Mark Gets a Scare

Mark stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the basement parking lot, planning to take the shortcut that led directly to the main entrance of Richa's company. It would save him a bit of walking. Humming a tune, he glanced down at the messages from Alex, grinning smugly. Alex had been bombarding him with texts, asking when he'd be back, but Mark deliberately didn't reply.

"I'll let you stew," Mark muttered to himself, sipping on his bubble tea with a triumphant smirk.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed behind him, quick and hurried. Mark instinctively whipped around, but there was no one there.

What's going on? Did I imagine it?

He stopped, turned back, and scanned the area, but all he saw were parked cars and pillars. No sign of anyone.

That's strange. I was sure I heard footsteps.

Mark continued to glance around, his eyes searching every shadowed corner.

Unbeknownst to him, a man hiding behind a pillar not far away pulled out a small cloth from his pocket and poured some liquid onto it. He pressed himself tightly against the pillar, waiting for Mark to pass by.

Just then, Mark felt a sudden grip on his arm. Startled, he let out a yelp and jumped in fright.

Heart pounding, Mark turned to see that it was only the bodyguard, Blackie.

"Holy crap! Are you trying to scare me to death?!" Mark cursed, clutching his chest as he struggled to catch his breath. He felt like half his life had just been scared out of him.

Blackie hadn't meant to frighten Mark and quickly apologized, bowing his head.

Mark rolled his eyes but knew it was pointless to get mad at Blackie, especially since they didn't share a common language.

"Damn that Alex, what was he thinking, sending a bodyguard who doesn't even speak Chinese? Is he trying to piss me off or what?" Mark grumbled, venting his frustration at Alex.

Mark was about to say something else when Blackie suddenly frowned, stepping in front of Mark protectively, his eyes narrowing as he stared at a nearby pillar.

Mark followed his gaze, feeling a shiver run down his spine. He had the distinct impression that someone was following him.

Blackie signaled for Mark to stay put while he went to investigate. Though it was just a look, Mark understood and obediently nodded, staying where he was.

Blackie moved cautiously toward the pillar, his steps quick and measured. But when he reached the pillar, he found nothing but a large trash bin. No sign of anyone.

There's enough space here for someone to hide. Was there really someone here, or was I just being paranoid?

"Anything there?" Mark called out to him.

Blackie quickly returned to Mark's side, pulling out his phone and typing a message before showing it to Mark: *Did someone follow you?*

"I heard footsteps, but when I turned around, there was no one there," Mark replied.

Blackie's expression grew more serious, though he didn't say anything. Instead, he typed another message: *The boss is waiting for you.*

Apparently, Alex had grown anxious when Mark didn't respond to his messages and had called Blackie, which was why he had arrived just in time to meet Mark in the parking lot.

"Alright, let's go," Mark agreed, feeling unsettled and eager to leave.

Blackie nodded and walked ahead of Mark as they headed back to the car.

Unbeknownst to them, a man who had been hiding behind a car in the shadows stood up after they had left. He watched them go before making a call.

"I missed the opportunity. The kid's got a bodyguard with him, and they're not easy to handle," he reported.

"Damn Alex. His security measures are really something," came the voice from the other end of the line.

"With Evelyn stirring things up at his company, it's not going to be easy to snatch Mark," the man added as he got into his car.

"I'll send someone else. Come back for now," the voice on the phone instructed.

"Understood," the man replied before ending the call. He started his car and drove out of the parking lot, passing right by Mark and Blackie without them realizing that he had been the one lurking behind the pillar.

About forty minutes later, Mark returned to Alex's company. He entered Alex's office without knocking but found that Alex wasn't there. Instead, Monica, Alex's assistant, was tidying up the desk.

"Hello, Madam," Monica greeted him with a respectful nod.

"Where's Alex?" Mark asked, feeling indifferent to being addressed as "Madam."

"The boss is in a meeting. He should be back soon. Please have a seat and wait. I'll go get you some juice," Monica said before leaving the office, but not before giving Mark a strange look.

