Chapter 68 The Spirits Are Even Better in the Morning

...Lu Beicheng had a face full of dark lines.

With both hands clasping Gu Nanyan's wrists, he said, "Trying to freeload again, tricked me into feeling good?"

Gu Nanyan freed her right hand and raised it to slap his shoulder, "Can't there be a little trust between husband and wife?"

Seeing her reaction, Lu Beicheng wrapped his right hand around her waist and pressed down, pulling her close to himself, "Indeed, the libido is better in the morning." He bit Gu Nanyan's ear and whispered a few words, making Gu Nanyan's thick-skinned face blush with red ears.

As Lu Beicheng embraced her by the waist, Gu Nanyan was about to say something when the bedroom door suddenly swung open: "Nanyan, you haven't gotten up yet? Aren't you going to work today?"

The two of them turned their heads abruptly, only to see Qin Haiyun bustling in.

At the door, Qin Haiyun was momentarily stunned by the scene before her.