Watching My Brother Show Off His Love

"Should we go shopping? We have time anyway," Mark suggested.

Kyle hesitated, looking uncertain. He had told Richa that he would explain things to Mark and return to the office afterward. Going out shopping now might upset Richa.

"Is your uncle not letting you go out?" Mark noticed Kyle's hesitation.

"It's not that. I promised him I'd wait in his office until he finished work so we could go home together. If I suddenly went shopping with you, I'm afraid he might get upset," Kyle explained, clearly conflicted.

Huh... Wasn't he just planning to beat that guy up earlier? Now he's all worried about upsetting him. 

Mark couldn't help but chuckle to himself, his lips twitching in amusement.

But seeing how torn Kyle was, Mark didn't want to pressure him into staying. Besides, Alex had also called him back earlier.

"How about I go up with you? I can apologize to him too," Mark offered, figuring it was the least he could do since Kyle had come down to see him.

Kyle nodded, feeling a bit more reassured. He waited for Mark to catch up before taking his hand, and they headed back inside the building together, joining the employees in the elevator.

As soon as they stepped into the elevator, they immediately drew the attention of the other passengers.

Before long, one of the female employees whispered excitedly to her colleague, "These two boys are so cute! They're both so fair-skinned, and that one looks so soft and sweet. I just want to pinch him!"

"Keep your voice down, he heard you! Look, he's blushing," her colleague whispered back, noticing that Kyle was now looking down, flustered, his ears turning bright red as he clung to Mark's hand.

Am I... cute?

Kyle wondered, surprised. No one had ever said that about him before.

"Would you like some candy?" another female employee offered, holding out a piece to Mark, who was standing by the elevator doors.

Mark turned around, his large eyes filled with confusion as he stared at her, his innocent expression making him look even cuter.

The woman could hardly stand it, covering her nose as she squealed inwardly at how adorable he was. 

"If you don't mind, you can take it. I just bought a whole bag," she said, and before Mark could react, she handed him the entire bag of candy, then stood there with her hands on her cheeks, looking at him with a lovestruck expression.

Mark was a bit embarrassed, not sure what to make of the situation. But before he could say anything, the other women in the elevator started chiming in:

"I have bubble tea."

"I have chips."

"This is coffee, sweetened so it's not bitter."

"Gum, take it!"

The women piled snacks into Mark's arms, and Kyle didn't escape their attention either. Before they knew it, both boys were holding armfuls of treats, staring at each other in bewilderment.

After giving them all the snacks, the women smiled and asked, "Are you here to see someone? Maybe your brother or sister works here?"

"We're surrounded by musclemen all day, it's so boring. You two are like a breath of fresh air! You have to come back often, okay?"

"Next time, we'll bring even more snacks! And bring your friends too!"

"Yes, yes! Promise you'll come back!"


The women cheerfully continued chatting until they reached their floor, where they waved enthusiastically at Kyle and Mark as they left, watching the elevator doors close behind them.

Inside the elevator, Kyle and Mark just stood there, blinking in shock. Everything had happened so suddenly, they were both completely dazed.

"Wait, wasn't that the floor where the boss's office is?" one of the women who had just exited the elevator suddenly realized, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.

"Really? I didn't notice," another said, surprised, feeling like she might have missed something big.

"I think it was. I caught a glimpse, and I'm pretty sure they were headed to the boss's floor," a third woman confirmed.

They all exchanged wide-eyed looks, coming to the same conclusion. 

"Whoa, are those two kids the boss's brothers?"

"But that can't be right. The ages don't match up, and I've never heard of the boss having any brothers."

"True, true."

"Ha! It would be funny if one of them turned out to be his wife. Our boss is always so serious, but if one of those kids was his spouse, it'd be hilarious!" one of the women joked, covering her mouth with a mischievous smile.

The others immediately rolled their eyes at her. "You've been reading too many boys' love novels."

"Yeah, we're okay with it, but other people might talk behind your back if they don't understand."

"Nowadays, a lot of people are against fujoshi stuff. You should tone it down."

The woman who had made the joke lowered her head, realizing she had crossed a line, but then perked up again with a grin. "But seriously, one of those soft, cute kids would totally suit our boss."

"Alright, alright, if you say so," the others sighed, shaking their heads as they returned to their desks.

Meanwhile, in the elevator, Mark and Kyle glanced at the snacks in their arms, then at each other.

"Is it... okay to take things from strangers?" Kyle asked, still flustered. This was the first time something like this had happened to him.

Mark was just as confused but, seeing all the delicious snacks, found himself drooling. He was a sucker for treats, after all.

