Migration ( 71 )

Considering their mental state, Rowan took things slowly with his men for the first three raids of the day. He gave them a brief amount of time to rest after each hunt, even gave out food early because most of them refused to eat their breakfast because they were sad.

Nevertheless, his mercy only remained during the first three raids; beyond that, he forced them to go through the subsequent raids with no rest.

The fourth raid was quite tedious— it was noon and the sun had already taken its place on the sky, blasting forth on the calm forest with its radiant glow and heat, causing the men to sweat profusely, and some with poor eyesight even found it uncomfortable to fight in such a condition.

Not just the sun; the monsters in this horde were quite strong.

Stronger than the ones they faced earlier, and the reason was already clearly known to even the daftest soldier— the deeper they go in the forest, the stronger the monsters they face.