Angering His Wife

Mark's heart pounded wildly. Was Alex hinting at something more intimate? Was he seriously suggesting such a thing?

"I-I... I need to make it clear. Our agreement doesn't include that kind of thing. Don't get any ideas," Mark stammered, hugging himself defensively.

"So, wife, are you saying I should find someone else?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

Mark froze, feeling a strange, inexplicable emotion. Did he really want Alex to find someone else?

Alex leaned back on the sofa, observing Mark's reaction. Though Mark didn't get angry, his hesitation suggested there was hope.

"Oh, I see! I'll do as you wish and find someone else," Alex pretended to be upset, putting Mark back on his seat and adopting a displeased expression.

Mark bit his lip, feeling both reluctant and angry at Alex's attitude. This scoundrel, calling him 'wife' one moment, now wanted to find someone else because he didn't comply.

Mark sulked, staring out the window, feeling oddly empty inside.

Alex watched Mark's reflection in the glass, noticing the way he bit his lip in frustration. He smiled slyly. This was a good sign. If he played his cards right, winning Mark's heart wouldn't be too hard.

"What's with that sinister smile?" Rick's voice interrupted Alex's thoughts as he sat down, dragging Howard to sit beside him.

"Couldn't you find a seat?" Howard snapped, shaking off Rick's hand.

"My bad," Rick laughed, raising his hands in mock surrender.

Howard sat down, adjusting his glasses with a cold look.

Alex raised an eyebrow at Rick, silently asking what was going on between him and Howard. Rick shrugged, indicating he didn't know what had upset Howard.

"What's up with you?" Rick asked, noticing Mark glaring out the window and turning to Alex in a low voice.

Alex's smile grew. "Good things."

Good things? His wife was clearly angry. Rick's mouth twitched.

Rick shifted his gaze to Mark, studying him closely. It was surprising; he had thought Alex liked mature, assertive women, not cute, petite boys. But Mark was indeed good-looking, with fair skin and a pleasant appearance.

Rick's eyes suddenly landed on Mark's shirt. It looked familiar.

No way! That's a limited-edition jersey worth a fortune! Rick nearly choked. He pointed a trembling finger at Mark's shirt, glaring at Alex. "You, you, you... You wastrel! That shirt costs a fortune, and you let him wear it, even getting juice on it! You're wasting a precious item, Alex."

Rick was heartbroken. He had wanted to buy it for his collection but couldn't. Seeing Mark wear it was too much to bear.

Alex shot Rick a smug look. "Oh, by the way, Howard bought that shirt," he said, propping his chin on his hand with a sly grin.

Rick suffered another blow, slumping over the table, pretending to die.

"What's worth a fortune?" Mark turned to Rick, curious.

He's the friend Alex mentioned, right? Rick?

"Ask your husband," Rick replied, lying on the table, teary-eyed, looking pitifully at Howard.

Howard shot Rick a disdainful glance.

Rick squeezed out a tear, looking miserable.

Howard sipped his juice, but suddenly his body tensed, and his face turned red. He swatted Rick's hand away from his waist and kicked him hard.

Rick laughed, even though he was in pain. This kid will get himself killed by Howard one day, Alex thought, shaking his head.

But now wasn't the time to focus on others. Mark coldly replied to Rick's earlier comment, "Who cares what he says? I have nothing to do with him."

Alex sighed. Mark was truly angry and ignoring him.

"Ouch! Looks like someone got rejected by his wife," Rick teased, leaning back on the sofa and crossing his legs. He looked at Alex with a mischievous grin.

Mutual harm was the name of the game between these two, both equally matched in their schemes.

"Are you trying to make me reveal our agreement?" Alex countered, giving Rick a cold stare.

"Alright, alright, I give up," Rick surrendered, raising his hands. Damn it, Alex, you're impossible. Serves you right if your wife ignores you forever.

Despite his internal grumbling, Rick knew they were in the same boat, both getting ignored by their partners. Who was he to laugh?

