Acolyte of the End

Year: ????, month ?????? ??

Location: ????????????

Continent: N/A


It's been around 20 minutes since I have been in this train, at this point I don't know if we are even moving anymore. I can't tell anything outside of this train besides complete darkness.

I've come to except this circumstance. Even though I have many burning questions Tunneling through my skull I can't think of any logical way without going into theory's of the metaphysical or spiritual.

In conclusion I have no idea why the fuck I'm here and I have no way to leave. It doesn't take a particularly bright individual to suspect that there is a high chance that if I could get one of the doors open, that it would lead to nothing but all encompassing void.

Judging by how this Is a steady ride to somewhere with an unknown amount of time to wait I decided to get my sleep. I needed it after a full work day with a little overtime, both in the morning and some in the afternoon. Along with the cluster fuck that is happening now.

I crawl into a cradle position between some bars on the seats. I secure myself well enough before using my own suit as a pillow. Soon after I fall asleep.



A loud noise of the train coming to a stop woke me up. I dont know how long I was out. But considering how I'm still tired and wanting more sleep I suspect not much. I get up from the seats and put my suit back on. I grab my suitcase and stand up. I walk to the doors still rubbing my eyes trying to wake myself up.

It was then I saw a strange stone tablet hanging from the door.

It look ancient, dark black vines hanging on its edges as some type of language similar to Egyptian or Arabic text mixed together. Then again it could be Latin for all I know, I was never really invested into old and dead languages.

The actual text itself however was drawn into what looked like mud that had been petrified with time.

"tange maledictionem tuam"

In curiosity I reach out with my hand and touch it.

Immediately my finger started to burn at the touch, I pull away but the feeling was fleeting, the burning sensation disappeared along with the Tablet crumbling to my feet.

My face then illuminated brightly with red and green. I cover myself from the bright light then slowly open my eyes.

A Panel. No it was the tablet. Only more, the vines became flowing green instead of black, the stone turned into a dark blood red brick instead of the muddled color earlier. The tablet was now floating in front of me like a menu.

But most importantly the letters were now legable, in my native Tounge.

[Through death you will find Eternity]

The tablet simply read, this left me confused slightly before the words morphed into different words.

[Do you wish for change?]

The words leave my eyes glazed and my mind running, but once again the words change before I can fully understand.

[Bring about the apocalypse]

Woah. wait. full breaks. Apocalypse? I know it is illogical to be talking to an inanimate object but it's better then being stagnet, waiting doesn't seem like the best option now.

"What is this, what is your purpose. Who are what are you and most importantly let me leave."

The words moroph again into smaller and longer lines.

[You have crossed the gap into the void and have touched the Artifact of sacrifice, excepting this artifact will bring you to Eternity]

I Read along the words carefully letting them sink into my mind. This Tablet in short was a tool used to sprout an apocalypse…

Is all I can understand at least, it's the best I can do at the moment with such limited information. But that truly all I can infer from this so far.

Ok. First of all, let's acknowledge how absolutely batshit crazy this entire Journey was. Empty office, empty street, disappearances. The entire 40 fucking yards of absolute fuck no. If I had a death flag I would have raised it from when I saw the street!

But you know what, fuck it. I can't leave and the only thing here is this fucking Voodoo Tablet.

looking closely at the tablet I start revising the small text. Eternity, it mentions that a couple times. Perhaps it's a hint for me of somekind, I'll put that into the back of my mind for now let's focus on the "Apocalypse" part first and foremost.

By apocalypse it could mean many thing, especially when it says "Bring about" very specific, it's not saying to create or to cause directly but to have it happen like a choice. But again this is talking about a literal apocalypse, while I don't have much love for humanity I don't want to see it's end.

I look around the train again seeing if any door or opening appeared, seeing as there are still no doors open or light coming from outside I sigh and glare at the Mudplate.

"What if I don't except this "book" of sacrifice."

I decided to deny it, there is no reason to cause the literal end for humanity, especially when I have nothing to gain and everything to lose.

[If denied the Book Of Sacrifice will disappear along with whomever touch it.]

Never fucking mind I'll eat my own woods then. At least now I have a confirmed incentive, but still. I really don't like the idea of having a metaphorical gun shoved down my throat but do I really have a choice? No. not really, I might have never had a choice since coming here..

I sigh to myself deeply and swing my case back and forth slightly. I then ask a question out loud.

"What does "Eternity" mean, is it a place I can go?"

Seems like a basic question to most, fundamental really. The word "Eternity" is just too vague in this circumstance.

[Eternity- state of life/Immortality/Ageless]

"Ehhh?" My mind goes blank for a moment. Black then I come back again. Did this piece of mud just tell me it can make me immortal?!?

… So uhhh. Morally speaking I should say no and sacrifice myself for humanity… However, immortality? The one thing that Humanity can never reach just offered like that?

Why am I considering This? I'm May be ambitious, but am I really that militant? I could be at times, but maybe not to that point. For it not the sake of myself more then others? I don't know, I can't perceive the love of humanity that so many other can; perhaps it's not that I find myself unable but maybe unwilling? If I'm unable does that make me a monster to my fellow man? No, that statement has no reason in it, far to many controdictory lines to cross there.

