Playing the Victim in Front of His Wife

"I told you to let go. Are you deaf?" Howard suppressed his anger, elbowing Rick, who was clinging tightly to his waist.

Rick winced in pain but didn't let go, instead grinning cheekily and saying, "Just let me hug you a little longer, I'm almost done recharging."

Howard was furious. "I'm not your damn power bank, let go of me!"

No matter how much Howard shouted, Rick didn't listen. Howard's veins bulged with anger. He had never met someone so shameless.

Damn brat.

Howard was seething but couldn't break free. Rick's strength was overwhelming. Howard swore under his breath, frustrated beyond measure.

"Be good, my dear," Rick said, suggesting Howard stay still.

"Try anything and see what happens," Howard spat back angrily.

Rick wanted to push further but knew Howard would call the police. He had once been reported for harassment and spent hours in custody before his subordinates bailed him out, an experience he found humiliating.

"Do you really hate me that much, my dear?" Rick asked, looking hurt, like a big puppy.

Howard ground his teeth. "So you know I hate you. Let go of me!" He struggled fiercely.

Rick realized he might have pushed too far. Not wanting Howard to be genuinely upset, he decided to back off. "Alright, alright," he said, releasing Howard.

"Idiot," Howard muttered, delivering a hard slap to Rick's face. Rick, still grinning, said, "Do it again, I love it when you hit me."

"You're crazy," Howard snapped, even more irritated. No matter how he reacted, Rick always seemed unbothered and eternally unserious.

Did I owe him in a past life or something? Why does he torment me like this?

Howard was fuming. Rick, however, tenderly took Howard's hand, which had just struck him, and said with a smile, "If you want me hit, just give the order. No need to do it yourself."

Howard withdrew his hand from Rick's grasp, giving him a sharp warning glance. Rick raised his hands in surrender, still smiling.

So cute. He's usually so composed, but one tease and he loses it.

Rick watched Howard's fury with a satisfied smile, even though he'd been slapped.

"I wondered why there was no response for so long. Turns out you were here flirting with your man," Alex said, walking over with a smirk, observing them.

"Flirting? Are you blind?" Howard retorted, annoyed. He quickly calmed himself, restoring his usual composed demeanor. He adjusted his glasses, ignored Rick, and walked away.

Rick, left behind, frowned at Alex. "Couldn't you just ignore us and walk by?"

"You have the nerve to say that? I asked you to help, not to flirt with your wife. Get to work, we don't have time for this," Alex commanded, his expression turning serious.

"Fine, fine. I'll help. But don't forget our agreement. If you back out, I'll go after your wife," Rick warned, making a throat-slitting gesture.

"Don't worry. I won't go back on my word. I'll give you a chance, but whether you win Howard over is up to you," Alex said coldly, following Howard.

"Don't worry about it. I have my ways," Rick replied confidently, hands in his pockets and grinning.

Alex was used to Rick's laid-back attitude. As long as Rick could help, he didn't care about the rest.

Meanwhile, in the boardroom...

The shareholders had been waiting for Alex for over half an hour and were furious.

"He's getting more arrogant, not showing any respect for us."

"Making us wait like this, how audacious!"

"If he's this insolent as acting CEO, imagine when he officially takes over. He'll kick us all out!"

They fumed, some raising their voices in anger. Five out of the ten shareholders were complaining, while the other five silently drank their tea, biding their time.

"Belmont, you're the senior member here and Alex's elder. How can you stay so calm when he's disrespecting you?" Thomas, one of the shareholders, protested on Belmont's behalf.

Belmont calmly sipped his tea, ignoring Thomas's outburst. Thomas, feeling snubbed, sat back down, embarrassed. Belmont's silence irked him. How could this old man stay so composed when his granddaughter was humiliated?

Let's see how long you can stay calm, Thomas thought, fuming inwardly. Respect is given because you hold more shares, not because we fear you.

The others had hoped to provoke Belmont into action, but seeing Thomas rebuffed, they stayed silent, not wanting to lose face themselves. The room fell into an uneasy silence, only the sound of tea being sipped breaking the quiet.

Howard entered, surprised by the unusual quiet. Normally, these meetings were chaotic. Alex followed him, seemingly unbothered by the tension.

"Time to get to work," Rick said, stretching lazily and sauntering in behind Alex.

The shareholders were taken aback by Rick's presence. This was a closed meeting, how could an outsider be allowed?

Thomas seized the opportunity. "Alex, have you lost your mind? Bringing an outsider into this meeting?"

"Outsider?" Alex chuckled, taking his seat. "Who do you mean?"

"Rick, of course. Do you think we're blind?" Thomas snapped, his hand trembling with anger as he pointed at Rick.

"Oh, you mean Rick," Alex said nonchalantly, feigning ignorance.

Thomas was puzzled by Alex's calmness. How could he be so composed, knowing this meeting was about ousting him?

The others were equally puzzled, watching Alex intently. Some clenched their fists in frustration, while others stayed neutral, waiting to see how Alex would handle the situation.

"Get him out of here!" Thomas shouted again, frustrated by the lack of response.

Alex ignored him, calling Howard instead. "Howard."

Howard distributed documents to each shareholder. Initially dismissive, they were soon shocked to see that Rick now owned 10% of the company's shares, more than many of them.

Thomas was dumbfounded, unable to believe his eyes. He slumped back in his chair. "How is this possible?"

The documents revealed that Rick had inherited the shares from his grandmother, making him a significant shareholder.

The shareholders finally understood Alex's strategy. He had orchestrated this to see who was against him. If they had sided with Thomas, they would be doomed. The DuPont family held 20% of the shares, plus Rick's 10%. Anyone siding with Alex would easily overpower any opposition.

A cunning move by Alex.

Thomas realized this too, but it was too late. "Damn that Lucas. He assured me Belmont was on our side. Now, Belmont hasn't said a word, and I'm left in the spotlight."

Thomas wished he could storm out and strangle Alex's uncle in frustration.