Crazy Howard?

"Are you out of your mind?" Olive's anger flared as Howard's attitude got on his nerves. He reached out to grab Howard's hair to teach him a lesson. However, Howard swiftly raised his leg and kicked Olive into the room.

Olive let out a painful grunt, unprepared for the attack, and fell to the ground in a clumsy heap, his slipper flying off. He was utterly stunned, unable to comprehend that Howard had dared to hit him.

"You... you dare hit me?" Olive shouted in rage, veins bulging on his forehead.

Howard ignored him, striding forward and delivering a fierce kick to Olive's stomach. A clear sound indicated a possible broken rib.

"Ah..." Olive wailed, the piercing sound echoing through the room.

Howard didn't stop there. He bent down, grabbed Olive by the hair, and roughly hauled him onto the coffee table, shattering the glass surface and cutting Olive's body.

"Blood...?" Olive stared in disbelief at his blood-covered hands, his pupils trembling.

"You... you dare hit me? Even my father never hit me!" Olive, pushed to the brink, grabbed a shard of glass and lunged at Howard.

Howard effortlessly dodged, causing Olive to miss and stumble to the ground.

Humiliated, Olive was filled with rage, but before he could get up to retaliate, he coughed up blood, clutching his abdomen and turning pale.

I... I got beaten up by Howard? No, he's not weak. This man is clearly trained, but he pretends to be harmless, Olive thought, seething with anger.

Howard calmly dusted off his suit and adjusted his glasses before picking up Olive's phone from the floor.

Realizing the phone required a password, Howard kicked Olive, commanding, "Unlock it."

"In your dreams," Olive spat, clutching his injured side and glaring at Howard.

"Is that so? You won't unlock it?" Howard loosened his tie, his eyes cold and sinister behind his glasses.

"What... what are you going to do?" Olive asked, fear evident on his face as he backed away.

"Originally, I didn't plan on doing anything. But since you're not cooperating, let's try something new," Howard said ominously.

Hearing the word "new," Olive felt a surge of panic. This man is a lunatic.

Only now did Olive realize he had provoked the wrong person.

"What if I let your blood flow and stage it as a suicide? Wouldn't that be interesting?" Howard suggested.

"Who would believe that? Why would I commit suicide?" Olive shouted back.

Howard pushed his glasses up with his middle finger, smiling chillingly. "If a sum of public funds suddenly disappears, your death would seem natural. Everyone would think you committed suicide out of fear of being caught."

Olive's eyes widened in terror. The fear in them was palpable.

Howard intensified his threat, leaning closer and grabbing Olive's head, whispering in his ear, "You know, with my position, making a sum of money disappear is child's play. Want to try?"

Olive's hands trembled, knowing Howard could easily make it happen without leaving any evidence.

This man is insane.

"Are you ready to unlock it now?" Howard shoved the phone in Olive's face, eyes narrowed with a smile.

Olive swallowed hard, hurriedly putting distance between himself and Howard. But he didn't dare argue anymore. He took the phone from Howard and unlocked it, handing it back.

Howard's smile vanished as he took the phone and sat on the couch, scanning through it. He deleted all the videos and pictures from the gallery and the folders.

After ensuring there were no backups, Howard breathed a sigh of relief. Luckily, Olive wasn't smart enough to keep copies; otherwise, he'd be in deep trouble.

"Can I go now?" Olive asked, trembling, kneeling in front of Howard.

With his objective achieved, Howard wouldn't do anything more to Olive. But before he could say anything, Rick's voice echoed from outside, calling Howard's name in a panic.

How does he know I'm here? Howard frowned.

As Howard pondered, Rick sprinted past the room, running as if in a race.

Idiot, Howard thought, exasperated.

"Howard?" Rick returned, skidding to a halt at the doorway, panting heavily and clutching the doorframe.

"What, did you see a ghost?" Howard, seated on the couch facing the door, watched Rick's antics with amusement.

Rick seemed to realize he'd run past the right room and rushed back, his eyes widening as he took in the scene.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Rick asked, worried, stepping into the room and fearing for his delicate wife.

But inside, he saw Olive kneeling, battered and bruised, while Howard sat like a boss.

