
Arriving at a building on the other side of the park from the training grounds, the self-driving bus stopped at station C-2.

A figure walked out of its sliding doors and landed on the street illuminated by the night lights and the moon's shine.

It was white.

'All right, I can finally sleep in my bed' White thought as he stared at the large building in front of him.

It looked more like a bunker than anything else, with barbed wire and an electric fence surrounding it. To gain entrance one had to go to the front gate and go through a fingerprint and iris test as well as use their ID card.

Going to the gate, White did just that as he finished the procedure and the gates opened, allowing him entry into the Student Dorms.

Entering inside, White saw a large circular hall with some modern couches in the middle where people could sit and four elevators on the walls, each an equal distance from the other.

They were elevators D-1, C-1 B-1 A-1, they were the separate elevators for the ranks of the students.

D-1 Was for students from F rank to D rank, C-1 was for students of C rank and B-1 for B-ranks and likewise A-1 was for students of A-rank.

The students of higher rankings were separated and slept in a more secure dorm, even White didn't know its location, only a select few people in the army had access to the information and it was tightly kept.

Every student who achieved those rankings would have their identity wiped from all databases so that the government could protect them and their families from any assassinations.

Students who achieved S rank and higher were just that huge of a deal to humans, other races might not consider S rank as the epitome of strength as they had tens of them in their ranks however for humans it was the peak since they only had SS-ranks and no SSS-Ranks in their midst.

'This system is similar to video games and if I can continue to grow and have quests like the one in the arena then theoretically unlike other humans who are limited by their potential, I would have an infinite path in front of me. I could even surpass SSS-Rank one day.' White thought but then shook his head quickly to get rid of such ridiculous thoughts.

'I'm still only a D-rank and I'm having thoughts like that' White thought while a self-depreciating smile appeared on his face.

The lounge hall was currently empty as it was quite late into the night, so White headed directly for the D-rank Elevator and pressed the button making the doors open.

On the inside of the elevator were fifteen buttons. Five for each rank.

White pressed the button with D-4 inscribed on it and the elevator started heading down into the ground.

'The F-rank and E-rank dorms are on top of the building while all the other ones starting from D-rank are underground for higher security, it could even be said that the E-ranks and F-ranks are used as a decoy to better protect the higher ranking students.' White thought as the elevator finally reached D-4, it only took a few seconds as it was an elevator of the highest technology that humanity could make at the moment.

Its doors opened, and White could finally see his dorm hall, it was filled with doors on both sides, heading forwards White walked until he was almost at the end of the hall and stopped in front of a door labeled.


Getting his ID card, White swiped it at the door scanner, the door opened finally revealing his dorm room.

It was simple with only a bed and some drawers where he could store his clothes, on the left side of the room was a bathroom and that was it.

D-ranks were not the bottom of Humanity but they were pretty close, so whilst you would get treated as a human in the army's eyes, you would still only be barely considered as one, whilst F-ranks and E-ranks were only treated as expendable fodder who would be sent to fight on the frontline at any moments notice.

'And they expect them to fight as if they were doing it for some great cause, whilst the higher-ups just sit on their arse and drink liquor.' White thought as his brows continued to furrow, his frustration growing at the sight of his room.

White remembered the house he used to have when his parents were alive, it was a large house that gave off a cozy feeling but it had all been taken away from him when his parents died, it was deemed that he was too low quality to deserve such a house and thus it was given to someone else who was more 'qualified' in the higherup's eyes.

'Those damned bastards, have gotten too used to simply sending other people into war and then reaping all the benefits achieved through other people's bloodshed' White thought as he removed his training outfit for a set of pajamas and laid on his bed.


'It sure was an interesting day' White thought as he thought back about today's happenings.

'It still feels unreal when I think about it, a system like the one in video games where I can put stat points and I grow stronger immediately after' White thought about it for a moment and then opened his status screen.

There had not been any changes to it however he felt like he had to keep checking it, to make sure that he hadn't gone insane and was hallucinating it.

Closing the status window, White closed his eyes and thought about tomorrow.

'Tomorrow is the start of classes after the four-week break after the end of the first year. Then it will be about two weeks before the next ranking exam. I need to become at least a C-rank in that time however I still have no idea how to gain any more points. I do not even know when the next time I'll be teleported to a place like the Arena is and I can't even prepare' White thought as he considered his problems.

And then stopped as he huffed and turned around to face the wall.

'I'll think about it tomorrow when I have more energy'