Chapter 15: Apple of Discord

[Wolves Hunted: 4/10] 

[Wolves Hunted: 6/10] 

[Wolves Hunted: 7/10] 

[Wolves Hunted: 9/10] 

[Wolves Hunted: 10/10]


[Daily Quest Completed:] 

[Hunt Down 10 Wolves: 10/10] 

[Reward: 150 Quest Points] 

[Exp: 10] 


[Debt 150 Quest Points Deducted] 

[Quest Points Balance: 0] 

[Exp: 12 → 22] 


Herris found himself sprawled on the ground, his wounds seeping blood and his broken left hand clutched tightly. His sword was plunged into the ground beside him.

As he gazed at the sky, the remaining twenty wolves began to dissolve into mist, blending with the air and vanishing. The uncanny silence that ensued was both a solace and a stark reminder of the danger he had just evaded.

All but one wolf, a giant beast with a small ring-shaped crown atop its head. It stood majestically, its blood-soaked fur torn in places, amidst a pool of blood from the wolves it had slain mercilessly. 

The corpses of the other wolves gradually merged with the air and breeze, disappearing into the ether. The crowned wolf's eyes, ablaze with a fierce and relentless fire, were fixed on Herris.

Herris, however, saw none of this. His body was wracked with pain, and he broke out in a heavy sweat as a deadly venom spread through him. The wolf's bite had injected a lethal paralyzing poison, and Herris's frail physique and weak immune system amplified the poison's effects. His vision blurred, and his limbs felt leaden and numb, making each breath a Herculean effort. 

Despair gnawed at his mind as he struggled to remain conscious, fully aware that succumbing to the poison would spell his doom.

[HP: 99/1000] 

[HP: 79/1000]

Herris's HP was dwindling rapidly before his eyes, compelling him to resort to a measure he detested.

"Val, help me," 

Herris implored, his voice faltering. His veins began to protrude as his body turned a violet hue, indicating the poison's effects. He could feel his strength ebbing away with each passing moment.

**[Wish I could help, but you drank the last elixir potion Loki gave you.]**

Loki had bestowed upon Herris a starter pack along with System abilities, which included a sword, a System assistant, daily quests, the skills of the people he killed, and finally an elixir potion. The elixir, the most crucial item, had aided in the wolf fight unbeknownst to him.

The previous night, Herris had consumed the elixir potion while nursing burn wounds, exhaustion, and even injuries from his father's beatings. The potion had healed his burns and bruises, leaving only a minor scar on his skin.

What Herris didn't realize was that the elixir had also amplified his strength and all his [Combat Status] attributes.



[Combat Status] 

[Attack: 18] 

[Defense: 05] 

[Lethality: 06] 

[Critical Chance: 5.5%] 

[Accuracy: 03%] 

[Dexterity: 05] 

[Agility: 06] 


These were his original attributes. His initial attributes were significantly weaker.

The elixir had transformed him from a defenseless individual who couldn't even fend off a senile old man to a formidable opponent capable of escaping a pack of wolves. It enabled him to counter the wolves' attacks, endowed him with the strength to lift and use a wolf as a shield, and fortified him to withstand a wolf's bite.

These were all effects of the elixir. Until now, Herris wasn't aware of the elixir's powers, nor had Val mentioned anything. Herris believed that his burns had healed and his newfound strength were due to gaining System abilities.

As Val gradually unraveled the events that had transpired, Herris struggled to comprehend, his mind clouded and unresponsive.

[HP: 54/1000]

Up until this point, the elixir had amplified Herris's strength and attributes twofold. But when the wolf's venom infiltrated his system, it proved too potent for him. The venom, far more powerful than the elixir, began to dominate and mingle with it. This concoction birthed a new, robust poison that was disintegrating Herris's body, inflicting grave damage and swiftly pushing him towards the brink of death.

[HP: 47/1000]


Herris's cough echoed in the silence, but instead of blood, a rock-hard, purple substance began to freeze and fall out, a chilling effect of the venom. His skin adopted a deep purple shade, while his lips and eyes swelled, warping his features.

Incapable of speech or movement, Herris was at death's door. Val, witnessing Herris's plight, remained wordless, observing closely.

Suddenly, a system window materialized before Herris without his consent, and an Eris apple appeared, landing on his chest.

**[If you want to stay alive, eat it.]**

Val's warning fell on deaf ears as Herris had already slipped into unconsciousness. With his wounded left hand no longer bleeding, he was teetering on the edge of death.

[HP: 14/1000]


Out of nowhere, thousands of blue lights materialized above Herris, swirling and converging to form the silhouette of a woman. The ethereal figure radiated a soft glow, casting a soothing light that starkly contrasted with Herris's critical condition.

The spectral woman held an apple in her hands, hovering above Herris's mouth. She crushed the fruit, and golden juice dripped onto his lips, instantly healing his swollen lips. The liquid trickled down his throat and spread throughout his body, gradually restoring his strength and neutralizing the venom's effects.

Despite the excruciating pain, Herris felt a comforting sensation coursing through him. The unbearable agony transformed into a tingling sensation, vanishing within seconds.

As the golden juice continued its miraculous work, Herris's left arm began to mend. The blood on his body evaporated like mist, and his remaining scars faded away. His skin, once frail and damaged, thickened and paled, rejuvenated and restored to a healthier state.

As the pain subsided, Herris opened his eyes, oblivious to the events that had just transpired. He attempted to stand, but a heavy weight on his stomach hindered his movement.

Glancing down, he saw the crowned wolf resting its head on his stomach.

"What is it doing here?" Herris grumbled, commanding, "Stand up!"

At the sound of Herris's voice, the wolf immediately sprang back, stood erect, and bowed as if in servitude.

Feeling no pain, Herris rose to his feet and examined his body. He touched his face and found that all scars had vanished. His left hand was fully healed, and his physique had become more robust and muscular than before. The transformation was remarkable, indicating a significant enhancement in his strength and appearance.

'There can be only one explanation for all this,' 

Herris mused and then questioned, almost accusingly, 

"Val, did you heal me with Eris's apple?"

An eerie silence ensued, with no response from Val.

Herris swiftly opened his system window and checked his inventory: 




[Divine Items] 

[Headband of Slavery] 




Herris noticed that the [Apple of Discord] he had received from Eris was missing, confirming his suspicion. However, he was puzzled to see another item still in his inventory.

"Why is the Monkey King's headband still here?"

[End of Chapter]