What's going on? Why is Olive kneeling and my supposedly delicate wife sitting like a big shot? Rick thought, his eyes wide with confusion.

"Did I enter wrong?" Rick muttered, scratching his face.

He quickly ran out, closing the door behind him, then dramatically reopened it and burst in. The scene was the same: Howard seated, Olive kneeling.

Rick broke out in a cold sweat, silenced by shock, his face pale.

This means Howard can fight. Olive, who is taller and stronger, got beaten up. So, what if Howard decides to beat me for my usual antics? 

Rick felt a sudden urge to cry. He came to play the hero, only to find out Howard was more than capable of handling himself.

Is Rick here to be funny? Olive thought, giving Rick a sideways glance.

"Did you follow me?" Howard asked, his voice laced with danger.

"No, no. I was worried about you, so I followed," Rick explained hurriedly.

Howard scrutinized Rick, his gaze piercing. Rick gulped, intimidated by Howard's current demeanor.

Wait, this is a good thing, Rick realized. Howard could easily beat Olive but didn't take me down, right?

Rick found solace in this thought, staring at Howard with curiosity.

Howard didn't notice Rick's expression. He tossed Olive's phone back at him and warned, "If I catch you taking pictures again, it won't end with just a beating."

Howard then stood and walked out of the room, his demeanor cold.

"Wait for me, darling," Rick called, quickly following.

Olive collapsed in relief, sprawled on the floor.

"He's truly crazy. No wonder Alex keeps him around," Olive muttered, still trembling.

"Would he have really drained my blood if I hadn't unlocked the phone?" Olive shuddered at the thought, clutching his aching stomach.

Rick, trailing Howard out of the hotel and into the parking lot, kept calling for him to wait. But Howard got into his car and drove off without a word.

"Damn it," Rick grumbled, scratching his head in frustration. He had no choice but to follow in Alex's car.

They soon returned to Alex's mansion. Howard parked and walked inside without looking back, leaving Rick behind.

"Could you at least wait a second?" Rick muttered, slamming his car door and rushing inside.

His phone rang, and he answered irritably, "I'm busy. Make it quick."

The man on the other end spoke quickly, "I was worried about you, so I called to check."

"Worried about what? I'm fine," Rick snapped.

But the man continued, "I saw the video of Howard. He's dangerous. You should stay away."

"Dangerous?" Rick's steps halted, his face darkening. "What do you mean?"

The man explained, "He's the second son of the Hou family. Though he's from the second branch and can't inherit the family, he's skilled and dangerous. In our circles, they call him a lunatic."

Rick couldn't hide his shock. His family also dealt with unsavory characters, but he never suspected Howard's background.

"Wait, does Alex know?" Rick asked.

"Shen should know. His uncle's family is close to Howard's," the man replied.

Damn you, Alex. You knew all along and didn't tell me. You let me think Howard was just an ordinary secretary. No wonder you said winning him over was up to me. Now I get it, Rick thought, frustrated.

The Hou family and my family have always been rivals, competing for territory and business. My father would never approve of me being with Howard, especially since he's a man.

"Sorry if I spoke out of turn, but Shen comes from a clean background. It's best if you don't get too involved with him. Your father won't be pleased," the man continued.

Rick knew this all too well and felt a headache coming on.

"I'm sorry for prying into your affairs," the man apologized, sounding worried.

Rick understood the man's good intentions and didn't get angry.

"I heard Howard grew up with his mother. How did he end up being the second son of the Hou family?" Rick asked, wanting to know more about Howard's past.

The man sighed, "I don't know all the details. But I heard the main family oppressed Howard's mother, eventually forcing them to live in the countryside. Howard only brought his mother back to the city after working as Shen's secretary, even buying her a house."

So his father didn't support them? Rick thought, his anger rising.

"What about Olive?" Rick asked, changing the subject.

"Teach him a lesson. Let him know the consequences of messing with my people," Rick ordered coldly, ending the call.

Half an hour later, Olive was driving home when his car was hit and pushed off a bridge. He struggled in the water, shouting for help. Fortunately, passersby rescued him in time.

On the bridge, the man who orchestrated the accident smoked leisurely, confirming the lesson was delivered before driving away.