"We should probably return them," Kyle suggested, feeling guilty.

Mark pulled out a straw, poked it into the bubble tea, and took a sip before handing it to Kyle. 

Kyle looked at him, puzzled, unsure of what to do.

Mark shrugged and said, "They gave it to us willingly, it's not like we forced them. Besides, you shouldn't refuse a gift from a lady—it might hurt their feelings."


Kyle still had reservations, but seeing Mark's casual attitude, he hesitated.

"It's really good, try it," Mark urged, holding the bubble tea out to Kyle again.

After a moment of hesitation, Kyle took a sip, instantly falling in love with the sweet, creamy flavor.

"It's good, right?"


Kyle nodded, smiling. It was just the right taste for him.

With a ding, the elevator reached the floor of Richa's office. 

As they stepped out, Mark glanced around, noticing the decor was similar to Alex's company—mostly gray and white tones.

"Do all mature men like this color scheme?" Mark muttered to himself as he followed Kyle, still holding the snacks, his eyes wandering around the space.

"Good morning, Madam," several employees greeted Kyle as they passed by, their voices loud and respectful, even giving him a salute.

Kyle jumped, nearly startled out of his skin, his heart racing as he looked at them in a panic.

"Sorry, we didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?" they quickly apologized, clearly flustered by his reaction.

"I-I'm fine," Kyle stammered, taking a deep breath to calm down. The employees' voices had been so loud, it was impossible not to be startled.

Wait, did they just call me... Madam?

Kyle stared at the tall, muscular men in front of him, completely dumbfounded.

But the employees' attention had already shifted from him to Mark, who was standing behind Kyle. They stared at him curiously.

"Madam, who's this kid?"

They pointed at Mark, their curiosity piqued.

Kyle's face turned bright red, almost as if it were about to start dripping with embarrassment. They had definitely called him Madam.

"Oh~ So you're the madam, huh?" Mark teased, his tone full of mischief.

Kyle's blush deepened as he softly protested, "Please don't tease me."

He quickly grabbed Mark's hand and led him away, too embarrassed to stay there any longer.

Mark laughed out loud, finding the whole situation hilarious, completely unaware that he was also a "madam" himself and had no right to laugh at Kyle.

The male employees watched them go, scratching their heads in confusion, not understanding why Kyle had turned so red.

Once inside Richa's office, Kyle shut the door behind them, his face still burning with embarrassment.

Richa looked up from his desk, his expression initially neutral, but his brows furrowed the moment he saw Mark.

Mark met Richa's gaze but didn't shy away, staring back at him.

There's something familiar about this guy.

Mark thought to himself, trying to place where he had seen Richa before.

Richa's frown deepened as he continued to stare at Mark. No one had ever dared to look him in the eye like that.

"Uh, Mark came up to apologize," Kyle quickly explained to Richa, worried he might get angry.

Richa didn't respond, nor did he pay much attention to Mark. Instead, his gaze shifted to the pile of snacks in Kyle's arms.

"These were given to us by some of your employees while we were in the elevator," Kyle explained.

"Do you want some?" he asked, holding up a snack for Richa.

Richa wasn't interested in the snacks, but since Kyle had offered, that made it different.

He gestured for Kyle to come over to his desk, and Kyle's face immediately turned red. But he obediently walked over, setting the snacks on the desk before picking out a coffee for Richa and handing it to him with both hands.

Instead of taking the coffee, Richa pulled Kyle onto

 his lap, leaning down to kiss him.

Kyle was startled, trying to protest, "Mark... Mark's here."

He whispered in embarrassment, his face turning an even deeper shade of red.

Richa didn't respond but eventually released Kyle's lips. He didn't stop kissing him altogether, though, giving him quick, light kisses that made Kyle's heart race.

"I'll keep you company when we get home," Kyle said shyly, holding the coffee up to Richa's lips, trying to distract him.

Richa wasn't happy about it but didn't want to make Kyle uncomfortable. He took a sip of the coffee, immediately frowning at the overly sweet taste.

"Not good?" Kyle asked, puzzled. He was about to take a sip himself when Richa suddenly fed him a mouthful.

Kyle's face turned bright red as he hurried to swallow the coffee, almost choking in the process.

He covered his mouth, looking at Richa in shock. Did he really just feed me?

"It's too sweet. You drink it," Richa finally said, taking Kyle's hand away from his mouth before leaning down for another quick kiss.

Kyle's heart pounded as he tried to keep up with Richa's pace, feeling completely out of his depth.

Ugh, does he think I'm dead? I'm still here, you know! 

Mark fumed silently, feeling like he was drowning in a sea of dog food.