Year: 2020 month: May 10th
Planet: Earth
Continent: North America
Many in this world considered this to be one of the worst feeling to have. The feeling of an empty emotion that leaves you yearning for more. You likely have something to do, or want to do something, but are too lazy to do it, I personally despise this feeling. No. I detest it.
My entire life I have been working to succeed, to progress to a peaceful life where I would not only be happy but also financially well. The last one I believe is more vital then prior.
My family for all that was worth did not hold love for each other, even myself. We were more logical then emotional. That is probably why I've succeeded so well at my job. Currently I'm am both a financial advisor for my company while also managing some duty's in the HR department.
It's a good job. It pays well, and gives great connection to people that could be of use for the companys furture. Not to mention myself.
Tho, being in HR does have its downsides. Resentment from the staff being one of them. It's not my fault if your pay got deducted because you decided not to work. If you don't do the Job then your pays getting reduced or better yet be FIRED!
That's what I was doing currently, laying off this piece of human trash. His name was David lash, a truly useless resource for the company. He had seemed competent when we hired him but quickly found that he constantly like to take breaks or simply doesn't finish work on time.
"Please sir! It won't happen again! Just give me one more chance to redeem myself!"
To me, it didn't matter what the man had to say, he had failed at every margin, im actually being lenient on firing him. After all the company has a standard to pay leaving workers for a week after letting them go. This is usually just to keep these people from falling off from society.
However, I found this company policy quite foolish. The money that is paid to fools like this one in front of me could be used for raises or pay increases to actually competent workers in the company.
I look at this mans eyes, they were begging to be given a chance at redemption, a final chance to try harder. Unfortunately for him I'm not weak to such eyes.
"Mr. Lash, you have failed this company on numerous occasions and have actually brought our value down. You held a rather important position of introducing our clients to our services but ended up having them turned away from us at almost every instance. You have strained this company's resources away for far too long. Your fired Mr. Lash please leave the building with your personal items."
"YOU CANT TO THIS!" He stood up with his back more huntched, almost like a animal begging. His black tie was even hanging out at a weird angle. This bothered me more then his rude outburst.
"I.. I-I have a wife with a child on the way.. I can't lose this Job Mr. Hudson! Please give me a chance to redeem! I'll even work for a week... no, a month without pay just please let me keep this Job!"
How retarded do you need to be to ask to work without pay? Much less for a entire month? Even if I allowed him to stay without pay per his request, he would be driving potential clients away.
I sigh, grabing my pen and sliding a resignation form to him. "Mr. Lash, it is with a not so heavy heart that I must ask you again to leave. Please sign this form and collect your things. You no longer have any value to this company. Goodbye."
I place the pen next to the form and stand to leave. Leaving behind the Man as he droped to his knees, his glasses cracking as they hit the ground.
Soon after that, I had done my business in the bathroom Then stood in front of the mirror. Do to the nature of my position I always should look presentable, even if I'm coming out of the bathroom. Stand up straight, roll the shoulders back, raise your head up slightly higher, fist should be closed but not tight.
Now to check my appearance First things first, check my hair, the black hair that is usually messy In the morning is now slicked back with minimal gell. I noticed a stran had parted to the side, so I slick that back into my hair tightly. Moving on to my face, I find no imperfections on my face that I wasn't already born with. The very small two dimples under my right eye being a testiment to that.
This immediately reminds me of my eye color, sometimes I forget but it's orange. If I'm to be more descriptive, I would describe my eyes as a darker type of an orange color with yellow and brown strands flowing into my retina, this is complimented by a very small green dot near the edges of my eyes making them stand out among most people.
I certainly needed to start reminding myself to pay attention to others eyes. Eyes are probably the most unique thing a person has besides a fingerprint. By looking into them you can find a more intimate or closer connection in conversations.
Eyes are the gateway to the soul…
Or so they say. I find this is mostly true for more diplomatic gatherings, specifically business related deals that I've personally experienced.
After reminding myself of my own eye color, I look upon the rest of my face. Pretty plain in my opinion. I could use my current hairstyle to make myself project as handsome, but not to the point where you would be stealing multiple glances. I observe my more detailed features of my face, my Sharp yet small nose that matches my cheekbones, this also conveniently makes my Jaw look more prominent then it actually was.
