourth Class - Battle tactics ]

The Academy held only four classes each day, with only the most important aspects of combat in mind. There was no need for mathematics, biology, or any other type of scholastic field. In the face of death, their use was negligent, and what this Academy was made for was to make killers, not scientists.

'Physical practice with Professor Hamerston,' White thought as he arrived at the Bus station.

Next to him were tens of other students, each waiting for the bus as they either fiddled with their phones or talked to each other.

White had no friends. It wasn't that he was unable to make friends; rather, he found the other students simply annoying and a waste of space.

He considered himself to be that as well. After all, what was he? A D-rank is barely considered a human in the government's eyes.

The bus arrived quickly, and White got on as it started heading towards the other stations.

Four stations later, White got off the self-driving bus.


This was where the physical training field was.

White looked in front of him and saw the large bunker-like building. Unlike the dorms, however, this one wasn't as high, with only one floor above the ground.

'Similarly, the actual training field is underground, with each field differentiating with the student's rank.' White thought as he headed inside the building.

Not minding the staff around, he walked directly towards the elevator at the side of the room.

Just like the dorms, there were different elevators for different student ranks.

'Elevator D-991, ' White thought as he read the words engraved on the bronze plate on top of the elevator.

The elevator didn't take long to open its doors. Heading inside, there were no buttons to press at all, and the doors simply closed as the elevator headed underground.

A few short seconds later, the elevator stopped. The force of its abrupt stop was noticeable even to White, whose body was much stronger than that of a regular human.

The doors opened and revealed the training field for the D-ranks.

The field was large, with tens upon tens of students already having started their training, some slashed as specially created wooden dummies, others trained in the gravity chamber to the side, and some dueled amongst each other.

'It's still impressive how they could build this entire thing underground,' White thought as he headed into the field.

His eyes were determined as he walked towards Hamerston to ask what he would be doing today or if it was a free class to do whatever he wanted.