How Could I Bear to Bully Such a Cute Wife

"So, did you come here just to stare at us?" Alex's irritation grew as Howard continued to stand silently, watching them.

Unfazed, Howard adjusted his glasses and calmly reported, "Most of the guests have left. Mr. and Mrs. Dupont have also departed."

Howard, unafraid of Alex, had been his trusted aide for five years. They were former schoolmates and knew each other well.

"What about my uncle and his family?" Alex's voice grew colder when mentioning his uncle.

"They've been busy apologizing to the guests, seeing each one off personally."

"Ha, acting like they own the place." Alex chuckled derisively.

"Have you completed the investigation I asked for?" Alex asked while picking up a pastry from the coffee table and shoving it into Mark's mouth.

Mark, caught off guard, frowned and glared at Alex. Can't he just talk without feeding me?

Grumbling, he reluctantly chewed the pastry, which tasted surprisingly good.

"Is it tasty?" Alex couldn't hide his smile.

"Just okay," Mark muttered, but his delighted expression betrayed him.

Alex, playing with Mark's waist, quietly enjoyed the moment.

Mark's veins pulsed with irritation. This damn man! Not only does he hold my waist, but he can't stop touching it!

Howard, feeling ignored, frowned slightly. He was used to Alex's indifferent behavior towards everyone, even his own father. Alex was cold and ruthless, yet he was subtly different around Mark. It was as if Mark had some inexplicable charm.

Forcing himself to remain calm, Howard continued his report, "Your suspicions were correct. The bride, Mary, knows your uncle's family. Though they initially pretended not to, we have photos of your uncle's son dropping her off at home, their relationship clearly more than casual."

"To humiliate me, they even used their own woman. Should I commend them for their ingenuity?" Alex's smile was cold and mocking.

"Indeed, you should. After all, you've played along for half a year. It's almost like you're friends." Howard's tone, accompanied by a sly smile, was as sharp as ever.

Howard, unlike Alex, exuded a scholarly charm. Tall and slender with a delicate face, his fox-like eyes added an alluring touch, making him memorable.

Mark, unable to resist, murmured, "If this guy had long hair, he'd be stunningly androgynous."

"What's this? Flirting in front of your husband?" Alex's sharp ears caught Mark's mutter, and he pinched Mark's waist as punishment.

"What the hell? Flirting?"

Mark almost choked on his outrage. He glared at Alex, fists clenched. "Are you looking for trouble?"

"You're my wife now. I'm your husband. Complimenting my secretary's looks in front of me is flirting, isn't it?"

"Flirting, my foot! I was just noting he's good-looking," Mark growled, furious.

"Please, don't drag me into your marital squabbles," Howard interjected, pushing his glasses up.

"Who's having a marital squabble? Are you blind?"

Mark retorted, agitated.

"Indeed, not squabbling. You're just showing off your love." Howard's deadpan delivery added to Mark's frustration.

"Showing off love? What nonsense are you spouting?"

Mark was beside himself with anger.

"Madam, I only have two eyes, no more."


Mark was speechless, pointing at Howard, unable to form a coherent reply.

Alex, barely suppressing his laughter, found Mark's frustration highly entertaining.

"What are you laughing at? Are you both ganging up on me?" Mark slapped Alex's hand off his waist, seething.

"How could I bear to bully such a cute wife?"

Alex, all smiles, pulled Mark back onto his lap, ruffling his hair.

"I'm not your pet! Get lost."

Mark, still fuming, swatted Alex's hand away.

Damn it! I'll run away with all his money and bankrupt him. Just you wait!

Mark silently vowed, though he doubted he could manage with Alex's wealth in the billions.

Knock, knock, knock…

"Young Master."

The familiar voice of the old butler echoed through the door.

Alex's frown deepened. The old butler was his father's personal attendant, a figure of significant influence in the Dupont household.

"Your father requests your presence at the main house. The car is ready."

Though phrased as a request, it was clearly an order Alex couldn't refuse.

