Was Kyle Deceived by a Bad Man?

"I don't know how gentle Alex is in that aspect, but I believe he really loves you and would never hurt you," Kyle said, assuming Mark was just scared, and tried to reassure him.

Mark had intended to deny it, saying it wasn't with Alex, but since Kyle was so open about his own private matters, Mark decided not to hide anything. Scratching his face and feeling a bit uneasy, he admitted, "Actually, during the day we talked a bit about this, and he tested my attitude. I flatly refused, and then he said he'd find someone else. I got a little angry."

As he mentioned getting angry, Mark's voice turned sullen, still feeling upset.

"He was probably just trying to scare you," Kyle replied without hesitation.

"Really?" Mark's eyes lit up.

"Absolutely. He was likely testing if you cared. When he said he'd find someone else, he wanted to see if you'd get mad."

Mark felt a sudden sense of relief but still pouted. "What the hell, scaring me on purpose? That's too mean. I actually believed him."

"I think Alex has liked you for a long time. I don't know how it started, but the way he looks at you is full of affection. When he looks at me, it's just like looking at any other person, no emotional fluctuations."

"How do you know he's not just pretending? He's always asking me to act with him," Mark argued back. Strangely, though, he felt a sweetness inside, not minding it at all.

Could it be that I'm starting to care about him?

Mark absentmindedly touched his chest, asking himself.

"I'm suddenly very envious of you," Kyle blurted out, quickly covering his mouth and hastily explaining, "I don't mean Alex's actions are right. It's just that I'm envious of how much he spoils you."

"No need to explain, I get it. I'm not mad," Mark reassured.

"That's good."

Kyle patted his chest, calming down.

Mark then looked at Kyle curiously, asking, "Is your boyfriend not good to you?"

"He's not my boyfriend," Kyle lowered his head, staring sadly at his hands.

Mark was stunned. "But didn't you two sleep together?"

Kyle shook his head, his mood dropping, and he sniffled, feeling wronged.

"What the hell? That guy used you and ran off? What a jerk!" Mark was instantly fired up, rolling up his sleeves, ready for a fight.

Kyle cried harder, wiping his tears as he explained, "It's not like that. He did run off, but it was a bit complicated when we met."

"Complicated? You mean he drugged you or something?" Mark guessed.

Kyle nodded through his tears. "If it wasn't for him helping me, my senior would have succeeded."

"He took me home, and we just..."

Mark could guess what happened next without Kyle needing to elaborate.

"And that was just one night?" Mark asked.

"I thought so too. I thought we would be strangers after that night, but he suddenly asked if I liked men. When I said yes, he asked if I wanted to try dating."

"What? Try dating? What a scumbag!" Mark was outraged.

Kyle didn't argue, just continued to sniffle, "Since my first time was with him, I was confused and thought he liked me. But then last month, he suddenly disappeared, and I couldn't reach him anymore."

Mark couldn't listen anymore. This guy was clearly trash.

"Did you even know where he worked?" Mark asked.

"I went once. It seemed like he was the boss there," Kyle replied.

"Good. Leave it to me. I'll find him and bring him back for you to deal with," Mark said fiercely.

"Deal with? Are you going to beat him up?" Kyle was frightened.

"Don't worry, I won't kill him. And if anything happens, Alex will cover for me," Mark said confidently, seeing Alex as a useful tool.

Listening from the corridor, Alex smiled wryly. "My wife really uses me as her personal hitman."

"That's what you get for spoiling him. Now he's walking all over you," Rick commented, leaning against the wall and blowing smoke out the window. "Want a cigarette?"

"I don't want my wife inhaling secondhand smoke," Alex declined.

He moved beside Rick, leaning over the window, enjoying the evening breeze. "Is Howard still mad?"

Rick paused, then nodded slightly.

"I did yell at him. It's normal for him to be angry. I even kicked him out of the room," Rick admitted.

"Impressive," Alex chuckled.

Rick joined in the laugh, albeit bitterly. "Just this once. I won't dare next time. I thought my efforts would make Howard respond positively, but I was wrong."

"I understand how you feel," Alex said, reaching for Rick's cigarette.

"Didn't you say you didn't want your wife inhaling smoke?" Rick raised an eyebrow.

"I'm making an exception for you, seeing how pitiful you are," Alex said, despite his harsh words, accepting the cigarette Rick offered and lighting it.

Rick pocketed the lighter, running a hand through his hair and blowing smoke out the window. "Aren't you going to stop your wife? What if he kills someone?"

"My wife has money, and scum like that deserves to be beaten," Alex said coldly.

Rick didn't comment further, just chuckled, finding Alex's attitude fitting.

"But your wife's cousin is really cute," Rick noted.

"Not as cute as my wife," Alex countered.

"Sure, sure. Your wife is the cutest," Rick replied sarcastically, puffing on his cigarette.

"What about Howard? Don't you think he's cute?" Alex asked.

"Are you blind? My wife's sexy, long legs, thin waist, and a nice ass. Cute doesn't even come close," Rick retorted, clearly indicating what he found appealing about Howard.

"Just don't say that to his face, or he'll beat you up," Alex advised nonchalantly, blowing smoke.

"I'd rather he beat me up than lock himself away and refuse to see me," Rick said, scratching his head in frustration, regretting yelling at Howard.

"Damn it, why are there so many troublesome things?" Rick muttered, staring blankly at the moon.

"Isn't that Howard?" Alex suddenly said, looking down at the courtyard.

"Where?" Rick immediately looked for Howard.

Alex pointed towards the parking lot, just in time to see Howard getting into a car and driving off hastily.

"Shit," Rick cursed, extinguishing his cigarette and running downstairs. His phone rang as he reached the hall.

"Any progress?" he asked urgently, running towards the courtyard. "Can I borrow your car?"

"Go ahead," Alex called back from the window, generously offering his car.

Rick jumped into the car, starting it up and following Howard. He answered the phone, asking, "Any progress?"

"We've fixed the surveillance and confirmed your suspicions," the person on the other end reported.

"Send the video to my phone. I don't have time to talk," Rick interrupted, hanging up before the person could say more.

The person on the other end tried to call back, but Rick was already gone.

"What's going on? Why all the noise?" Mark asked, stepping out into the corridor and looking at Alex.

Alex quickly stubbed out his cigarette, tossing it into a nearby trash can. "Rick is in a bad mood. I had one with him to keep him company," he explained, smiling and ruffling Mark's hair.

"You smell like smoke," Mark complained, dodging Alex's hand.

"Okay, I'll go shower and brush my teeth," Alex said, still smiling lovingly.

Turning to Kyle, he said, "The guest room is ready. It's at the end of the corridor. Stay as long as you like."

"Thank you," Kyle replied, unsurprised by Alex's hospitality. He knew Alex wanted to keep Mark close, which is why he was being so generous.

"Stay as long as you like? You're really generous," Mark teased Alex, unaware of his true intentions.

But Kyle living here was better. That house wasn't friendly to him, and going back meant more abuse.

Mark sighed inwardly, then told Kyle, "Since he's letting you stay, you should. It's free, and you'll be well taken care of, much better than at home."

Kyle felt a bit awkward, not realizing he'd been sold out. He was staying too.

Seems like he doesn't know yet. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so calm, Kyle thought, feeling a bit sorry for Mark. Alex's schemes were many, and Mark still couldn't see through them.