Does Alex Like Me?

However, with Kyle being so cute, he seems to pair well with a man. Mark even imagined Kyle shyly standing next to his own man, blushing and looking all flustered, which sparked his protective instincts.

Damn, that's kind of appealing, Mark thought, his mouth twitching slightly. Maybe I have a bit of a fujoshi gene after all.

"Nowadays, some people are still stuck in the past, thinking that men who like men have something wrong with their heads," Alex said coolly, offering Mark a piece of meat.

Mark frowned immediately. Why are you feeding me? I have my own hands. But despite his grumbling, he opened his mouth and ate, enjoying the taste.

Alex smiled at once, reaching out to wipe the sauce off Mark's lips and then tasting it himself.

"You… you… what are you doing?" Mark blushed furiously, shocked by Alex's action. He leaned back, his face burning.

"There was sauce on you," Alex explained with a smile, carefully wiping the corners of Mark's mouth before giving him a kiss.

Boom! Mark's entire face turned crimson, like a boiled shrimp. This bastard, how can he kiss me so naturally?

For the first time, Alex's teasing left Mark speechless, his face burning with embarrassment.

Sitting opposite, Kyle blushed as well, quickly looking away and focusing on his food. They really don't treat me as an outsider at all!

But thankfully, Mark isn't mad. His husband is quite something too. Kyle felt relieved and a small smile appeared on his face, happy for Mark. But then his mood darkened, remembering the "uncle."

It's been a month without contact. Did he abandon me? Kyle's eyes welled up again, feeling more and more wronged.

Bastard, taking my body and then running off. Kyle stuffed his mouth with rice in anger, cheeks puffed up.

After about twenty minutes, Mark, now full, hurriedly put down his chopsticks and pulled Kyle away, as if escaping. "If you dare follow us, you're dead," he warned Alex, giving a snort.

Sitting at the table, Alex smiled. "Tease him a little and he gets all flustered."

My wife is really cute. It makes me want to make him cry, Alex thought, his intentions far from innocent, unbeknownst to Mark.

Mark, out of breath, collapsed onto the small lounge sofa on the second floor, panting heavily.

Kyle, equally winded, slumped beside him, catching his breath. 

"Are you okay?" Mark swallowed and asked Kyle.

"Just a bit uncomfortable running right after eating," Kyle said, rubbing his stomach.

"Sorry, but if I didn't run, Alex would start groping again," Mark said angrily.

Kyle remained silent, scrutinizing Mark for a moment before curiously asking, "How did you become Alex's wife?"

"Uh... it's a long story," Mark said awkwardly, but eventually, he told Kyle about attending the wedding, Alex's deal, and all the details, holding nothing back.

"It sounds like something out of a novel," Kyle concluded after listening.

"It's practically fantasy," Mark couldn't help but retort, leaning back and staring at the ceiling.

"You don't seem like a fake couple at all. You seem even sweeter than real couples, really close," Kyle said.

"Pfft, you must be seeing things! How can that be? We're not close at all," Mark protested loudly, almost spitting blood.

"You are! Alex really spoils you; it's obvious," Kyle analyzed seriously, his points making sense.

What? He spoils me? He's just messing with me and taking advantage, that bastard.

Mark gritted his teeth in hatred.

"But if he didn't like you, he wouldn't steal kisses or feed you. He wouldn't wipe your sauce off either. Those are intimate gestures that real couples do, and your husband does it naturally. It can't be fake," Kyle analyzed, every word hitting the mark.

Alex likes me? That's impossible.

Mark found it absurd. They hadn't known each other that long; how could Alex like him?

"I don't think he would just marry someone randomly for something as significant as a wedding. You said he had your number even though you didn't give it to him. He must have noticed you earlier, but you didn't know," Kyle continued to analyze.

Mark began to panic, his heart racing. Damn it, even though I don't want to admit it, Kyle's words make some sense!

So, that bastard planned this all along?

