Chapter 24: Dialogue with Dugu Bo

When Li Luochen heard Dugu Bo's sinister voice, the hairs on his body stood up. He instantly got up and instinctively assumed a fighting stance.

In just a few seconds, Li Luochen suppressed his fear and bowed to Dugu Bo, placing his right hand on his left chest, performing the standard soul master's etiquette.

"I greet His Majesty the Bilin, the Poison King of the World."

Dugu Bo looked at Li Luochen as he saluted. Although he didn't care much about etiquette, he still felt pleased to see a talented soul master showing him respect. The murderous aura in his heart subsided significantly.

"Well, get up. Originally, I shouldn't have interfered in your street competition with Yanyan, but you actually humiliated my granddaughter like this. If I, as her grandfather, could still endure it, that would be a bit ridiculous."

Dugu Bo strolled around and spoke slowly. Dugu Yan, who was standing behind Dugu Bo, had her hands on her waist and her chin tilted upwards, looking as proud as a victorious rooster.

"Yes, Your Majesty, it is your duty to stand up for your granddaughter. I wonder why Your Majesty spared my life."

Li Luochen directly addressed the issue. He guessed that it was his words to Dugu Yan that made Dugu Bo suspect something, and now Dugu Bo wanted to detoxify.

"Then I will not waste words. What did you mean by what you said to Yanyan about the effect of snake venom on her body? If you don't explain it clearly, I will let you experience the pain of having your heart eaten away by thousands of poisons."

As Dugu Bo spoke, a green light condensed in his hand. The Green Phosphorus Snake King Poison was the king of snakes, and its venom was extremely powerful.

"Then I will tell you straight. You and your beloved granddaughter have been poisoned, and it is the primordial snake venom of your own martial spirit."

Li Luochen had already guessed it, so he didn't plan to beat around the bush and just gave a direct answer.

Boom—a powerful surge of soul power shocked Li Luochen, sending him reeling back a few steps, with a trickle of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. However, Li Luochen clearly felt that the seemingly powerful force was actually just for show.

"Boy, you're looking for death by joking with me like this!"

Dugu Bo appeared angry, but he was actually pretending, while Dugu Yan was visibly upset.

"Do you know what you are talking about? My grandfather is Poison Douluo, the master of poison, who has killed countless enemies with poison. How dare you say that my grandfather is poisoned?"

Dugu Yan's words made Dugu Bo feel heartbroken, but his granddaughter was indeed poisoned, and he knew he needed to let her know sooner rather than later.

"Then, Your Majesty, let me ask you. Whenever it is cloudy and rainy, do you feel numbness and itchiness in your ribs, which gradually intensifies? This occurs once at noon and once at midnight. Given your current condition, it should last for more than an hour each time.

Also, every night, around 3:00 AM, you feel a stabbing pain on the top of your head and the soles of your feet. Your whole body convulses for at least half an hour. I don't need to describe the excruciating pain. If you aren't poisoned, would you have such symptoms? Not only are you poisoned, but the poison has penetrated your bones.

In my opinion, you must have consumed some rare treasures, which alleviated the toxins and used their medicinal properties to break through to the Titled Douluo level, but you have been stuck at the bottleneck for a long time.

As for your granddaughter, she must have been born with the venom of the Green Phosphorus Snake. She is inherently poisonous, and the poison has penetrated her bones, giving her green eyes, which is a sign of severe poisoning.

She hasn't changed much at the moment, probably because the spirit ring you acquired for her didn't contain much toxins, and you're using herbal baths to relieve her from the toxins.

But it's useless. She doesn't have the same willpower as you to suppress the poison and become a Titled Douluo. I don't think she will live to be thirty."

After Li Luochen finished speaking, before he could react, Dugu Bo grabbed his neck.

"You're looking for death, kid!"

Dugu Yan was Dugu Bo's weak spot. He had been doing everything in his power to ease her pain. He couldn't bear the thought of losing another loved one.

"What! Grandpa, this isn't true. Tell me, tell me."

Dugu Yan ran over and held Dugu Bo's hand, hoping that all of this was a lie. But Dugu Bo's silence only made her believe it more. She then recalled something and sat on the ground in despair.

"So that's how it is. So that's how my father was poisoned to death. My mother also died in childbirth because of the poison. Grandpa, I hate the Green Phosphorus Snake. I hate this martial spirit. Grandpa, please don't leave me too, okay?"

Dugu Bo felt distressed seeing Dugu Yan's devastated state, but he had no way to vent his anguish.

"It's unfair of the heavens. I, Dugu Bo, have played with poisons all my life, but I can't do anything about the poison in my own body. Now, I have to drag my family into this as well.

Boy, do you have any way to cure us? You can see so much, so there should be a way. If so, I promise you three things, and I'll take care of your spirit rings in the future."

Dugu Bo's words were directed at Li Luochen. Dugu Yan also looked at Li Luochen at this moment. Though she had hated him before, now she desperately wanted him to save her life. Dugu Yan felt extremely conflicted.

"Senior, although I know a little about medicine, there's nothing I can do. Your poison is extremely strong, and the herbs needed to detoxify it are very rare.

I don't have access to such medicinal materials, so I can't make an antidote. The poison in your body would require a natural treasure-level herb, or even a celestial-level herb, to cure you, but such things are nearly impossible to find."

Li Luochen's words seemed to imply that there was no solution. Dugu Yan's eyes dimmed, but Dugu Bo thought differently. He happened to have a medicine garden filled with rare herbs, though he didn't recognize them and didn't dare to consume them. He had once tried one and it nearly cost him his life.

"I have a medicine garden. I can take you there. If you still can't get rid of the poison, then I will kill you. I don't need a third person to know about that place."

Not long after, Dugu Bo brought Li Luochen and Dugu Yan to a location in the Sunset Forest. The area was filled with a green poisonous miasma, clearly Dugu Bo's doing.

"Hmm? Two little mice are approaching? I want to see who is so bold."

Dugu Bo sensed someone approaching—a Soul Sage and a Soul Emperor.

"Wait, Your Majesty, those should be my elders. They're looking for me."

Li Luochen guessed that it must be Flanders and Liu Erlong coming to check on him.

Soon, Flanders and Liu Erlong arrived and were relieved to see that Li Luochen was unharmed. Just as they were about to speak to Dugu Bo, Li Luochen interrupted them.

"Dean, Uncle Erlong, it's fine. I just accidentally beat up Miss Dugu Yan. Senior Dugu was venting his anger on behalf of his granddaughter. However, seeing that I have great talent, he decided to take me in as his apprentice. He's now training me.

I forgot to mention, Dean, you should return now. I'm fine. I'll likely need a few months of training. I'll visit you during that time."

Li Luochen could only lie to Flanders and Liu Erlong. He couldn't let them know that Dugu Bo was poisoned, or else they'd be silenced.

"In that case, please take good care of my student, Your Majesty Dugu. I will be very grateful."

Flanders clasped his hands and bowed to Dugu Bo. Dugu Bo didn't say much in response. He glanced at Li Luochen and thought that the boy was very clever and knew what to say. He was quick-witted and would make a good candidate for a grandson-in-law.

"Is it necessary to explain everything? Xiaochen, I will watch over him. You can go back now."