It is then I spot some hair starting to grow on my neck in unneeded places.
"Got to shave again." I remind myself out loud as I see small spouting hairs across my cheeks as well.
I then move onto my outfit. I dress in a business uniform, black suit with a black tie and white shirt. Matching with black pants and shoes. One could say I looked like the perfect corporate man.
After adjusting my tie out of mostly habit I check my watch.
"9:42" it should be able time I leave, actually I was supposed to leave exactly 12 minutes ago but I needed to lay off that fool first.
I sigh then start walking back to my office, I smile as the usualy busy office is quiet. I grab the signed paper on the desk ignoring the wet spots on the paper next to a signed name. I place said paperwork in a file then grabed my suit case and start my way home.
While America might not be in the best, it's still the running power of the world militarily, politically, and economically.
However on a side note, It would be quite interesting to visit Japan.
I have heard many great things over there. Their colleges for example beat us in education, something of which I plan to take advantage of next week.
It just so happens that I am running on end with my contract, after next week I'll be free to take the extra funds to go to schooling for a couple years. Luckily I'm high enough in the company to use it to my maximum advantage.
Maybe I'll go on leave for the rest of this week…
Based on the rising worries of an outbreak of a new disease currently unnamed. Flights have been getting canceled left and right, Tho there was not an official announcement yet if the borders will be closed or not, It wouldn't matter as I have both my American and Japanese passports and citizenship rights.
Well as long as I can get a flight at least.
As I leave the office I noticed the lack of people, tho it's understandable as it's starting to get late, but I cant help but having the place irk me. There should at least be some people around. After glancing around for a little longer at the empty room I head downstairs into the streets.
If the office was unusual then the streets where Eerie. Afterall it's a Friday, so people would be going out and drinking with there freinds or doing overtime and heading home, but despite these facts I stand in a completely still street.
"Was there some announcement I missed?" I ask myself as I pull my phone out. This is far to unusual of a situation at which I could ignore, I can't just pass this off as some slow day.
After pulling my phone out I open the Applet News app, the first messages about some political debate between the New political candidates. Tho I understand why debates were going on I still find It annoying as priority should be in other places. I scroll down down and see nothing so I decide to check local new. In very bright red it reads "unexplained disappearances in the local areas counting up to 178 disappearances with more reports flooding in"
"Huh?" My confusion came out involuntarily as I read the heading. I scroll down only getting the usual jargin that the news gives out. I turn off my phone and lean my head back.
"First a possible pandemic and now this…" I sigh deeply as I check my watch
I'll miss the last train if I don't start walking so that's what I did. As I Walk the street Not even cars pass by, leaving it as a barren city. Or Grave. Even the lights from other buildings are minimal at best. This thought soon turned into fast paced Nonsense.
This is far too strange to just be a mass disappearance. Something is being covered up. No I can't jump to conclusions, I don't know anything. All I read was a heading, besides the dead surroundings everything else was as usual.
As I step into the station reaching the platform. The stationed look like any station you would see, tho a little bigger and refined, I could thank the governer for better transports but that was as far as my compliments would go.
Strangely, unlike the busy traffic of the station it had mirrored its likeness outside, there was no one. In fact the air seemed Dead.
Now that was a terrifying realization. Still air or commonly refered to as dead air doesn't occur after a few hours. No it is a long process that takes months to happen. That includes no draft or movement in the building.
If this did not make you paranoid then you never watched horror movies. Heck you don't need to be a genius to tell something is entirely wrong.
It's getting to the point where it's become less of just creepy and stange to straight up supernatural!
Could I have walked Into the wrong station? One that is abandoned and left to rot? No that's impossible, the electricity works fine and the lighting looks fresh. Not to mention there is no signs out in the entrance insinuating that it is closed or in matanance. I check my watch again.
The train should have arrived by now, but then again this is America.
Almost as if it could hear me the trains horn sounded off down the tunnel. I check my watch again.
"10:00 o'clock on the dot." Not even a second before or after the horn sounded down the tunnel. A coincidence? I think not.
I don't know what paranormal bull-shit is happening but I'm having non of it. In fact I'm tempted to turn around and head back up to walk home, but that would be silly. Am I that afraid of something Strange in the neighborhood? Maybe, but it doesn't
constellate enough to where I would irrationally turn around and walk 2 hours in the dead streets. That would make me even more paranoid.