Damn, I knew that man had bad intentions. He gave me so much money because he knew I needed it. That bastard, playing me like a fool.

Mark's mind worked differently than others. Most people would find such a scenario touching, perhaps even romantic, a sign of destiny. But Mark felt Alex was just playing with him and wanted to beat him up.

Why does Mark seem angrier? Did I say something wrong? Kyle was confused by Mark's reaction, which was different from what he expected.

"Why are you angry?" Kyle asked, puzzled.

"Of course, I'm angry! That bastard played me," Mark replied, seething with rage.

Kyle scratched his head. Something feels off. Shouldn't he be happy? Alex went through so much trouble to be with him.

But Mark's fiery personality probably couldn't handle such a pursuit.

Kyle understood Mark's reaction and didn't press further.

After a while, Kyle said, "For people like us, finding true love is really hard. I don't want you to miss out."

"I don't like him," Mark replied quickly, sounding confident at first but then pausing, looking conflicted.

Damn it, Mark, you hesitated! Why are you hesitating? Mark scolded himself.

Kyle observed Mark's reaction, a faint smile appearing. Even though Mark kept saying he didn't like Alex and was only in it for the money, it was clear to Kyle that Mark cared about Alex more than he realized.

"Are you mocking me?" Mark asked, frustrated, hitting Kyle lightly.

Kyle quickly shook his head. "Your expression was just funny. It's like you're fighting with yourself, afraid of realizing you like Alex. That's why I laughed, not to mock you."

"I don't like him, you're just imagining things," Mark snapped back, denying it vehemently.

"Alright, alright, you don't like him. It's all my misunderstanding. Don't get mad," Kyle said, conceding.

"Hmph! That's more like it," Mark said, crossing his arms, looking a bit smug.

"But Alex is very popular. If you're not careful, someone might steal him. Guys nowadays are very proactive," Kyle warned, making Mark aware.

"I don't care. If he gets seduced away, it means he wasn't worth it," Mark said nonchalantly, showing no concern. But deep down, he was panicking. What if Alex really gets taken away?

He kept saying he didn't like Alex, but he was worried.

Kyle saw through Mark's facade and smiled, now sure that Mark cared about Alex but just didn't want to admit it.

"Um, Kyle, can I ask you something?" Mark hesitated, his face inexplicably red.

"Sure, go ahead."

"It's just... it's a bit embarrassing," Mark said, avoiding Kyle's eyes, looking anxious.

Kyle was puzzled, not understanding what Mark was getting at.

After taking several deep breaths, Mark finally looked at Kyle, heart pounding, and asked, "Have you ever, um, you know, with a guy?"

He asked quickly, holding his breath, feeling like he was going to faint from the embarrassment.

Kyle initially listened seriously, but as he realized what Mark was asking, his face turned red, blushing deeply.

"As expected, you haven't experienced it. Forget I asked," Mark said, feeling too embarrassed. He wanted to drop the topic immediately.

Damn it, Mark, what are you asking? That's such a private question. Of course, Kyle wouldn't answer.

But to Mark's surprise, Kyle did answer, blushing and speaking shyly, "I do have experience."

"What? Really?" Mark was shocked, staring at Kyle in disbelief.

Kyle, such an innocent kid, actually had experience?

Kyle couldn't look at Mark, his face and neck turning red.

Damn, he looks so genuine, not like he's lying.

"When did it happen?" Mark asked, now curious.

"Just a few months ago," Kyle said, his voice getting softer, looking shy.

Mark gasped, then leaned in to whisper, "So, how was it?"

Kyle blushed even more but didn't avoid the question. He answered honestly, "It felt good."

"Alex doesn't seem like the type to ignore your feelings, so you don't have to worry," Kyle added.

Mark, caught off guard, felt guilty and quickly said, "What does that have to do with him?"

But it was obvious he was lying, his face red.

Kyle could see through Mark's facade and was now certain that Mark cared for Alex but just didn't want to admit it.