Howard, sensing trouble, adjusted his glasses and offered, "If you find it troublesome, you could take your wife on a honeymoon. I can handle things here."

Earning a ten-million-yen monthly salary, Howard was determined to assist Alex in any way, which was why he had stayed despite Alex's difficult nature.

"No need. I might as well show off my wife to the old man," Alex said, smiling mischievously.

Mark, perched on Alex's lap, was furious. "Show off to your grandmother! I'm not a dog."

Ignoring Mark's outburst, Alex lifted him and headed to the door, instructing, "Throw a tantrum when you see my father. I'll pay you ten thousand each time you piss him off. Deal?"

"What? Why would I want to provoke your father? Besides, if you take me there, he'll kill me. Put me down! I'm not going with you. I'm going home," Mark struggled vehemently, his face turning green with anger.

"Honey, I'm just taking you home," Alex said, his smile unwavering as he walked to the door.

"I mean my own home, not yours! Let me down."

Mark struggled harder.

Alex stopped, looking down at Mark with a mischievous smile, "I don't mind throwing you on the bed first, making sure you're well-behaved before introducing you to my father."

Mark's eyes widened, reflexively hugging himself. "I warn you, don't try anything funny! If you do, I'll call the police."

"Oh~ and what will you tell them? That your husband bullied you, made you feel really good while doing it?"

Alex's teasing gaze roamed over Mark as he patted his butt.


Mark was speechless, unable to find a comeback.

Damn, this man is infuriatingly glib.

Mark was at a loss, never having felt so frustrated.

"1.2 billion may not be much to me, but it's not just pocket change either. Since you've agreed, you must fulfill your duties, right?"

Alex's reasoning left Mark silently fuming. The logic was flawless.

Damn it! I shouldn't have agreed so quickly.

Mark regretted his hasty decision but knew it was too late.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at Alex and said, "I'll cooperate, but let me down."

I'll just grit my teeth and bear it. Once I get the money, my parents won't have to struggle anymore.

Mark consoled himself.

"Good boy."

Alex kissed Mark's forehead, grinning broadly.

Mark frowned, uncomfortable with the intimacy but unable to protest.

"Let me down. Are you deaf?"

"Of course not. From now on, whenever we're around my people, we need to act like a loving couple."

Alex signaled Howard to open the door.

Howard nodded, swiftly opening the door and stepping aside for Alex to carry Mark out.

Just as Mark was about to protest, the sight of the old butler came into view.

The butler, with his white hair and impeccably tailored suit, exuded a sharp, authoritative presence.

Mark swallowed nervously. Despite his age, the butler's imposing aura was undeniable.

The Dupont family is no joke. Is it too late to run now?

Mark regretted his involvement, realizing he was in deep trouble.

The butler scrutinized Mark, his gaze piercing.

Feeling guilty, Mark quickly avoided eye contact.

Wait, why should I be scared? I've done nothing wrong. It's Alex's fault, not mine.

Gaining some courage, Mark boldly met the butler's gaze. "Never seen a male bride before? Why are you staring? Lead the way!"

His words carried a surprising confidence.

The butler's eyes grew colder, but he said nothing, leading the way.

Mark exhaled in relief, patting his chest. Thankfully, he didn't scold me. That would've been awkward.

Alex observed Mark's adaptability with satisfaction, his smile widening.

This little thing is quite a talent. Perfect for dealing with my family.

"Do you think our home will be livelier now?" Alex asked Howard, still smiling.

Howard, not particularly interested, pushed his glasses up. "Including the time spent looking after your wife, you'll need to increase my pay."

"I'll add fifty thousand."

Alex was generous, showing no hesitation.

Howard's lips twitched into a rare smile. "It seems marrying a male wife isn't so bad after all."

Mark, still being carried, was confused by their conversation.

Howard wasn't just Alex's secretary; he was also his personal attendant, on call 24/7. With Mark now in the picture, Howard demanded a pay raise.