It Hurts So Much

"Get off me, you jerk!"

Mark's heart pounded as he kneed Alex in the stomach.

"What are you doing?"

Mark was shocked as Alex's hand roved over his waist.

"Nothing at all."

Despite his words, Alex leaned down and kissed Mark.

Mark exploded in anger. "I'm a guy! Are you nuts?"

I need to escape. This jerk is acting really weird.

Mark struggled in fear, but Alex held him firmly, pinning his hands above his head, leaving him unable to move.

Damn it! What did he eat to get this strong?

Mark twisted his body, trying to break free, but his efforts were in vain, leaving him exhausted.

"You accepted the five million dowry. What, do you want to go to jail?"

Alex's voice turned icy, tightening his grip on the struggling Mark.

Mark fumed at the mention of the dowry, shouting, "I didn't take the dowry, why are you coming after me?"

"Oh, so you're saying I should send them to the police then?"

Alex's voice was filled with danger, his threat clear.

Mark, though furious, knew better than to provoke Alex further. He swallowed his rage, realizing Alex meant business.

Fine, I'll let it go this once. Consider it a good deed.

Mark glared defiantly at Alex, not willing to back down.

Seeing Mark's expression, Alex wasn't angry. Instead, he smirked.

Like a little wildcat, defiant and spirited. Makes me want to tame him.

With that thought, Alex released Mark's hands, instead caressing his face, then his lips.

He leaned down and lightly kissed Mark's mouth, savoring its softness.

The sudden kiss left Mark in a daze. His eyes widened in shock.

He… he kissed me again?

Damn it, doesn't he know what shame is? Howard is still at the door!

Panicking, Mark kicked Alex off him, sending him tumbling.

"Can't you choose a better time and place?" He wiped his lips angrily, but his face flushed, heart pounding.

Mark, what the hell is wrong with you? Why is your heart racing?

Mark covered his chest, embarrassed. The feel of Alex's lips lingered, making his ears turn red.

Alex, though kicked, wasn't angry. He bent down, laughing. "Howard knows what to ignore. He's the best secretary."

Mark wanted to retort, but seeing Howard had turned away, he realized Alex was right.

Damn, he really is a top-notch secretary!

Mark wasn't sure if he was complimenting or criticizing Howard, but he was more inclined to the latter since Howard wasn't helping him against Alex's bullying.

"Take this."

Alex handed Mark a card.

Still lying on the bed, Mark scowled, refusing to take it. "What's the card for?"

"It has five million on it. Consider it your trial period salary. Perform well, and I'll pay you monthly."

Mark's eyes lit up, snatching the card and grinning ear to ear.

Alex's smile twitched. Can't believe he prefers the money over me.

Feeling a bit jealous, Alex pinched Mark's cheek, grinning dangerously. "So, dear wife, am I not worth more than five million? You crave the money more than me?"

"Yuck, why would I crave you? Gross."

Mark slapped Alex's hand away, glaring. But the next second, he was kissing the card, delighted.

Mark, you're a rich girl now! First, a ten-million check, now a five-million card.

Haha, I can finally call my parents back and move out of my annoying uncle's house. No more dealing with them.

Mark was already planning how to use the money, his happiness boundless.

Alex's face darkened. Mark was kissing the card instead of him. When did I become so worthless?

This little miser.

Alex suppressed his irritation, not wanting to scare Mark off, and decided to endure it.

He rubbed his temples, then had an idea. Mark loves money; that's perfect. After all, I have plenty of it.

Why didn't I think of this before?

Alex's mood brightened, a sly smile forming.

Did I kick him silly? How can he still be smiling?

Mark frowned, puzzled by Alex's thoughtful smile.


Alex suddenly called out to the door.


Howard pushed his glasses up and entered the room.

"Give him the contract."

Howard nodded, taking a document from his briefcase and handing it to Mark.

Mark took it, bewildered.

What's going on? It's like they had this planned all along.

Mark realized something was off.

"Are you hiding something from me?"

Mark sat up, eyeing Alex suspiciously.

Alex evaded, "Just read the contract. If there's anything you need to change, I'll accommodate."

He was deflecting, but Mark wasn't buying it.