But what about unwilling? If I am unable to perceive humanity the same way as other I could argue it's not my fault. But if I'm unwilling I would be intentionally pulling myself away from humanity. In that aspect would that make me monstrous in my own creation? To arguably choose to be disconnect from those around me. Ah, that make more sense. It's probably why I'm so good at my job.

I guess it would come down to worth then. Is the worth of one man with the potential to hold humanity's history untainted by time have more with then the billions that exist? Mathematicly no. There will always be a chance to grow and change, sure history may repeat itself but it doesn't need a standby… or maybe it does?

Afterall the world is spiraling, tensions are rising all over the world right now. In the next decade a Third World War May appear once again after almost a century of "peace". Would it not be more beneficial for humanity to fight against something? To come together for once instead of fighting each other?

I think this same question came up before, no. It's actually happened before! During the Second World War the entire world went to face the Evil that was the Germans, giving support and growing as a species in the process.

I could defend myself here, saying that's it's for humanity. But honestly.. I'm curious. No, I'm fascinated. I wonder what humanity will be like in 100 or even 300 years from now. I have the chance to see it.

After about five minutes of leaning back and forth internally with myself I finally come to the decision.

"Alright, I except it. what can I do."

[Choose an apocalypse of your choosing]

1. Zombie Apocalypse (High)


(Mutation type possible)

(Fungus Variation)

(Extreme Violent Variation)

(Drawls variation)

2. Nuclear Apocalypse (High)

-Dome: shelter wars mutations

(Nuclear Fallout- radiation world poisoning)

(Antimatter Bomb variation)

3. Alien Invasion (N/A)

-Custom / N/A

("Invincible" Alien race with weakness to water)

4. Pandemic Apocalypse (HIGH CHANCE)

-Extreme Version of Black Death

(Slow death variation)

(Mind control Variation)

(Fungus Variation)

(Covid-17 mutation variation cold death) (EXTR HIGH)

5. Robot Uprising(low)

-computer override china and Pentigons data

(Terminator terror variation)

6. Climate Change Apocalypse(low)

-Extreme Weather distortion

7. Asteroid Impact Apocalypse(N/A)

-Land Extinction/ Sea world

8. Solar Flare Apocalypse (Mid)

-Revert to Stone Age

9. Supervolcano Eruption Apocalypse (low)

-Death to country's Collapse of stabilization

(Core disruption variation)

10. Artificial Intelligence Takeover (low)

-I Think therefor I am

(No Variation)

11. World War III Apocalypse (HIGH CHANCE)

-War to End

-Endless fighting

(Variation of Nuclear Apocalypse)

12. Bioweapon Apocalypse (low)

(Extreme variation of virus)

13. Cyberwarfare Apocalypse (low)

(Variation of Uprising)

14. Post-Apocalyptic Dystopian (High)

(Variation Post World war)

[This is the list of possible apocalypses]

I look at each of the options, all are quite appealing if you can call it that, But considering I want to live in a world where it's not poisoned or riddled with radiation. I'll skip those. I also want a planet here so meteor is off too… Technology while fun will eventually replace the Beauty of earth with metal.. as much as I love Terminator I'll need to pass.

"Why does the Zombie apocalypse have so many options? Same thing with the pandemic one."

[Those Are options most likely to happen regardless of input.]

That actually came as a shock to me. I could understand a pandemic but zombies? How did that get such a possibility.

I sit on a seat as I stare at my options. I sigh knowing how I'm being so dame generic. Zombies while a huge stereotype within media actually have a better chance to hold out then a hyped up Black Death.

It's like the strings on a fine plain spreading like a web. In terms of efficiency while maintaining Earths Natural plant life, I would say Zombies are the best choice. Especially when I have so many variations to choose.

"I'll take Zombies. Can I add variations?"

[Select variation]

(Mutation Variation)

(Fungus Variation)

(Extreme Violent Variation)

(Drawls variation)

I look quickly Through the options and easily choose mutation, it has the most versatility then any of the options plus if I'm lucky I can get the other variations depending on what happens.

[Selection: Mutation type- complete]

[Infected-1 (Carrier)- Use the syringe and inject yourself with the Mortium Virus.]

As I finish up reading a syringe grows off the top of the tablet, taking its place just under some loose vines. The liquid appears dark green with red markings appearing and disappearing at random, seeming to bounce off the walls of the toob. It glows silently, almost waiting for me.

"This is so fucking stupid"

This entire exchange has been nothing but a drag the only thing that brings any joy in this is the possibility of immortality, and even then it might not be the case. More and more this is Making me hope I had just fell asleep on my desk on accident and that all of this is just a weird dream. No I already came to a decision, I shouldn't be regretting it already.

[WARNING! The variation selected allows paranormal strength to humanity.]

I pause looking at the message, then promptly ignore it.

