Howard Attacked

"Has he arrived?" Alex turned and asked Howard in a low voice.

Howard frowned at the question but adjusted his glasses and replied, "He's on his way. He'll be here shortly."

Howard didn't want to continue the conversation but was puzzled. "He's just a playboy. I don't understand why you need him now."

"Rick may fool around, but he has his uses," Alex said with a knowing look, then teased Howard, "You don't like him because he always flirts with you?"

"Apologies, but I neither like nor dislike such scoundrels," Howard replied with clear disdain, though he wouldn't admit it.

Alex could tell and watched with amusement. "Please wipe off that disgusting smile. It's irritating," Howard warned, glancing sideways at Alex. Only he could talk to his boss like that; anyone else would try to curry favor.

Alex ignored the warning, patting Howard's shoulder with a grin. "You don't want to change bosses, right? I'll need your cooperation for future matters, Secretary Howard."

The way he said "Secretary Howard" carried a deeper meaning and a broad smile.

Howard felt a chill, sensing something was off. What is this man planning?

Howard distanced himself, his sharp eyes cautious behind his glasses. It can't be anything good.

"Boss, the board is urging you to come," the assistant knocked on the office door, sounding urgent.

Alex gave Howard a look, signaling him to stall for time until Rick arrived. Howard nodded and left the office.

The assistant, seeing only Howard, looked nervous and puzzled. "Secretary Howard, where's the boss?"

"The boss will be there soon. Serve tea in the conference room. I'll be there shortly," Howard instructed calmly.

The assistant wanted to mention the shareholders' impatience but realized Howard would know. She hurried off on her high heels, not daring to delay.

"Really knows how to boss people around," Howard muttered, rubbing his temples. He could already imagine the shareholders' angry faces, but as Alex's secretary, he had no choice.

"Paid to work, it's only natural," Howard reassured himself, clutching his documents as he walked to the conference room.

Employees greeted him politely along the way, and female employees blushed and giggled, for Howard's androgynous beauty was irresistible. Even male employees sometimes sneaked glances at him.

Howard was used to it, pushing up his glasses with a scholarly air as he walked. But as he turned a corner past the stairwell, someone pulled him into the stairwell.

Howard was shocked, then felt a sharp pain as he was slammed against the wall. Before he could react, his mouth was covered.

He widened his eyes in fury, recognizing his assailant: Rick, Alex's good-for-nothing friend who always harassed him.

That damned scoundrel. Howard glared and kneed Rick in the groin, but Rick anticipated it and grinned wickedly.

Effortlessly, Rick pinned Howard's hands above his head, looking down at the slightly shorter Howard with a roguish smile. "It's only been a month, and you're already this passionate, husband?"

"Get lost," Howard growled, chest heaving with anger. He struggled to break free but couldn't.

"Do you have a death wish?" Howard's eyes blazed with anger.

"If you're with me, I wouldn't mind," Rick replied flippantly, his rogue charm on full display.

Unlike the refined and handsome Howard, Rick had a roguish, womanizing charm. His grin was disarming, making him irresistible to women. His tall, fit physique added to his allure.

Rick had been popular among women, but after meeting Howard at Alex's company five years ago, his tastes changed. Howard inexplicably attracted him, and he began to pester Howard constantly.

At first, Howard thought Rick would get bored and leave if ignored. But Rick only found the challenge more enticing, and his pursuit lasted five years, never wavering.

Howard despised Rick's persistence. Yelling, scolding, and giving him the cold shoulder had no effect. Rick just wouldn't leave.

"Let go. I don't have time to waste with you." Rick only tightened his grip, infuriating Howard.

Rick leaned in, grinning. "If you kiss me, I'll let you go immediately."

"In your dreams," Howard glared, his temper at the breaking point. He struggled again, but Rick's grip was unyielding.

"Rick," Howard yelled, exasperated.

"Come on, call me 'husband,'" Rick teased, still grinning.

Howard ground his teeth, wishing his glare could kill Rick. If looks could kill, Rick would be riddled with holes.

Oops, maybe I've gone too far. Seeing Howard's unyielding anger, Rick sighed inwardly.

He released Howard's hands, raising his own in surrender. Once free, Howard kicked Rick in the stomach, pushing him away in fury.

"Ouch, ouch, take it easy, dear. You're hurting me," Rick clutched his stomach, pretending to be pitiful.

Howard didn't buy it, still fuming.

Rick quickly tried to placate him. "I'm sorry, don't be mad, dear."

"Who are you calling dear?" Howard shoved Rick away, storming toward the stairwell.

Rick swiftly hugged Howard from behind. "I rushed here straight from the airport for you. Can't you reward me a little?"

"What does that have to do with me? Let go." Howard struggled, but Rick clung on like a leech.

"Damn you, Rick," Howard roared, furious.

Rick said nothing, savoring Howard's scent. He'd been abroad for a month and missed Howard's unique fragrance.

Last night, Alex had called, asking for Rick's help. After agreeing on terms, Rick hadn't even slept, rushing back immediately.