Kaelynnee Anderson, a young prodigy, received multiple offers from prestigious colleges. At the age of eighteen, she left her prodigy college program to support her parents and contribute towards her brother's medical expenses. Sacrificing her own aspirations, she devoted herself to her family. One day, while browsing the internet, she discovered a platform for anonymous conversations where she connected with someone who highlighted the beauty of life's simple joys. Struggling with debt and feeling helpless, her online confidant offered assistance that she couldn't refuse given her circumstances. Their first meeting left her speechless when she discovered that her online friend was the wealthiest man in the world.
Kyosuke Nakamura is known as the son of the wealthiest man alive. He is known for being entitled, arrogant, and a playboy among the women. Despite being engaged to the most beautiful and talented A-list actress and model in the film industry, Amelia Thomas, the fans were outraged upon finding out that he married a young unknown woman instead of Amelia Thomas, who had a long 10-year relationship with him.