Chapter 50: Getting Ready to Go Home

"Jiang Xing, I'm already your woman. Are you really unwilling to help me?" 

Medusa played the emotional card, hoping to sway Jiang Xing.

Of course, Medusa was trying to get something for free! 

However, Jiang Xing remained indifferent to her emotional plea. 

"Queen, you want the horse to run but not feed it? There's no such thing as a free ride in this world." 

Jiang Xing tried to persuade her, hoping she would agree to his small request. 

In the end, Medusa didn't agree to Jiang Xing's demand but proposed an alternative that could satisfy him in other ways. 

When Jiang Xing heard her suggestion, his eyes lit up, and he immediately agreed. 


The experience was indescribable, but Jiang Xing was undoubtedly delighted. 

Since he had thrown the ancient jade into the ancient emperor's cave, Jiang Xing felt the pressure on him lift completely. 

After refining the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, he had no more strange fires left to refine. 

Thus, during the day, Jiang Xing focused on absorbing the fire lizard's beads and practicing the Buddha's Wrath Lotus. 

At night, he would visit the Queen's quarters and spend time with her. 

At first, this lifestyle felt good, but as time passed, it became repetitive and a little dull. 

A month later... 

During this time, Jiang Xing refined the fire beads daily, raising his realm to a six-star Dou Zun. 

But he began to feel bored with the monotony of his routine. 

After being away from his grandfather for so long, Jiang Xing decided it was time to visit him. 

He also wanted to bring Medusa along to meet his grandfather. 

Without delay, Jiang Xing told Medusa his plan. 

"Queen, I'm planning to go back home." 

"Go back?" Medusa asked, slightly confused. 

"Yes, I haven't seen my grandfather in a long time, and I miss him." 

"Then go ahead," Medusa replied nonchalantly. 

"I want to take you with me," Jiang Xing added. 

Hearing that, Medusa was caught off guard. "Take me back with you?" 

"Yes, we've been together for so long. I want you to meet my grandfather." 

"I think it's too soon. Maybe next time?" 

Medusa felt unprepared for such a sudden introduction. She was nervous, especially since Jiang Xing's grandfather was a six-star Dou Sheng. Medusa worried that her talents wouldn't be good enough for him. 

"Come on, sooner or later, the bride has to meet the groom's family. Besides, you're far from being 'ugly.' Don't worry; my grandfather will definitely like you." 

Seeing Medusa's unease, Jiang Xing reassured her. 

"What about your parents?" 

"They've been in seclusion for several years and haven't come out yet," Jiang Xing said. 

Hearing that his parents wouldn't be there, Medusa felt a bit more at ease, though she was still hesitant. 

"I have another reason for going back—to help unify Zi Yan's tribe." 

"Unify her tribe?" Medusa asked curiously. She was familiar with Zi Yan, who had lived among the Snake People. 

"Yes, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan." 

"Zi Yan's true form is the ancient Taixu dragon?" Medusa was shocked. While she had sensed Zi Yan was a magical beast, she hadn't realized that she was an ancient Taixu dragon. 

"Exactly. Zi Yan got lost somehow, and I found her at Canaan College. I promised her I would take her back to her clan, but I haven't fulfilled that promise yet. So I'll use this opportunity to bring her back, and she can also receive better training there." 

Although Jiang Xing had been providing Zi Yan with elixirs, her progress was slower than it should be. She had only reached the two-star Dou Huang realm. 

For others, this would be impressive progress, but knowing Zi Yan's ancient Taixu dragon bloodline, Jiang Xing believed she could advance more rapidly with proper clan training. 

Not to mention, Zi Yan's appetite was insatiable—she was consuming his supply of elixirs faster than he could keep up. 

"So, how about it? Will you come with me?" Jiang Xing asked. 

"Alright," Medusa finally agreed. 

Now that two of the Snake People elders had broken through to the Dou Zong level, Medusa felt reassured that the Snake People would be in good hands during her absence. 

"Great! We'll leave in two days," Jiang Xing said, satisfied. 

After sorting things out with Medusa, Jiang Xing went to find Zi Yan. 

"Jiang Xing, are you bringing me more elixirs?" Zi Yan asked as soon as she saw him. 

Jiang Xing had given her elixirs just a few days ago, so she was clearly expecting more. 

Jiang Xing smiled and replied, "Is that all you ever think about?" 

"I'm taking you back to your tribe, so you can meet your people." 

"Back to my tribe? You mean the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan?" 

"Yes, I promised your father I would help your clan unify, and you'll also benefit from better training there." 

"I don't want to go! I don't know them, and I want to stay with you!" 

Zi Yan, who had been living outside her clan for so long, didn't feel any attachment to the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan. 

Jiang Xing simply smiled, knowing Zi Yan would soon see the benefits of going back.