Getting Hit

On the way to the Dupont family mansion, Mark sat beside Alex in the back seat, feeling increasingly anxious. His heart pounded like a drum.

Come on, it's not like I'm actually meeting the in-laws, why am I so nervous?

Mark rolled his eyes at himself, but he couldn't shake off the anxiety.

He took a deep breath. You need to calm down, Mark, or your heart might jump out of your chest.

Pressing a hand to his chest, he took deep, calming breaths, his face displaying an endearing cuteness.

Alex, seated next to him, was working on his tablet. Glancing at Mark's adorable expression out of the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but smile. He reached out and ruffled Mark's hair. "Just be yourself. They should be the ones worried about your reaction, not the other way around."

"How can I not be nervous? What if your dad hits me?"

Scenes from TV dramas about terrifying encounters with in-laws flashed through Mark's mind, making him even more nervous.

"If anyone gets hit, it'll be me. They won't touch you, don't worry."

Alex withdrew his hand from Mark's head and returned to his tablet, his posture elegant and confident, exuding an irresistible charm.

Mark stared at Alex, muttering internally: Why did Mary run away from such a handsome and wealthy man? He's like a CEO straight out of a novel!

Or does Alex have some strange fetish?

Oh right, this guy is gay.

Mark's expression twisted, confirming his suspicion that attractive men are always taken.

"I know I'm handsome, but staring at me like that will make me shy, darling."

Alex looked up and smiled at Mark, his glasses and the way his bangs framed his forehead making him even more striking.

"I wasn't staring at you!"

Mark retorted hastily, clearly flustered.

Alex didn't press further. He put his tablet aside and patted his lap, indicating for Mark to sit.

"I'm not sitting there."

Mark was resistant. What's with this guy always wanting me to sit on his lap?

"Could it be that you're jealous of the attention I'm giving my tablet?"

Alex's face showed mock confusion.

This was partly a performance for the old butler in the front seat, who was watching their every move. But Alex also enjoyed teasing Mark, finding his reactions amusing.

"Who's jealous of a tablet? Just mind your own business and shut up."

Mark kicked Alex's leg, frustrated, then huffed and looked out the window.

Alex laughed even after being kicked, not taking offense.

"Alright, I'll get back to work. You enjoy the view, my dear."

Howard, the driver, internally rolled his eyes. He's having too much fun. Better watch out or you might get tangled up with this little guy.

The old butler, observing Alex and Mark, couldn't hide his surprise. He had known Alex since he was a child and was familiar with his character. Alex had never shown such patience and good humor with anyone, not even his own father.

Could it be that Mark is truly someone Alex cares about?

The old butler could only speculate, noting the special privileges Mark seemed to have that even the Dupont family didn't.

After over an hour, they finally arrived at the Dupont mansion.

Mark, tense, followed Alex closely, clutching his sleeve as they walked.

He didn't dare talk to Alex, who had become colder and more distant since arriving at the mansion.

Following the old butler into the hall, Mark saw Alex's father, Henry, sitting on the sofa, fuming with rage, ready to explode.

Sure enough, as soon as Alex approached, Henry slapped him hard, the sound echoing through the hall.

"You ungrateful brat! Are you trying to make the whole world laugh at the Dupont family?"

Henry, furious, raised his hand to strike again, but Alex blocked it.

"You dare fight back?"

Henry roared.

Alex remained silent, coldly shaking off Henry's hand, causing him to stumble back a step, eyes wide with shock.


The woman beside Henry, the lady of the house, hurried to support him.

Henry, refusing her help, pushed her away and slapped Alex again, the sound even louder.

"Stop it, sir. Let's talk this out calmly."

The lady tried to intervene, her face pale with worry, clearly anxious about the father and son clashing.

Though Henry's wife, she was referred to as the second lady, out of respect for Alex's deceased mother. Servants dared not call her the lady of the house, so they added a diminutive prefix.

The second lady didn't mind, always trying to leave a good impression on Alex, hoping to get along. But Alex's cold demeanor towards her left her too scared to speak to him directly.

"Violence is never the answer. Let's sit down and talk."

She bent to pick up a cup of tea, offering it to Henry to calm him down.

"I'd love to talk, but did this boy give me the time? Dragging a man to marry without a word, he's trying to kill me!"

Henry, face red with fury, pointed at Alex and ranted, then glared at Mark beside him.

Mark, feeling awkward, hid behind Alex.

Why's he yelling at me? I'm the victim here.

Besides, today's events clearly had a deeper plot. Shouldn't he be investigating instead of yelling at Alex?

Though Mark didn't know all the details, he'd overheard Howard's report about Alex's uncle and his son. The bride's escape was definitely premeditated.

"Please sit and discuss calmly,"

the second lady pleaded, guiding Henry back to the sofa and handing him tea.

Henry, still fuming, accepted the tea, sat down, and continued glaring at Alex.

The second lady sighed in relief, grateful the situation hadn't escalated. She worried they might start fighting, unsure who she'd need to stop.

Hesitant and uneasy, she looked at Alex, her voice cautious, "Would you… like to sit down and talk, young master?"

She gestured invitingly to the opposite sofa, still nervous and formal.

Alex ignored her, pulling Mark to sit opposite Henry.

Howard followed silently, standing behind the sofa.

The second lady, feeling awkward, was still relieved Alex had sat down. She poured tea for Alex and Mark, smiling gently.

Mark politely accepted the tea. "Thank you!"

Surprised by Mark's politeness, the second lady smiled warmly, "You're welcome."

Her eyes crinkled pleasantly.

Mark looked at her, then at Alex, puzzled.

Why does she call him young master? Is she a stepmother?

She looked young, probably around thirty-seven or thirty-eight, not old enough to be Alex's mother.

This family seems complicated! Maybe Alex brought me here to provoke his father? Marrying me just to spite him?

Sipping his tea, Mark glanced at the furious Henry, drawing this accurate conclusion.

Henry had an affair while Alex's mother was ill, and even had children. Alex had always resented Henry for it.

He knew the wedding was a trap, allowing it to proceed mainly to spite Henry, and now he had succeeded.

"I don't have time to waste here."

Alex tossed the cushion from behind his back, sounding impatient.

"Is this how you apologize?"

Henry slammed his cup down, pointing at Alex angrily.

Tea splashed towards Mark, who instinctively raised his hand to block it but wasn't hit.

What's happening?

Mark looked up to see Alex had blocked the tea for him, his eyes filled with anger.

"It seems there's no point in talking."

Alex stood, pulling Mark to leave, not wanting to stay a moment longer or speak to Henry.

"You brat, get back here!"

Henry shouted, throwing things in their direction.

Alex ignored him, pulling Mark upstairs, ordering the servants, "Prepare food for the lady and send it to the room."

The servants hurriedly complied, rushing to the kitchen.

"Lady? Who acknowledged that boy? Alex, you're out of control!"

Henry yelled, but Alex was already gone, leaving behind an empty staircase.

"That ungrateful son of mine!"

Henry clutched his chest, struggling for breath, almost fainting from anger.

The second lady remained silent, likely realizing Alex's actions were meant to provoke Henry.

In the room:

"That hurts! Can't you be gentler?"

Mark complained, rubbing his wrist where Alex had grabbed him.

Alex said nothing, his face cold, staring at Mark.

Mark, frightened, stammered, "W-what are you doing?"

Alex chuckled, looming over Mark, "What, is this an invitation?"

"I want to bash your head in."

Mark retorted, flipping him off and backing away quickly, not noticing the soft bed behind him.

Crap, why is he getting so close?

Mark's heart raced as Alex's handsome face drew nearer, making him incredibly nervous.