So I wait as the train pulls up to the station pulling to a perfect stop. Again even the train seems dead. My brows furrowed as I start walking to the the head of the train, I reach the outside window and tap the glass. The man on the other side to his credit looked tired, I could see him sigh through the window as he signals to enter the train and walk to the front.
So I did just that. After doing so the door opens.
"You need something? Uh… sir?" The man stumbled for a moment and actually sat up straight. This again proved to me that my way of dressing and presenting myself was not a waste.
"Good evening. I had a question regarding the absence of… Everyone. Do you happen to know anything about that?"
The man looked at me confused for a moment his brown eyes showed his age, this along with the bags under his eyes inflateing his appearance. He wore a regular conductor outfit, A bit outdated as the man looked to be in his early fourties' then again the stress could very well have made him seem older, he could possibly be younger for all I knew.
The man while still looking confused and botherd, looked out the window. He closed his eyes strianing his ears. After hearing nothing visible sweat starts at his brow.
"That's strange… usually the sound of people or the sight of people rushing for the train should be what I'm hearing or seeing." He looks at me worried.
"What station was this again?…" he ask himself as his eyes glanced at the panel in front of him. "It's the right station, so why is no one here." The man placed his right hand on his chin, almost seeming to age 10 years with the new stress.
"Sir. I must also ask another question." I begin gaining his attention. This entire situation, the man's worry, the dead air, and the empty streets. Nothing is adding up and I want to know why. "Did you happen to pay attention during your previous stop? Because no one got off the train. It is empty."
The man blinked for a moment confused then looked at me. "No one?" He asked great confusion
"As I Said, Not a Soul appeared to have entered or left your train in a very long time." I give him the same answer but slightly more descriptive.
The man sits in his chair deeper looking away before looking back at me. "Now that you have mentioned it I don't belive anyone got on. No no that's not right… wait." He looks back at me then back at the panel.
"I've seen you before, what's your name." He says with curiosity as he studied my outfit.
Usually I would have immediately spoken my name but I hesitated slightly as this situation is just getting more and more confusing.
"My names Colt Hudson." I introduce myself, straightening out my posture more.
"Names Brown. You get on this train everyday right?" He replied as he struck up a conversation that didn't involve the strange situation they are in.
"Yes, my work is only a couple minutes away from this station. I take the 10:00 o'clock train every single day except weekends." My voice straightened out in short but understandable words. With the conversation changing I had started to lean on the doorway, more so because my legs were locking to often so I let them rest.
"Ah, a businessmen then. That's the only place near here.. are you sure there Is no one outside or inside the train?"
"I can garantie it." I Look behind myself to the hall of the empty train then take a peak out the glass to see the barren platform.
As I Turn My head to brown he nods.
"Well, I just find it strange is all. I want to look out side myself." Brown walks past me and leaves through the first door of the train.
"Your a good man Brown." The words just flowed out, almost unconsciously said as the words just felt right to say that moment, I know he heard it but he continued out. Leaving myself momentarily confused for a moment as I quickly realise that was such a random thing to say. Especially when I had just met him.
Shaking my head I follow him in toe only missing his figure for a second, when I turn to the open door leading to the platform Brown wasn't there. He was gone, almost like a Spector that had been observing me clear as day, only to then disappear as I blink.
"Mr. Brown?" I say to the air, looking for a response that didn't come. As I get no response I Quickly decided to peak my head out and look at both ends. The place seemed darker then when I had came in. No it was definitely Decrepit, the floors that where moped have lost there shine, cracks forming where the molds where. Some places even had entire tiles missing. Growth had actually grown in the floor and walls with the dead air missing.
"This is ridiculous, what the hell is happening." It seemed all too bizarre, the missing people, the empty streets. Brown disappearing. Nothing is adding up, logic seemed to have left with science in toe as I look into this strange platform.
The train door made some creaking sound catching my attention quickly, I jump back as the door slams shut to my face almost decapitating me as I stumble back onto the seat. Slamming my head on the glass.
"Fuck!" I hold the back of my head as I can feel it start to throb with pain, it would go away soon but a bruise would later remind me if I ever touched the back of my head.