"Damn it, Alex, did you plan this?"

Mark's suspicion grew, the day's events too strange to ignore.

"Tell me the truth."

Mark grabbed Alex's collar, eyes blazing with anger. He hated being deceived.

Howard sensed trouble, wanting to help Alex, but footsteps echoed from the hallway, followed by the servants' urgent voices, "You can't go in without the young master's permission, Miss Isabelle."

"Get out of my way."

Isabelle pushed past the servants, storming into Alex's room.

She immediately spotted Mark, her anger flaring as she slapped him hard.

The sudden slap left Mark stunned, holding his burning cheek.

"You whore."

Isabelle raised her hand to strike again.

Mark's temper wouldn't allow it. He reflexively slapped Isabelle back, his eyes full of fury.

"You dare hit me, you whore, you vixen."

Isabelle screamed, grabbing Mark's hair and pulling.

Mark winced in pain, tears streaming as he felt a handful of hair yanked out.

Who is this crazy woman?

Mark struggled against Isabelle's grip, the pain unbearable.


Alex pulled Isabelle off, scolding her.

Isabelle, unfazed, pointed at Mark and yelled, "You said you liked Mary. I tolerated it and let you marry her. But now you marry this kid? You broke off our engagement for this?"

Isabelle cried, heartbroken.

She had been betrothed to Alex since childhood and had always loved him. But Alex had never taken the engagement seriously, making it clear it would never happen. Isabelle, however, was determined to marry him.

Mary's arrival gave Alex a way out, using her to make Isabelle give up and convince his grandfather to annul the engagement.

Though the plan worked, Alex marrying Mark drove Isabelle to madness.

"Who are you calling a whore?"

Mark, unwilling to back down, yelled back.

"Just because you're a woman doesn't mean I won't hit you."

"Bring it on!"

Isabelle challenged, ready to fight.

Mark lunged at Isabelle, but Alex held him back by the waist, knowing Isabelle's goal was to escalate things so both families' elders would intervene, causing more trouble for Mark.

"Let me go! I'll beat her."

Mark struggled, nearly overpowering Alex.

How can he be so strong?

Alex winced as Mark's elbow hit his face repeatedly.

"Dear wife."

Alex called out, both helpless and serious.

Mark wanted to keep fighting, but Alex's expression made him pause. Reluctantly, he sat back on Alex's lap, sulking.

Hearing Alex call Mark 'wife' made Isabelle's jealousy boil over, driving her to scream and pull at her hair like a madwoman.

Alex covered Mark's ears, protecting him.

Mark, dumbfounded, looked up at Alex, puzzled by his gentleness.

"Have you had enough? If not, get out." Alex pointed angrily at the door.

"You dare kick me out? I'll tell Grandpa and make sure this whore suffers."

Isabelle cried as she ran out.

Alex showed no concern, preferring the peace of her absence.

"Who was that?"

Mark asked angrily, looking like an angry little bird.

"An irrelevant person. You don't need to know her."

Alex ruffled Mark's hair, smiling.

"Not irrelevant if she's involving your grandfather."

Mark wasn't stupid, catching the key detail.

"The boss was betrothed to Miss Isabelle as children, a match arranged by their grandfathers without consulting him. So it doesn't count," Howard explained, adjusting his glasses.

"No wonder she's so arrogant."

Mark mumbled, still holding his sore cheek. Isabelle's slap had used all her strength, making his face burn with pain.

"Let me see."

Alex moved Mark's hand, seeing the redness spreading across his cheek, and frowned in displeasure.

Things had happened too quickly for him to protect Mark.

"Does it hurt?"

Alex gently touched Mark's red cheek.

"It hurts so much."

Mark sniffled, feeling wronged by the unexpected slap.

"Let your husband kiss it better."

Alex leaned in, gently blowing on Mark's cheek.

Mark's face turned red again, his heart racing uncontrollably.

Why does he keep doing these intimate things? And he calls me his wife so naturally.

Mark felt nervous, Alex's handsome face so close making him swallow hard.

Howard watched silently, his gaze fixed on Mark, mumbling, "Was he an animal tamer in a past life?"

Howard almost applauded Mark, who had tamed his boss in less than a day.