The Scheming Alex

I'll run away when he's not paying attention.

Mark hadn't given up. The thought of Alex kissing him last night still scared him.

I have to escape. Anyway, he has to deal with the board of directors and won't have time to watch me.

Mark stole a glance at Alex, worried he might notice his thoughts. But Alex was busy and didn't have the time to look at him.

Soon, they arrived at the company, and from afar, Mark could see it was surrounded by reporters. He was startled.

What the hell is going on?

Mark was dumbfounded.

Before he could react, the reporters spotted Alex's car and rushed over, pounding on the doors and trying to get a scoop.

Mark was so frightened that he instinctively moved away from the door.

Alex put a comforting arm around Mark, pulling him close. "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"What do you mean nothing will happen? There are so many reporters!"

Mark was agitated. He didn't want to end up on the news.

"Hurry up and get rid of them."

Mark frantically covered his face as the reporters outside kept taking photos.

"Should we stop or head to the underground parking?" Howard asked.

"Of course, keep driving! Are you crazy to stop now?"

Before Alex could answer, Mark blurted out, still covering his face.

Alex had initially planned to have Howard drive to the underground parking, but seeing how much Mark didn't want to be photographed made him frown.

Am I that unpresentable?

Since he's so against people knowing he's my wife, I should help him out, right?

A mischievous smile appeared on Alex's face as he sent a message to Howard.

Howard saw the message telling him to stop and to make up an excuse. He frowned.

This damn boss wants me to take the blame again?

Howard texted back a refusal, but then his phone buzzed with a notification of five thousand dollars deposited into his account.

Howard's expression changed instantly. Pocketing his phone, he lied smoothly, "Security in the basement texted saying there are reporters down there too. If we go, we'll still be surrounded."

After saying this, he parked the car. Before Mark could react, he had already stepped out and opened the door on Mark's side.

Mark gasped, incredulous and furious enough to kick Howard.

What the hell is this guy doing? Does he have a death wish?

Mark was fuming, glaring at Howard to close the door immediately.

But Alex had already walked over to Howard, extending a gentlemanly hand with a smile. "We're here, darling. Come on out."

Darling, my ass! In front of all these reporters, you call me that? What are you thinking?

Mark was about to lose it, scratching his head in frustration.

"If you don't come out, the reporters will swarm us, darling." Alex kindly reminded him, still smiling.

Mark bit his lip, unwilling but had no choice. He placed his hand in Alex's.

Alex helped Mark out, wrapping an arm around his waist as they faced the reporters.

The reporters went wild upon seeing Mark, bombarding him with questions:

"We heard you're just a freshman. Is that true?"

"Is it true Mr. Dupont came out for you?"

"Are you marrying Mr. Dupont for his money or because you love him? Can you comment?"

"Do both families approve? Aren't you worried about the pressure Mr. Dupont might face?"

The reporters shoved their microphones at Mark, asking incessantly.

Mark kept his head down, too nervous to speak, clutching Alex's clothes and urging him, "Hurry inside! Now!"

Alex, having achieved his goal, signaled Howard to handle the situation.

Howard nodded, instructing security to clear a path through the reporters.

Alex scooped Mark up, carrying him through the throng of reporters into the building.

"What the hell! Are you trying to make things worse? Put me down." Mark hissed.

"I'm just worried you might get weak-kneed from the crowd. Isn't that right?" Alex said, smugly.

"No way! Put me down."

Mark hit Alex, on the verge of a breakdown.

This bastard is doing this on purpose, isn't he?

Alex carried Mark into the company, where employees covered their mouths in surprise, whispering.

"I thought it was just a rumor. Turns out it's true."

"Yeah, I'm shocked."

"So our boss really does like men?"

"What about Beryl? Wasn't she his girlfriend? How did this guy end up marrying him?"

"No idea. I've been trying to figure it out all morning."

"Same here."

Employees watched as Alex carried Mark into the elevator. No one dared follow.

On the second floor, Isabelle watched everything unfold, her eyes blazing with anger.


Isabelle clenched her fists, glaring at the elevator door with hatred.

Isaac, beside her, smirked and fanned the flames, "This has reached the board. Alex is brazenly bringing Mark to the company. He clearly doesn't care about anyone, not even your grandfather."

He aimed to incite Isabelle's jealousy and anger against Alex, hoping she'd join their side.

But he underestimated Isabelle's feelings for Alex. She turned on him, shouting, "It's that damn fox Mark who seduced Alex! He must have used underhanded tactics. Alex would never like him, let alone marry him."

So she's not completely brainless. Isaac felt displeased but composed himself.

Fine, Alex brought Mark here, practically digging his own grave. Let's see how the board reacts to his arrogance.

"Don't think I don't know your plans. You want to use me to bring down Alex. Dream on." Isabelle shoved Isaac and stormed off.

Isaac frowned, annoyed. He brushed off where she had pushed him, his face cold.

"Reject my kindness and eat the penalty. Once you're mine, let's see if you dare be so arrogant."

Try opposing me, and I'll make you suffer.

Meanwhile, in Alex's office,

Mark, just placed on the sofa, immediately kicked Alex, grabbing his collar and yelling, "What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to blow things up?"

Damn, now the reporters have seen him carry me into the company. This will spread like wildfire.

So annoying. This damn man.

Mark was furious, feeling increasingly cheated.

"How could I know the reporters would show up?"

Alex raised his hands in surrender, trying to calm Mark.

But he knew all along the reporters would swarm. After all, a Dupont heir marrying a man was a huge scoop.

"As if I'd believe you."

Mark wasn't fooled. But what could he do now?

"It's all your fault. Now the whole country knows I married a man. Are you happy now?"

Mark screamed, frustrated, glaring at Alex.

Of course, I'm happy. Now you can't escape, even after six months.

Alex's mind was filled with schemes.

Poor Mark, entangled with the devil without realizing it.


Howard knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Alex instantly composed himself, straightening his disheveled tie, expressionless.

Howard entered with breakfast in hand.

Alex took it, setting it up on the coffee table. He laid out the breakfast items and handed Mark a pair of chopsticks with a smile.

"I have hands, you know."

Mark snapped, grabbing the chopsticks and sulking.

Still sulking, huh?

Alex smiled and ruffled Mark's hair.

"Don't touch me."

Mark slapped Alex's hand away, irritated.

"Alright, alright. My bad." Alex apologized meekly.

Howard adjusted his glasses, looking at the scene coldly. He felt a mix of exasperation and disbelief at how Alex enjoyed being treated like this by Mark.

I knew he was twisted, but I didn't realize he was this twisted. One day, Mark is going to have him completely under his thumb.