Chapter 9: Some Things Must Be Shouldered by Someone

"Is the equipment ready?"

"Yes, everything is prepared. The experiment starts today. If you can't handle it, you should leave now."

Fumihiko Ikari didn't respond, just silently watching the volunteers preparing to participate in the experiment.

"Why are they participating?"

The same question, but this time Emi Ibuki gave a different answer.

"To offer a small contribution to make this terrible world a bit better—"


"You're still young; you don't understand. Some things must be shouldered by someone."

"I know."

"If you know, then take over command. I'm going to participate in the experiment as a volunteer."

Fumihiko hesitated for a moment before nodding.


"Then the lives of us volunteers are in your hands."

After saying this, Emi stood up and headed to the changing room. Not long after, she returned in a swimsuit.

Fumihiko was a bit surprised.

Noticing his unusual gaze, Emi explained, "The cockpit will be filled with LCL fluid during the experiment. Wearing a swimsuit is more convenient."

"I was surprised you're wearing a school swimsuit."

"What else?"

"I thought you'd wear a bikini."

Emi gave Fumihiko an exasperated look. "You're overthinking it! I can't accept that kind of fashion, nor am I bold enough... Hmm, speaking of bikinis, Yui once tried one on when she went to the beach with a senior, but gave up. However, I once saw that bikini drying in her yard. Looks like Yui managed to unlock that 'bikini version' achievement."

Fumihiko didn't think about the unlocked scenes but instead recalled the image of Yui Ikari breastfeeding Shinji Ikari. He had seen this scene once while reporting to work. It was... pure white—

He quickly shook his head, trying to dismiss the sacred image from his mind.

"Why are you shaking your head? Thinking of something dirty? Could it be... that you unlocked Yui's bikini version?"


Fumihiko quickly shook his head in denial, then changed the subject. "Why isn't she here?"

"Who? Your cousin?"


"She's busy with another important experiment and couldn't find the time."

They arrived at the cockpit area. The equipment looked rough, clearly a rushed product. As Emi climbed the ladder to enter the cockpit, Fumihiko spoke up.

"Aren't we going to run a test first?"

"We already tested it. Go, go, go! I'm eager to get started! Hurry up."

Fumihiko went to the control room.

"Report the situation."

"Subject No. 01, volunteer: Emi Ibuki, female, age: twenty-nine, all vital signs normal."

"Equipment self-check complete, no abnormalities."

"Subject No. 01 has entered the cockpit, all sensors are normal, hatch locked, remaining air at ninety-five percent, awaiting LCL injection."

Taking a deep breath, Fumihiko gave the order. "Inject the LCL fluid."

"Injection started, current progress: 1%... 15%... 45%... Injection complete. Subject No. 01 shows no abnormalities in vital signs... No issues with nerve connections... LCL voltage stable... Communication system test normal." A series of reports echoed in Fumihiko's ears.

At the same time, Emi's voice came through the communication system. "It tastes a bit fishy, but everything else is fine. I'm ready; we can start anytime."

Looking at the screen displaying Emi soaked in LCL, Fumihiko hesitated but then gave the order. "Commence Experiment 01—activate the dual-link system."

"Dual-link system activated successfully!"

With the activation command, everyone's attention focused on the split screen. One side showed the EVA's head submerged in fluid, and the other displayed the cockpit interior.

"Report status, Subject No. 01."

"It seems to have failed? Did you really activate the dual-link? Wait... I can feel something!"

At the same time, the previously dim eye of the EVA began to glow.

"Look! The test subject's eye seems to be lighting up—"

"Environmental data shows no abnormalities; external factors have been ruled out. The light source is the test subject itself."

Emi also exhibited signs of discomfort, seemingly enduring something. 

"You're showing signs of discomfort, Subject No. 01, report your status."

"I'm experiencing some sensations... It seems like an image is forming, but it's too blurry to see anything clearly. I can only feel a dark red color and... it's a bit cold around me. Is the LCL fluid causing me to lose body heat? I overlooked that; I should have considered using a diving suit to prevent rapid heat loss."

So the combat suits in the original work were modified from diving suits to prevent body heat loss while immersed in LCL?

Dispelling his stray thoughts, Fumihiko refocused his mind. "You've likely established a connection. The dark red you're seeing is the test subject's visual field."

"Really? Did we nearly succeed on the first try?"


"True, it's not exactly a success. The image is too blurry, indicating a weak connection..."

Fumihiko interrupted Emi. "Judging from the visuals, the test subject's functions are still in a recovery phase. Simply put... it hasn't fully woken up yet."

Emi was a bit exasperated. "Really? It's one thing for the researchers to be careless, but how could you make such a basic mistake? Graduating at twenty-one, is your doctorate fake? How could you just judge based on visuals? You should be checking the test subject's neuronal activity in such a situation."

Hearing Emi imply that his degree was fake, Fumihiko panicked but quickly regained his composure. "I lacked experience and overlooked that. Display both neuronal activity levels on the main screen."

"We don't have the equipment to measure Subject No. 01's neural activity, only the test subject's."

The EVA's neural activity level was continuously increasing, with only three percent of neurons active at the moment. This matched his earlier judgment: the EVA's functions were still awakening. Fumihiko furrowed his brow, feeling uneasy without seeing the volunteer's data. After a moment's hesitation, he addressed Emi.

"Let's pause the experiment for now. Install the monitoring equipment in the cockpit and replace your diving suit."

Emi was about to agree when alarms blared in the control room.

"The test subject's neurons are awakening en masse, abnormal data detected—"

At the same time, Emi clutched her head, screaming in pain.

Without hesitation, Fumihiko gave the order. "Initiate emergency termination protocol! Abort the experiment."

"No response to the command; the protocol cannot be initiated."

At that moment, Fumihiko panicked but remained composed. He grabbed the emergency phone. "Level one alert, cut off the power to the lab!"


As soon as the response ended, the power in the lab was cut.

"Power is disconnected."

Fumihiko hung up the phone and ran out of the control room to the cockpit. He opened the hatch and carried the unconscious Emi out, handing her over to the waiting medical team, who rushed her to the emergency room.

"How is she?"

"Initial examination shows the patient is stable, no life-threatening conditions."

Fumihiko let out a sigh of relief, feeling a weight lifted from his chest.

"When will she wake up?"

Before the doctor could respond, a nurse came out of the emergency room. 

"The patient has regained consciousness."

Hearing this, the doctor smiled. "Looks like if you had brought her here any slower, she would have woken up on her own."