Becoming Stronger for Howard

Standing on the room's balcony, Rick received a call from one of his men, confirming that the job was done and he could rest easy.

"Make sure my father doesn't find out," Rick instructed.

"Rest assured, sir. Olive will be in the hospital for at least a month before he can leave."

"Good." Rick responded curtly, ending the call before stepping back into the room.

Just then, Howard emerged from the bathroom, freshly showered. Seeing Rick, he frowned. "Why are you in my room in the middle of the night?"

"I gave up my room for Mark's cousin. I have nowhere to sleep," Rick replied with a grin, walking over and lifting Howard in his arms, looking up at him with a playful smile.

Howard frowned deeper, clearly displeased. Alex's mansion was enormous with plenty of rooms. Howard would never believe Rick had nowhere to sleep.

"Are you too lazy to even make up a proper lie now? Can you be any worse at it?"

"Oops, got caught," Rick laughed carelessly, but didn't put Howard down because Howard didn't explicitly tell him to.

"Today's incident was my fault," Rick admitted sincerely, his playful demeanor dropping.

Howard remained silent, motioning with his chin for Rick to put him down. Rick obediently complied, but not before stealing a quick kiss.

Howard didn't react with surprise; he was used to Rick's assaults after five years. Rick hesitated briefly before leaning in again, his breath warm against Howard's face.

But Howard turned away, evading the kiss. Rick wasn't disappointed. Howard didn't hit him, which meant he didn't entirely reject him.

Rick caressed Howard's face, asking softly, "Did you keep your distance from the beginning because you knew who I was?"

Howard swatted his hand away, heading towards the bed as he replied coldly, "Do you think your identity is some big secret?"

"Maybe not, but not many people know. Most don't realize what kind of business my family is in. They think we're just regular business people."

Rick followed Howard, pulling him into bed and covering them with a blanket.

"Get off," Howard demanded, elbowing Rick.

Rick tightened his hold, his voice drowsy as he spoke against Howard's neck, "I haven't slept well for a month, constantly dealing with work. I'm exhausted."

"Not my problem. Get out." Howard kicked Rick, frustrated.

"Just let me hold you until you fall asleep. I promise I'll go back to my room after that."

Rick promised, hugging Howard tighter. Howard was annoyed but knew pushing Rick away would only tire him out more.

"Take a shower," Rick urged.

"Don't worry. I already took one, although it was a quick rinse." Rick still didn't let go, nuzzling Howard's hair.

Howard, unable to find another excuse, seethed silently. This brat was becoming too presumptuous, thinking he was easy to bully.

Howard didn't know that Rick was pretending to sleep to avoid being kicked out. He was aware of Howard's inner turmoil about their relationship. Howard knew about Rick's family and the rivalry between the two families, which explained his resistance.

Rick finally released Howard's waist and turned to his side, staring out the floor-to-ceiling window.

Feeling the weight lift off his waist, Howard breathed a sigh of relief, assuming Rick had fallen asleep and let go. He drifted off to sleep himself.

Once Howard was asleep, Rick slipped out of bed. He stood for a long time, watching Howard quietly.

"Damn it," Rick muttered, ruffling his hair in frustration. He hadn't expected his family and Howard's to be enemies.

After a while, Rick left Howard's room, closing the door quietly. He headed to Alex's room and knocked on the door.

Alex answered in a bathrobe, towel in hand, drying his hair. He had just finished a shower.

"Back already?"

"Your wife isn't here?"

Rick asked before stepping inside.

Alex scowled, recounting how Mark had locked him out. "He's with Kyle."

Rick entered, smirking, "So, the great Alex is abandoned by his wife."

Alex glared. "If you're here to mock me, get out."

"Alright, alright. I give up," Rick raised his hands in surrender, turning serious. "I've decided to take over my grandmother's business. I'll support you fully, suppressing Thomas and the others."

Alex stopped drying his hair, genuinely surprised. Rick had always been a laid-back person, never interested in responsibilities. This sudden change meant he was serious about protecting Howard, even at the cost of clashing with his father.

So, he's decided to inherit his grandmother's business to stand against his father. This will give him the power to protect Howard.

"Feeling like everything goes according to your plans, I sometimes want to kill you," Rick grumbled, his irritation clear.

Alex chuckled, placing the towel aside and pouring two glasses of whiskey. He handed one to Rick.

Despite his irritation, Rick took the glass, raising it for a toast. "To our cooperation."

"To our cooperation." Alex smiled, downing his drink in one go.

Rick stared at his empty glass, bitterness creeping into his voice. "I never thought I'd be drinking here under these circumstances. Life's complicated."

He had thought he could live a carefree life, avoiding the family's battles. But Howard had changed everything.

"My brothers will make things difficult if they know I'm taking over the family business. They might even target you, blaming you for encouraging me," Rick warned, his voice tinged with helplessness.

Alex poured himself another drink, taking a sip before replying, "I'm aware. I'll be prepared."

"I'm just curious. Why does your grandmother dislike your brothers so much?" Alex asked, taking another sip.

Rick poured himself another glass, downing it quickly before answering, "You know my grandmother despises my father's dealings with the underworld. She thinks he tarnished the family name. She disinherited him and my brothers who worked with him."

That explains it. Alex finally understood the reasons behind the family dynamics.

"Seems your grandmother intended for you to take over her business," Alex said thoughtfully.

Rick sighed, frustration evident. "When I asked for shares, I only promised to help manage the company. I thought once I helped you, you'd assist me with Howard. But things changed too quickly."

"It might be a good opportunity. You can't remain just 'Rick' forever," Alex replied calmly.

Rick, irritated, kicked Alex. "Easy for you to say. My brothers might try to kill me."

"What's more important, your life or being with Howard?"

Rick fell silent, his anger dissipating.

"Alright, you win." Rick ruffled his hair, resigned. He knew Alex was right. The thought of not being with Howard was more terrifying than the risk of being targeted by his brothers.

"I have to win over my grandfather too. We're in this together. Let's give the old folks a run for their money," Alex raised his glass.

Rick, feeling a sense of camaraderie, clinked his glass with Alex's. "Let's show them what we're made of."

Alex's smile was genuine as he downed his drink. He was pleased that Rick was finally on board, ready to support him fully.

"I know you're going to get your wife. I won't keep you," Rick said, leaving with a wave.

Alex wasn't embarrassed. He quickly tidied up and headed to Kyle's room.

He knocked gently. "It's me."

Kyle, lying in bed, sprang up and hurried to the door, knowing Alex had come to fetch Mark.

He opened the door, whispering, "He's asleep."

"Thank you. I'll take him now," Alex said, striding into the room.

Seeing Mark sleeping soundly, Alex frowned. This brat could sleep so peacefully in another man's room. He was lucky Alex was lenient.

"He's used to sleeping in the same room as me. That's why," Kyle explained, seeing Alex's expression.

Alex wasn't angry, just concerned about Mark's lack of awareness.

With a sigh, Alex gently lifted Mark, who slept on, oblivious.

"Goodnight. Don't stay up too late," Alex advised Kyle, who was taken aback by Alex's kindness.

After seeing Alex carry Mark away, Kyle returned to his room, pondering Alex's surprising warmth.

Back in bed, Kyle stared at his phone, tears silently falling. He missed the man who had vanished from his life.

"Jerk," Kyle muttered, throwing his phone aside and crying.

Meanwhile, at the airport, a tall, imposing man in a suit emerged, exuding an aura that turned heads and elicited squeals from admiring women. Unfazed, he headed to a waiting car.

Sitting in the backseat, he ordered coolly, "To the company."

"Got it," Noah replied, starting the car and humming a tune as they drove off.