Mark watched her leave, feeling a bit puzzled.

"Was she just staring at me?" he mumbled to himself, staring at the closed office door.

"Ugh, too much bubble tea," he suddenly realized, feeling the need to use the restroom. He quickly left the office in search of a bathroom.

As he hurried down the hallway, employees nodded politely as they passed by, greeting him with respect. Mark awkwardly acknowledged them before turning down another corridor.

Just then, a door he passed by suddenly opened with a creak, and a pair of strong hands clamped over his mouth.

What the hell?!

Mark's eyes widened in shock as he cursed under his breath. Furious, he tried to elbow his attacker, but they seemed to anticipate his move, effortlessly blocking his strike with a laugh.

What the—?

Mark was stunned to find himself completely overpowered.

Damn it, who the hell is this?

Mark fumed, but then he caught a whiff of a familiar scent and froze. Then he angrily shouted, "Alex, you're asking for it!"

The man holding him, who indeed turned out to be Alex, chuckled and released him. "How did you know it was me?"

Free from his grip, Mark spun around and kicked Alex in the shin, scolding him, "Who else would dare pull this crap in your company?"

"My clever wife!" Alex said with a grin, completely unbothered.

He had just finished his meeting and was about to leave the room when he saw Mark. Seized by a mischievous impulse, he had decided to pull Mark inside. Fortunately, the meeting attendees had already left, or things might have gotten awkward—especially since Alex had just taken a kick from his wife.

"Are you crazy or something?" Mark fumed, his anger flaring up. He had been scared out of his wits twice today, and it felt like his nerves were fraying.

"I sent you twenty messages, and you didn't reply. Why?" Alex's smile faded, replaced by a frown.

Mark instantly felt guilty, knowing he had ignored the messages on purpose. "I didn't see them, okay?"

"Oh, so it wasn't that you didn't want to reply?" Alex's eyes narrowed, sharp and probing, as if trying to see right through Mark.

Panic gripped Mark. Lying wasn't his strong suit, and now he was so nervous that his limbs felt out of sync.

"I haven't even yelled at you for dragging me in here yet, and you're already grilling me?" Mark tried to deflect, hoping to cover up his anxiety.

But Alex wasn't fooled. He grabbed Mark's chin, forcing him to look into his eyes. "You know how worried I was? What if Blackie hadn't been with you and I couldn't reach you? Were you trying to drive me crazy?"

Remembering how frantic he had been during the meeting when he couldn't contact Mark, Alex's anger flared again.

The fact that Alex had been so concerned for him shocked Mark. Softening, he pouted and grudgingly mumbled, "Fine, I'll reply to your messages right away next time, okay?"

Alex was still upset, but he couldn't bring himself to scold Mark any further, knowing that if he did, Mark would get mad.

This brat is so difficult.

Alex sighed, but he knew that he had to pamper his wife, even if it meant going through hell.

"Don't wander around alone. It's not safe," Alex said, scooping Mark up into his arms and kissing his cheek.

"I know. You've said that a million times already," Mark replied, getting irritated by Alex's nagging.

"If I've said it that many times, then why haven't you listened?" Alex's face darkened, his eyes full of danger.

Mark wanted to retort, but seeing how serious Alex looked, he swallowed his words.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you next time," Mark relented. "Now put me down—I need to use the bathroom."

But Alex didn't let him go, instead eyeing Mark's lips.

Realizing what Alex was thinking, Mark quickly covered Alex's mouth, scolding him, "Are you looking for a fight?"

Damn it, all he ever thinks about is this! Is there nothing else in the world for him besides this?

Mark was starting to get angry, especially since he really had to go, and his patience was running thin.

"Hurry up and put me down! I really need to go!" Mark said, slapping Alex's chest.

But Alex thought Mark was just making excuses to escape, so he held on tighter.

Mark was growing desperate, nearly in tears as he pounded on Alex, yelling, "I really need to go! Let me go already!"