Introducing a Boyfriend to Kyle

"Um, how do you plan to deal with Grace?" Kyle asked Alex cautiously.

"My wife has the final say," Alex replied, leaving the decision to Mark.

"Grace always wants to marry a rich man. Making sure she can't achieve that will drive her crazy," Mark said angrily.

Alex's lips curved into a slight smile. "Alright, we'll do as you say."

In his social circles, Alex had considerable influence. Just a hint about Grace's poor character, and no wealthy young man would approach her.

"Why are you being so obedient today?" Mark looked Alex up and down, not quite believing it.

"Is it bad if I'm obedient?" Alex smiled.

"It's good, but I'm not used to it. Feels like you're setting me up," Mark said honestly.

So he isn't completely naive, Alex thought with a laugh, though he wouldn't admit it. "In our family, we're all henpecked husbands. Listening to the wife is just natural, right?"

"For others, that seems normal. For you, it doesn't," Mark retorted, skeptical that Alex, a businessman, would do anything without benefit.

"I'm a bit tired. I'll go rest now," Kyle said, trying to excuse himself and avoid interrupting Alex and Mark.

But Mark followed him. "I'll sleep in your room tonight."

"That's... that's not a good idea," Kyle quickly glanced at Alex, scared out of his wits.

Alex grabbed Mark's head, his smile not reaching his eyes. "Wife, it's not right to bother your cousin at night. It's inconvenient for him."

Mark didn't catch Alex's anger and, holding Kyle's hand, innocently replied, "What's the big deal? We always shared a room."

Alex's face darkened. That wasn't his point.

Kyle understood the underlying message and quickly explained to Mark, "You have a husband now, so it's different. You should sleep with your husband."

Mark stared at Kyle, surprised, and then said something shocking, "He's not my real husband. You know that, right?"

This guy is really dense, Kyle thought, sighing internally. He glanced at Alex, whose expression indeed looked bad, as if he wanted to pummel Mark.

Kyle was here to escape trouble, not to experience more fear. He was about to panic when Alex, narrowing his eyes and smiling 'kindly', asked him, "What kind of men do you like? Want me to introduce you to someone?"

The implied threat made Kyle break out in a cold sweat. Why did he always get caught in the crossfire?

"You want to introduce a boyfriend to Kyle?" Mark was intrigued, immediately looking at Alex excitedly.

Alex seemed like a decent person, so his friends shouldn't be bad either. Besides, if they did run away, Alex could help track them down, unlike now, where they had no leads on the man who hurt Kyle.

"Of course, if your cousin is willing, I don't mind," Alex said, giving Kyle a look that clearly said, 'Agree quickly so I can find you a boyfriend. That way, my wife won't want to sleep with you.'

Understanding Alex's silent message, Kyle felt helpless. He wasn't ready for another relationship, afraid of encountering another jerk. 

Seeing Kyle's expression, Alex thought it over and said, "My little uncle is coming back from a trip tomorrow. If you're okay with it, I can introduce you. He's older than you, but his character is solid."

Kyle was stunned. Alex was introducing a family member. He must really want Mark to stay with him. 

"Meet him, Kyle. Alex is handsome, so his uncle should be, too," Mark encouraged. He wanted Kyle to move on from his previous relationship, freeing him to hunt down that despicable man.

Kyle hesitated, looking at his hands. He was still traumatized by older men. But with Alex and Mark being so kind, he couldn't refuse and eventually nodded.

"If I find it unsuitable, can I... refuse?" Kyle asked nervously.

"If it doesn't work out, just say so. No pressure," Alex assured.

"That's... that's good," Kyle breathed a sigh of relief, patting his chest.

Alex fell silent, scrutinizing Kyle from head to toe without blinking. Though he mentioned his little uncle on a whim, he thought Kyle might get along with him. Kyle's face seemed like his uncle's type.

While Alex was staring at Kyle, Mark grew furious. This damn man, staring at Kyle in front of me? Is he cheating?

Mark gave Alex a fierce kick and angrily dragged Kyle away, cursing, "Bastard, scum."

Caught off guard, Alex's face turned pale as he doubled over, clutching the wall and gritting his teeth. "Mark!"

His voice was filled with rage, as if he wanted to devour Mark alive. It seemed he was hurt badly.

In the guest room, with the door locked, Mark fumed, "Yell all you want. Serves you right for staring."

Kyle, watching Mark's anger, sighed, "That looked painful. Is he okay?"

Meanwhile, Rick was driving, following Howard's car nervously, afraid of losing him.

"Damn it! I told him to talk to me. Even when threatened, he stayed silent," Rick cursed, gripping the steering wheel.

Then he slapped his forehead in frustration. "It's my fault for not being careful, getting us caught."

"Damn it, Rick, you deserve to be yelled at," Rick muttered, hitting himself.

Soon, he saw Howard's car pull into a hotel parking lot. Rick's anger surged again.

"That scum, meeting Howard at a hotel," he growled, knowing what it implied.

Rick hurriedly parked and ran towards the hotel, but a drunk person arguing with someone blocked his way. He had to take a side path.

By the time he reached the lobby, Howard was already in the elevator. 

"Dammit," Rick fumed, frantically pressing the elevator button. "Why can't it come faster?"

He wanted to pry the doors open and climb up, worried Howard might be in danger.

"He's so delicate. How could he fight back?" Rick muttered, his anxiety growing.

Finally, the elevator arrived, and Rick rushed in, pressing the button for the 15th floor. He paced nervously as the elevator ascended.

Meanwhile, Howard reached the appointed room and knocked.

The man inside, with a towel-dried head and wearing a bathrobe, opened the door.

Seeing Howard, he smirked. "You came."

Howard's eyes narrowed, recognizing the finance department assistant, Olive. He never expected the threat to come from this sycophant who always flattered him.

"Come in," Olive said, opening the door wider, gesturing inside with his chin.

Howard, suppressing his anger, entered the room silently. Olive, younger and in a lower position, was Thomas's nephew from the board of directors.

So that's why he was slacking off in the reception room. A privileged connection, Howard thought, fuming inside.

"Not coming in? If you don't, you won't get those photos and videos back," Olive taunted, roughly lifting Howard's chin.

Howard slapped his hand away, glaring coldly.

"Fiery, huh?" Olive laughed, rubbing his sore hand.

He was tall, well-built, and decent-looking, but his actions were despicable.

"Don't stay silent. It's scary," Olive teased, trying to grab Howard's chin again. But Howard dodged, making him miss.

Olive frowned. "If Rick can mess with you, why can't I?"

Howard found it laughable. "Who are you to compare yourself to him?"

The insult pricked Olive's male pride, and he frowned deeper.

This brat is fearless, even now. Daring to provoke me, Olive thought.

"Don't forget, Thomas is my uncle," Olive threatened.

"So?" Howard asked coldly.

"So?" Olive laughed. "Playing tough, huh? The board meeting only turned around because of Rick. What if I send the videos to my uncle? Won't that reverse the situation again?"

Howard's hands clenched tightly, anger flaring.

Finally, he's angry. My threat is working, Olive thought, his smirk widening. He leaned closer, whispering in Howard's ear, "Just cooperate with me. Give me what I want, and I won't send the photos and videos. But if you don't, I'll send everything to my uncle."

Howard pushed Olive away, forcing himself to stay calm. "How do I know you won't send the videos after getting what you want?"

"I don't have backups. Once I'm satisfied, I'll delete everything in front of you," Olive said, waving his phone.

"Really? No backups?" Howard adjusted his glasses, a strange gleam in his eyes.

Olive was puzzled. Why is he still smiling?