You're a Scoundrel

"Alex, you... you bastard!" Mark yelled, struggling desperately to push Alex away from the floor-to-ceiling window. He was on the verge of tears; Alex was getting more and more out of line. This was a public place. If anyone saw them, he would rather die.

"Be good, wife, just one kiss."

"Get lost!" Mark continued to struggle, his strength dwindling. His face flushed red, and the atmosphere between them became strangely sweet and intimate.

Grace's mouth twitched in irritation as she stood ignored. Are they treating me like air? But wait, did that man just call Mark 'wife'? Did I hear wrong? No, no, I must have heard wrong. That's impossible!

Grace found it laughable but pinched her thigh hard to confirm she wasn't dreaming. The pain was real. Besides, the name Alex sounded familiar. She had just seen an article about an Alex in Le Monde, with a photo partially obscured by the headline, so she hadn't gotten a good look at his face.

"Just one kiss, be good," Alex continued coaxing Mark, sounding like a creepy uncle.

Mark, his arms aching from pushing, was furious. "Do you realize where we are? In public! What are you trying to do, make the news again?" Mark nervously glanced outside, worried someone might be watching.

"Relax, I have people nearby. They won't let any reporters get close."

"That's still not okay! Let go of me!" Mark struggled harder, tears of frustration welling up.

Alex intended to persist but relented, worried Mark might actually cry. He released Mark's waist but pulled him onto his lap, facing him. Smiling mischievously, he asked, "Isn't it warm in here? Why are you sweating so much, wife?"

"Believe me, I'll smash your head in!" Mark, puffing up in anger, raised his fist to threaten Alex.

Alex laughed but didn't respond, seemingly amused by Mark's outburst.

Grace, once again ignored, was seething. What's with this man calling Mark 'wife'? That can't be right. And what is he doing, holding Mark on his lap? It's disgusting.

Grace's eyes were filled with disdain, particularly as she glared at Mark. Mark, catching her look, frowned. He didn't care about others judging him, but Grace's contempt was unacceptable. He sneered at her, "Didn't you want to marry a rich man? At 26, you still haven't found anyone. That's pretty sad."

Grace's face turned red with anger. "You're the sad one! I have standards, unlike you. You know nothing!"

"Oh, standards? Then why were you flirting with Alex just now? Think I'm blind?"


Grace tried to defend herself but couldn't. She had indeed flirted with Alex.

Damn it! This brat has gotten so sharp-tongued. He used to take my insults without a word, even when he didn't like it. Grace's eyes blazed with fury, her fists clenched tightly. She wasn't used to this new, defiant Mark and felt a burning rage.

"You just wait!" Grace spat, storming off with her water pitcher in hand.

"Scared of you? Ha!" Mark laughed.

In the past, he had tolerated Grace's arrogance because he had nowhere else to go. Now it was different. He had money and Alex by his side. He wasn't afraid of being homeless anymore.

Alex watched Mark quietly, his eyes full of affection.

"What's on my face?" Alex teased, seeing Mark's intense gaze. His smile grew softer.

"Nothing. I just suddenly realized you're actually useful," Mark said, clearing his throat awkwardly.

Alex's eyebrows shot up. He leaned in close, his voice low and seductive. "Wife, I'm useful in many ways. Like serving you and making you cry with pleasure. Want to try?"

Mark, not an idiot, instantly knew what Alex meant. His face turned beet red as he yelled, "You scoundrel!"

This shameless jerk. Why would he say something like that? Does he really mean to...?

Mark's heart raced, unsure if it was out of fear or shyness, or maybe both.

"I... I'm telling you, it's not in the contract! Don't even think about it," Mark stammered, hugging himself defensively.

"So, you're saying I should find someone else?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

Mark froze, feeling a strange twinge in his heart. Do I really want him to find someone else?

Alex, observing Mark's reaction from the reflection in the window, smiled to himself. Interesting. He seems conflicted. This might work out after all.

"Alright then, I'll do as you wish and find someone else," Alex pretended to be upset, placing Mark back in his seat.

Mark bit his lip, feeling both angry and strangely hollow. This bastard, calling me 'wife' one moment and talking about finding someone else the next.

Mark turned to stare out the window, refusing to acknowledge Alex.

Alex watched Mark's reflection in the window, noting his pout and downcast eyes. Perfect. He's definitely affected. Winning his heart shouldn't be too hard.

"Why are you smiling so creepily?" Rick's voice cut through Alex's thoughts. He and Howard had joined them at the table, with Rick sitting beside Howard.

"What's going on? Couldn't find a seat?" Howard snapped, shaking off Rick's hand as he sat down.

"My bad," Rick laughed, raising his hands in mock surrender.

Howard sat down, adjusting his glasses with a cold look.

Alex raised an eyebrow at Rick, questioning the tension between him and Howard. Rick shrugged, indicating he didn't know what had upset Howard.

"What's up with you?" Rick asked, noticing Mark glaring out the window. He lowered his voice, "Everything alright?"

Alex's smile returned. "Good news."

Good news? But your wife seems angry. Are you kidding me? Rick thought, his lips twitching.

Rick shifted his gaze to Mark, taking a good look at him. What a surprise. I thought Alex liked mature, dominant women, but this cute, petite boy is his type? His face is pretty, skin fair, and he's wearing... Wait, is that a limited-edition jersey? Worth a fortune! Rick almost choked. 

"You, you... what a waste, Alex! That jersey costs a fortune and you let him wear it, getting juice stains on it!" Rick pointed accusingly at Mark's clothes, furious.

Alex gave Rick a smug look that almost made Rick explode. "Howard bought it," Alex added, smirking.

Rick slumped over the table, choosing to play dead.

"What's worth a fortune?" Mark asked, turning to Rick, who was a stranger to him.

He's the friend Alex mentioned, Rick, right? Mark thought.

"Ask your husband," Rick replied, sulking over the table. He looked pitifully at Howard.

Howard shot him a disdainful glance.

Rick squeezed out a tear, looking miserable.

Howard ignored him, sipping his juice, but suddenly his body tensed, and his face turned red. He swatted Rick's hand away from his waist and kicked him hard.

Rick laughed, even as he doubled over from the pain. This kid will get himself killed by Howard one day, Alex thought, shaking his head.

But now wasn't the time to focus on others. Mark had coldly responded to Rick, "Who cares what he says? I have nothing to do with him."

Alex sighed. Mark was truly upset.