Tone It Down a Little, Will You?

"I really don't want to interrupt, but can you two save these adult activities for when you're at home?" Mark couldn't take it anymore and directly voiced his complaints.

Kyle immediately felt embarrassed and quickly slid off Richa's lap.

Richa frowned as the weight on his legs disappeared, casting a very unfriendly glance at Mark, who had casually taken a seat on the sofa without even asking.

Mark sat down, placed the snacks on the table, and stretched comfortably. Ignoring Richa's displeasure, he looked at him and said, "It was my fault earlier for attacking you without understanding the situation. I'm sorry."

Mark's tone was casual, but not insincere—it was just his natural way of speaking.

"I also ended up on the floor with a bloody nose, so let's call it even," Mark said nonchalantly, sipping the bubble tea he had taken from the table, acting as if he were at home rather than in someone else's office. His adaptability was impressive, though it might have been because Richa's office reminded him so much of Alex's.

"Do you want some?" Mark offered the bubble tea to Kyle, who quickly ran over to take it, slipping away before Richa could stop him. 

Richa's frown deepened as he watched Kyle share the drink with Mark, using the same straw. His gaze turned icy.

"This place's bubble tea is pretty good. Next time, we should get it from here," Mark said, taking turns sipping from the drink with Kyle.

Kyle didn't mind, considering Mark like a little brother. Sharing a drink with him felt natural. 

But Richa wasn't pleased at all. He noted how comfortable Kyle seemed around Mark—far more relaxed than he ever was with him, where he was always so cautious.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Mark whispered, nudging Kyle and nodding toward Richa, who was still glaring at them coldly, hinting that Kyle might have forgotten something important.

Only then did Kyle remember that they were supposed to ask Richa if they could go shopping. He quickly got up from the sofa and ran over to Richa.

He stood nervously in front of Richa, clasping his hands together, hesitating before finally speaking up. "Can we just go out for a bit? We'll be back soon."

Richa didn't say anything at first. He pulled open a drawer and took out the black card that Noah had returned to him, handing it to Kyle.

Kyle immediately shook his head, "No, no, we're just going out for a little while. We won't be buying anything."

"Buy what you like. There's no spending limit," Richa said, placing the card in Kyle's hand without further comment or any sign of anger.

Kyle was reluctant to accept it. He didn't want their relationship to be tied to money. It made him uneasy, given how complicated their situation already was. If money became involved, he feared it would make him feel like Richa was just using him.

Mark, watching from the sofa, couldn't help but roll his eyes. What was it with these men and handing out black cards?

Just then, Mark's phone buzzed with a message from Alex, asking if he had returned yet.

Damn it, he's still not giving up?

Mark frowned, though he felt a bit of warmth after being subjected to Richa and Kyle's affection. Now, he was starting to miss Alex.

This uncle might not show it, but he really cares about Kyle, huh?

Mark thought as he looked over at Richa's desk, but his face immediately turned red. Kyle and Richa were kissing again.

Seriously, enough already! Can't you two tone it down a little?

Mark threw up his hands in frustration, glaring at the couple across the room. He genuinely wanted to punch Richa for being so brazen in front of him.

"Forget about shopping. He's not going to let you go anyway," Mark said, standing up from the sofa and heading for the office door, not wanting to intrude any longer.

"W-wait a minute," Kyle called out, trying to get off Richa's lap, but Richa held him down by the waist, not letting him go.

"I just need to talk to him for a bit. It's important," Kyle said, looking up at Richa with pleading eyes.

Richa frowned but eventually released Kyle's waist.

"I'll be right back," Kyle said, jumping off Richa's lap and giving him a quick kiss before hurrying over to Mark, who was waiting by the door.

"You don't need to feel bad. Just stay with your uncle. I'll go back to Alex," Mark said, sipping his bubble tea nonchalantly.

"It's not that," Kyle said nervously, clutching his hands together. He seemed on the verge of saying something important.

Mark watched him curiously, "Then what is it?"

"It's about Grace," Kyle finally said, his voice filled with anxiety and fear.

Mark then remembered Grace's plot to get Kyle to take Alex away. He reassured Kyle, "Don't worry. Just stay with your uncle. If I run into Grace, I'll pretend you're still after Alex. I won't let her find out."

After all, if she did discover the truth, she might go to Kyle's father and the others, revealing that Kyle liked men. If she found out Kyle was living with his uncle, it could cause even bigger problems. His father might even accuse the uncle of kidnapping him.

Mark started to worry. Kyle's father was capable of anything—he was completely unhinged.

"Thank you, Mark," Kyle said gratefully, hugging Mark, his nose stinging with emotion.

"No need to thank me. It's just a small favor," Mark said, patting Kyle on the back. But then he noticed Richa glaring at him from his desk, looking like he wanted to skin him alive.

What the hell? Is he the devil? I'm Kyle's cousin, damn it! What's with the jealousy?

Mark mentally ranted, though he didn't realize that his own man, Alex, was just as possessive and would react the same way toward Kyle.

"Ahem, well, I'm heading back. Call me if you need anything," Mark said, gently pushing Kyle away, worried that Richa might actually come over and hit him.

"Okay," Kyle said, wiping his eyes and nodding obediently. Mark couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness toward Kyle—he was just too adorable.

Now I get why that damn uncle has such a strong hostility toward me. With such a cute wife, no way he'd let any other guy near him, even if it's just his cousin.

"I think you should tell your uncle about your family situation, just in case," Mark suggested.

But Kyle looked terrified at the thought, not wanting Richa to know how his family treated him. He especially didn't want Richa to see him as a burden.

"I was just suggesting it. If you don't want to tell him, then don't," Mark quickly added, realizing Kyle's hesitation.

Kyle looked down at his hands, struggling with his thoughts before finally looking back up at Mark with a troubled expression. "I'm immature and weak. All I can do is stay by his side quietly and not cause him any trouble."

Mark understood. Richa was a well-established figure, while Kyle was just an ordinary college student. It was natural for Kyle to feel insecure and lost.

Mark sighed, scratching his head as he apologized, "Forget I said anything. Sorry."

"No need to apologize. I know you were just looking out for me," Kyle said quickly, waving his hands.

After a moment, Kyle opened his mouth as if to say something else but then stopped.

Mark is different from me—he's brave. His parents aren't like mine, so he should be fine.

Kyle reassured himself. He was worried about Mark but felt his concern was unnecessary, so he didn't bring up the issue with Alex.

"Better get back to your uncle. He's been glaring at me like he wants to kill me," Mark joked, nudging Kyle back toward the office.

Kyle's face flushed red, but he nodded and watched Mark leave.

Once Mark was out of sight, Kyle quietly closed the office door.

He thought about sitting on the sofa so he wouldn't disturb Richa's work, but Richa gestured for him to come over to the desk.

Kyle was confused but walked over to Richa, standing in front of him. "I'm not going to distract you from working, am I?"

Richa didn't respond. Instead, he took Kyle's hand, pulling him closer.

Kyle's face turned red, and he asked shyly, "Do you want me to stay with you for a little while longer?"

A slight smile appeared on Richa's lips, his intentions clear.