I Take one final look at the syringe, it's light never fading. I take off my suit and lift the sleeve of my shirt up to my bicep. lifting the syringe just over my arm between the joint. I flex. My arm for a while, Almost picturing a ball in my hand as I keep that tense pressure. Soon I can see my vain, I steady myself being carefull to be right on top of the vain, thanks to my complexion I can see the vain clearly allowing an easier time for my inexperienced hand.

I let the tip rest on my skin before quickly pushing it in, straight to the vain. A Sharp feeling of pain shoots through my arm, slowly injecting all of the concoction into my body. In a quick 10 seconds I had the entire thing injected into my arm. I grab a handkerchief out of my suit pocket and use it to quickly switch out the syringe. Cleanly covering the small puncture.

I continue to put pressure there as my head starts to spin. I lean my head on the window bending my arm so that the handkerchief doesn't fall off. I see my vision start to blur as the dark corners of my vision start to fill in. Eventually, darkness takes over as does the rest of my vision.


Planet: Earth

Continent: North America

Country: America

Location: Pentagon

Time: 01:48


In a large office a loud slam of the phone hits a large table located underground dead center of the pentagon.


"Miss Elrod?"

Alora looks over to her right we're a small women wearing similar clothing to her stands with papers in her hands. A Small bit of worry can be seen on her face.

"What is it Vie? If it's anything to do with the Whitehouse I don't want non of it, And stop being so formal with me."

Vie for all she is worth had been working for Alora for years now, she has always been her sinior, this remained true from college to the present. But even tho this has always been the case she doesn't mind and actually gets along with Alora quite well, then again being a assistant for her even before this is a big help.

"Alora." Vie speaks out slightly uncomfortably "This is a report on the disappearanc-"

Vie is interrupted by Alora nearly Jumping on her.

"What about the case?! Is it moving? Is there a actual suspect or clue on what happened? Is there more disappearances? Perhaps some were found or-"

"Miss Elrod calm down!" Vie yells

"Control yourself, this is actually both good news and confused babble." Vie continued

"What do you mean?" Alora let's go of Vie and brushes off herself from her slightly embarrassing display.

Vie holds out her document and reads off the first couple paragraphs. "During a routine watch the missing people that were last reported on the streets "re-appeared" with normal behavior, a slight hysteria followed with everyone on the street wondering why the sun was out. But was quickly followed with order afterwords."

Vie flips the page

"Hold on pause there, the people that were missing, "re-appeared?" As in the watches blinked and they all were back?"

Vie move her paper down for a moment. " Yes that's what it said on the report."

"I want a copy of that report on my desk after you are done reading the rest to me." Alora sits back down on her seat now bouncing her leg up and down.

Vie clears her throat and continues. "After over 50 people where questioned all victims confirmed that for them they were minding there business and then it was day time. Further reports go Into detail of some of the 50 that were questioned but all relatively say the same thing."

Vie moves the document to her side indicating that she is finished.

"Vie get me a copy I need to make a couple phone calls." Alora say walking to her desk

"And tell the chain of command down to shut all of them up about this incident, make the people that talk publicly look crazy or at least unbelievable. This will be listed as Top secret for now with class 4 verification to the information." Picking up the phone alora starts dialing numbers as Vie starts running around to complete her paperwork


Year: 2020 month: May 11th

Planet: Earth

Continent: North America


"Mr. #^£{£¥!"

What was that?



Turning my head to the side I could feel my head was resting on my arm on a hard surface. One quite familiar. My desk perhaps? Oak was always my favorite, it gave a smell that I loved even if it was faint.

Opening my eyes I stare out into a large window with a large view of the town, the sunset rising over the distance mountains. The sounds of Engine's coming to my ears first as the surroundings slowly came into clarity.

"Mr. Hudson!" A fist slammed onto the desk next to me grabing my attention away from the window and distance sounds.

Wiping my head to my right I look at My boss Mr. Kinedwell. His tie layed halfway down on my desk with his face full of anger and concern.

"Finally! Are you awake now?" Kinedwell stood up straight and crossed his arms, a calm expression matching his now calm voice.

"Mr. Kinedwell, Apologies. I must have fallen asleep finishing up work yesterday." I sit up straight my chair crying under the shifting of my weight.

Kinedwell tilted his head slightly with a small frown forming on his face before returning to a neutrual expression.

"Strange, in the years you've been working here I have never caught you in your office sleeping. Have you been trying to finish work overtime?"

I pull on my tie ajusting it to my liking. "Most likely, I promise it won't happen again." I apologize quickly desperately trying to analyze if I'm fucked or not.

"Relaxe, it was simply curiosity. You not in trouble or anything." He pauses looking at his watch, the leather straps worn in.

"You have 43 minutes until you shift starts. I would suggest you walk around and wake yourself up. Perhaps a bit of breakfast if you believe you have time."

"Yes.. I think that will be for the best. Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet, we have material we need to go over when you back on shift. And sense we have one less man then we would like we will also be discussing how to higher better employees in the future. Enjoy you little break."

Kinedwell gave a quick wave then turned around leaving the office behind him. Leaving Colt in the room alone. He looks out to the sun rise again and noticed the clouds coming in, the streets filled with cars and people.

"Was it a dream?"