"Damit! Fuck you!" I curse whatever had caused the doors to slams shut, it didn't matter what I was cursing just needed to relaxe my frustrations and confusion.
After gaining my barings back I noticed that we started to move. I look to my left and see that the conductors cabin had been closed, if I looked closer I could only see a void through the glass into the cabin. This void had slowly spread outside as we enter the tunnel, the lights slowly darkening until the only light I could find is the ones inside the train. Leaving me in perpetual darkness.
Soon after seeing this the sound and feeling of the tracks slowly drifted from my senses, making it seem as if I was riding a train through the void.
Planet: Earth
Continent: North America
Country: America
Location: Pentagon
Time: 00:37
"This is absolutely ridiculous!" A women yelled in a control room, making the staff flinch at her loud outcry.
She was tall, 6 foot 1 in height, making her more intimidating to the staff around her. Her suit, was work formal, somthing that fits in places like the Whitehouse or the Pentagon. Now however it was slightly adjusted wrong do to her sudden movement, her black hair seeming to float back to her shoulders.
"We need to have something on this. Has the FBI found anything?" The women scowled as she looked at one of the agents on the computer.
"Miss Alora.. we have not gotten any confirmation from the director." The man slightly buried his head deeper into his computer, trying his best to look as small as possible in front of the brash women.
"NOTHING?! We have no idea what happened to over 400 people?? You must be kidding me." Alora raised her head up to the rest do the staff.
"Someone, please give me something here. I need to give something to the president soon! You better get something fast! Else you would make this department look like fools!" Alora slammed her fist on top of a desk in the middle of the room, the large screen in front of her showing 400 different people who have disappeared.
"I could be understanding if this were a Terror attack, even a bombing would be a better indication. We would have something to go off immediately in the investigation. But to have 400, American Citizens disappear off the face of the earth, in little over half a day in the same location while receiving no evidence or explanation of the incident is the worst case sinario."
Alora to her credit was trying her best to find the cause of this incident, as this had just become the largest mass disappearance in the country. In usual cases, they would automatically assume this to be some type of ship or plane accident. But never had this happens in such a unique way.
"Ma'am!" One of the staff called out, it was a man in his late thirty's
"We have a call from Madem secretary." The man called out as he held out a wired phone
Alora was about to go on a rant but quickly adjusted herself and quietly pick up the phone.
"Madem Secretary." Alora said in the usual courtesy
"Drop the Honeyed words Alora, I need answers. Now." A mature yet firm voice demanded from the other line.
Alora in response could only grit her teeth as she glances at her staff working tirelessly.
"Saleen, I'm sorry but I don't have anything. We are working endlessly on this and-"
"I don't need an explanation of how your failing your Job, I just need reassurance that this is a contained incident."
Alora nearly triped over her words as she was cut off, of which she listened and responded carefully.
"Madem Secretary." Saleen decided to remind her of her position
"Madem Secretary, we unfortunately could not keep this under wraps. The Media had been quick to post this incident… however we had managed to have them keep the number under 200 for the peace and mind of the public…"
"Peace and mind? I don't know what your thinking but this is definitely not keeping the public calm! Is this spreading? We already have a pandemic on our hands, we do not need this now of all times when fear is rising throughout the nation!"
Alora swallowed as she looked at the number of disappearances.
"This appears to be an event of some kind. It is not any type of biological warfare or a massive military operation as far as we have seen. Tell the president that this is a one time incident for now. I'll send you a reply once I'm done here today."
Saleen paused for a moment and took a breath. "Good, I could work with that. I want an EXTENDED report of this incident reported directly to me by next morning. For now keep regular communication and call me if you have urgent updates."
"I will Madem Secritary."
Saleen then hung up, the line going dead as Alora slammed the phone back down. Her rage boiling on her face.
"Every single one of you… I WANT INFORMATION IN THE NEXT HOUR!" She yelled as she continues on.
"I want every camera available in that city to be our eys and ears. I want all of there recordings for the last 72.. no, 300 hours! Gather all the data and send it to the team downstairs for observation, I want that spread into sectors for each team assigned to this. Non of you are going home until we get some semblance of evidence of what the fuck is going on!"
Alora Adjusted her glasses, her rather young face aged from the eyebags barely covered from makeup. She stretched her back, the light bouncing off her name tag.
"Alora Elrod"