Using the weapon crafting blueprint was about the same as using the other two blueprints Rowan had utilized so far — he was sent into the crafting dimension, and as usual, each resource required for the process was present.
Rowan stared at the crafting space for a few seconds and heaved a sigh before getting into business.
While the weapon crafting process was similar to the others, it had a few differences.
Weapons exist in different forms, sizes, appearances, and a few other minor and major details.
Thus, crafting them would not be as fast and easy as the others, which only required his words to activate.
The crafting space was already aware of what he planned to craft and had provided the necessary equipment, including a small whiteboard that floated towards Rowan, as well as a sci-fi looking marker.
"Hmm, it seems I have to draw the weapon I want to create," Rowan thought, stretching his hand to grab the marker.