Let Me Beat Them Up for You

"He's just calling me 'wife' randomly, don't listen to him," Mark hurriedly explained to Kyle. Then, he stood on tiptoe to cover Alex's mouth, glaring at him fiercely, "Are you out of your mind, calling me that in front of Kyle? What if he thinks we're disgusting?"

Thinking of the malicious looks from others recently, Mark didn't want to see the same in Kyle's eyes.

"Would he?" Alex glanced at Kyle, noticing that besides the initial surprise, his expression didn't show any other negative emotions.

He looks like he's on our side, Alex thought to himself.

"I don't know, so stop calling me that!" Mark was exasperated, glaring at Alex again.

I'm going to go crazy, I forgot to warn him about this.

Mark bit his lip, filled with regret.

What if he thinks there's something wrong with me and Alex?

Mark sneaked a glance back at Kyle, but Kyle was simply watching them calmly.

Strange, his expression seems off.

"Sir, dinner is ready," a servant approached Alex respectfully, then looked at Mark and smiled, "Good evening, young madam."

Howard had informed the servants about Mark, so she addressed him accordingly.

Mark nearly choked, feeling like he might vomit blood.

Damn it, calling me 'young madam', I'm a man!

"Go upstairs and call Howard and Rick," Alex instructed while holding Mark.

"Yes, sir." The servant bowed and left.

"Why are you carrying me? Put me down!" Mark hit Alex and struggled.

Damn this guy, Kyle is still here.

Mark felt both angry and humiliated, being carried like a child by Alex. How embarrassing!

"The floor is cold," Alex said, touching Mark's bare feet. Mark had rushed downstairs so quickly that he hadn't put on his shoes.

Only then did Mark realize he wasn't wearing shoes.

He sure pays attention to details.

Mark grumbled to himself.

Wait a minute, it's the middle of summer, how can the floor be cold? He's just making an excuse to hold me! I almost got fooled.

Mark got angry again, grabbing Alex by the collar with a fierce expression, "Tell me how you want to die, I'll be happy to oblige."

This manipulative bastard.

"The floor really is cold, I'm not taking advantage of you," Alex explained, warming Mark's cold feet with his hands.

"I'd believe you if pigs could fly." Mark struggled harder, "Let go of me, you jerk."

Mark wriggled and fought, making a lot of noise.

"Don't move so much, you'll really fall," Alex said, worried that Mark, moving like a slippery fish, might fall off. He held him tighter.

Mark, however, kept fighting back, hitting and cursing loudly, his voice echoing through the hall.

Kyle, left alone, watched Mark and Alex with envy in his eyes.

Mark can make such a fuss, and Alex doesn't get angry. If it were my 'uncle', he would find me annoying just for talking.

Kyle lowered his gaze, feeling more and more upset seeing Mark and Alex so sweet together.

Indeed, human joys and sorrows are never the same.

Kyle smiled bitterly, feeling like a coward.

Suddenly, his phone chimed with a message.

Kyle's heart lifted for a moment as he checked his phone, but his brief joy was replaced by disappointment. The message was from Grace, and it read: "Steal that guy's man away from him. I want to make Mark's life a living hell. If you run away, I'll tell Mom and Dad you like men. Let's see if they won't call the police on you."

Kyle bit his lip, holding back tears, hating his family for not considering his feelings, only threatening and hurting him.

Would you only be happy if I died?

Tears blurred Kyle's vision as he restrained himself from crying and replied to Grace.

Grace found his response amusing and replied: "Then go die! Maybe we'll get compensation, and I'll have money to buy a new handbag."

Kyle broke down completely after reading this, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

"Kyle, what's wrong?" Mark, finally free from Alex's grasp, turned to see Kyle crying miserably.

"Mark," Kyle sobbed, throwing himself into Mark's arms.

"I'm here, I'm here," Mark patted Kyle's back awkwardly, trying to comfort him despite his inexperience.

It was the first time Mark had seen Kyle cry like this. Usually, Kyle would get angry and leave when his father hit him, never crying like this.

"How can they treat me like this?" Kyle cried louder, letting out all his grievances.

The 'they' probably included that 'uncle' who never contacted him.

"Tell me who bullied you, I'll beat them up for you. If I can't, I'll get Alex to do it," Mark said, trying to comfort Kyle, patting his back repeatedly.

Dear wife, now you remember me, huh? I'm your husband, not your underling.

Alex felt like crying but smiled inside. Though he was complaining, he was happy that Mark thought of relying on him.

But Kyle's timing was suspicious. He reached out to Mark right after meeting Grace. Could there be a connection?

Alex's sharp instincts picked up something unusual. He scrutinized Kyle, crying in Mark's arms.

As he observed, Alex's brow furrowed. He wanted to pull Kyle away from Mark but knew Mark would scold him if he did, so he sighed and suppressed his displeasure.

"Sir," the servant whispered, "Rick didn't respond, and Mr. Howard said he wasn't hungry and that you should eat first."

Alex had expected this outcome, so he wasn't surprised.

He sighed, frustrated but knowing he couldn't interfere.

"Shall I try calling them again?" the servant asked.

"No need. They'll come down when they're hungry."

"Yes, sir." The servant bowed and stepped aside.

"Let's eat first, and then we can talk," Alex said, patting Mark's head.

Mark looked up at Alex for help, unsure how to handle Kyle, who was still crying.

Alex sighed, then said to Kyle, "Explain everything later. I can help you."

Kyle, face tear-streaked and eyes red, stepped out of Mark's embrace, sniffling and hesitating before nodding.

Mark sighed in relief, glad Kyle had stopped crying.

"Let's go eat," Mark said, taking Kyle's hand and leading him to the dining room.

Kyle followed, wiping his tears.

Alex trailed behind, resigned.

At the dining table, Kyle nervously apologized in a small voice, "I'm sorry. Grace made me come here to steal your husband."

"What? Grace told you to do this?" Mark exploded with rage.

Kyle nodded, "She said she ran into you and mentioned how wealthy your husband is. She told me to come and take him."

The more Mark listened, the angrier he got, almost breathing fire.

I knew it. When I left the restaurant, she didn't come out to scold me because she had this plan.

Alex, sitting next to Mark, had expected this, his expression calm.

"Of course, I didn't mean it. I wouldn't break you two up," Kyle quickly explained, worried Mark would be angry.

"I know you're not like them. You're different from Grace and your parents," Mark smiled reassuringly at Kyle.

Mark's trust moved Kyle, making him feel ashamed. Tears welled up again.

"I'm sorry for not stopping them when they bullied you."

"It's okay. You helped me a few times, and you couldn't stop them anyway. You might have been beaten up," Mark said. He didn't want Kyle to intervene because his parents favored Grace and treated Kyle like a burden.

Mark had often thought, how could someone as cute as Kyle come from such greedy parents?

"Grace threatened you, didn't she?" Mark asked.

Kyle nodded, "She found out I like men and threatened to tell my parents if I didn't do as she said. You know they don't like me. If they found out, they'd think I shamed them and send me to a mental hospital."

Kyle's hands trembled with fear, his eyes filled with terror.

What? Kyle likes men?

Damn, how did I not know? We've lived together for nearly ten years.

Mark's shock was evident.