Because both husbands were being ignored, the meal ended in silence. Despite Rick's attempts to start a conversation, no one responded, forcing him to give up.

Leaving the restaurant, Alex tried to hold Mark's hand, but Mark pushed him away and walked ahead.

Rick laughed at Alex's plight but got left behind by Howard, feeling the sting himself.

"Why are bottoms so hard to handle nowadays?" Rick sighed, putting an arm around Alex's shoulder as they watched Howard and Mark walk away.

Alex shrugged off Rick's arm, dusting the spot disdainfully. He ignored Rick and walked off.

Rick almost lost his balance, quickly steadying himself before chasing after Alex. "Wait up, Alex! Don't just leave me behind!"

As Alex and his friends left, Grace stood at the restaurant's entrance, seething.

"Mark, you'll pay for this!" Grace thought, convinced Mark had humiliated her on purpose.

"Grace, come here," the manager called from the register, putting her phone away with a stern look.

"Yes, ma'am," Grace hurried over, her earlier arrogance gone.

"What is it, Manager?" Grace asked nervously, glancing at the manager.

"Go change out of your uniform," the manager ordered, nodding toward the employees' corridor.

"But my shift isn't over," Grace replied, confused.

"Didn't you understand? You're fired."

"What? Fired? Why?" Grace's voice rose in panic, clutching her chest.

"Do I need a reason to fire a temp?" The manager crossed her arms, looking down at Grace with cold detachment.

Grace bit her lip in frustration. Damn old hag, abusing her power.

"Still here? Want me to call security?"

"This place isn't that great. I'll leave," Grace snapped, tearing off her name tag and throwing it at the manager's face.

The manager was furious. "Your wages for this month? You can forget about them. Get out!"

"Like I care. Keep your coffin money," Grace retorted, slamming the changing room door behind her.

"You'll never get anywhere with that attitude. You'll always be a temp," the manager fumed, her chest heaving.

The other employees were shocked but not surprised by Grace's firing. They had long been annoyed by her preferential treatment of wealthy customers while ignoring others. She ignored calls for service unless they came from someone rich.

But Grace wasn't fired for her poor work ethic. Alex had the manager fire her because she had insulted Mark. This restaurant was owned by one of Alex's acquaintances.

"Old hag, drop dead soon," Grace muttered as she changed, cursing the manager under her breath.

Leaving through the back door, she received a call from her brother, Kyle.

"What do you want?" she snapped, her temper still hot.

"Dad says to make sure you stay employed," Kyle started.

"I quit."

"You're 26 and can't even hold a temp job for a month," Kyle sighed.

"None of your business. I don't need your support."

Kyle was exasperated. "Do you know how serious things are? Dad's little restaurant got shut down yesterday. Mom's income is all we have."

"What? The restaurant? Why?"

"Hygiene violations, and the business license had issues. I didn't ask for details, but we have no income now."

"You brat, why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I just found out too!" Kyle snapped, his patience wearing thin.

Kyle was similar to Mark, a cute boy, but quieter and more serious. They were the same age and attended the same university. Kyle was the only one in the Ye family who didn't bully Mark and even helped him.

"Do you like men?" Grace suddenly asked, her tone serious.

Kyle was stunned but didn't panic. "Yes, I like men. So what?"

Grace smirked. "Mark found himself a rich guy. You should snatch him up."

Kyle clenched his fists. "Why do you always target Mark?"

"Because I can't stand him!" Grace snapped. "If you don't go after that man, I'll tell Mom and Dad you like men. Let's see if they don't beat you to death."

Kyle seethed. He knew Grace was a terrible person but didn't expect her to stoop this low.

"Don't worry. The guy's rich and handsome. You won't lose out."

"Unlike you, I'm not a slut who goes after anyone."

Kyle hung up, tossing his phone on the desk angrily.

"That crazy woman," he muttered, kicking his desk in frustration.

His phone beeped with a message. He hoped it was from the person he was waiting for but saw it was another threat from Grace, urging him to seduce Alex or she would out him to their parents.

"She's insane," Kyle growled.