Howard Kicks Down Alex's Door

Howard stood outside the door, fuming. He was tempted to kick it down because Alex's behavior was infuriating—constantly scheming to charm Mark. Howard couldn't stand listening to it anymore.

"He's not worried that Mark will eventually figure it out and beat him to death," Howard muttered coldly, thoroughly annoyed.

Originally, Howard had come upstairs because it was almost time for work and Alex was still nowhere to be seen. He wanted to check on him, but he hadn't expected to find Alex wasting time sweet-talking his wife.

Howard's irritation was compounded by the fact that he had called Rick the previous night but received no response—Rick hadn't replied, nor had there been any sign of him. The chill in Howard's eyes grew colder as he thought about it.

Meanwhile, inside the room, the sweet atmosphere sharply contrasted with Howard's foul mood. Feeling an intense sense of injustice, Howard finally snapped and delivered a swift kick to the door, sending it crashing open.

Alex jumped, quickly turning around to see who it was. When he realized it was Howard, his face twisted with fury. "Don't you know how to knock?"

Howard remained calm, adjusting his glasses as if he hadn't just kicked the door down.

"Enough! Both of you, get out and go to work!" Mark, having been startled once again, kicked Alex away and angrily burrowed under the covers.

"Damn you, Alex," Mark cursed inwardly.

Mark didn't blame Howard because he knew Howard was just there to remind Alex he was about to be late for work. It was Alex who had wasted time, leading to this situation. 

Mark couldn't help but wonder if Alex's company was really doing okay, given how little work Alex seemed to do.

"Howard!" Alex turned to the door, glaring at Howard with murderous intent.

But Howard remained unfazed, calmly informing Alex, "You have a company meeting in an hour. Don't say I didn't remind you."

"Couldn't you have just knocked? Is the door just for show?" Alex swore in frustration, feeling like he was about to explode. He had never felt so humiliated.

"I'm giving you half an hour. If you want to keep fooling around with your wife, you can drive yourself to work," Howard said flatly before turning and walking away, clearly not in the mood to cater to Alex any longer.

Alex's lips twitched with anger, and he shouted after him, "Rick's ignoring you, so why are you taking it out on me?"

Howard stopped in his tracks, his eyes narrowing as he clenched his fists. He was clearly furious but couldn't refute Alex's words—they weren't entirely wrong.

"Believe it or not, I'll dock your pay!" Alex continued to rage, feeling utterly wronged.

"Go ahead. You're not the only boss in the world," Howard retorted, his voice laced with anger as he stormed off.

Howard wasn't really mad at Alex; he was mad at Rick. Unfortunately, Alex was the one who bore the brunt of Howard's frustration, making him a bit of a scapegoat.

Hearing Howard's words, Alex was left speechless for a moment. But he soon calmed down, realizing that Howard was probably upset for a good reason. After all, it was his fault for dawdling and nearly being late.

"That kid... I am still his boss, right?" Alex sighed, rubbing his temples. Then he glanced over at Mark, who was sulking under the covers, and his headache only grew worse as he tried to figure out how to make amends.

"Damn brat, are you out to get me?" Alex cursed Howard one last time.

### Chapter 126: Spoiling His Wife Like a Little Emperor

Alex took several deep breaths before gently placing his hand on the covers where Mark was hiding, apologizing softly, "That was my fault, sweetheart."

Mark remained silent, still stewing in his frustration because Alex's apologies usually didn't mean much.

"Don't be mad, okay?" Alex coaxed, trying to get Mark to respond.

But Mark continued to ignore him from under the covers, his anger still simmering. He couldn't help but think that Howard was a bit of a maniac—who just kicks doors open like that? It was clear that Alex surrounded himself with lunatics.

"Darling," Alex called out again, his voice full of patience, clearly reflecting on his mistake.

Mark finally pulled the covers down, his expression saying, "What do you want?"

Alex immediately pulled him into a hug, apologizing sincerely, "I'm sorry. I know I was wrong."

"Do you really know what you did wrong?" Mark raised his voice, demanding an answer.

"I do, really," Alex nodded, looking Mark in the eye and swearing to it.

Mark huffed, turning his head away, still not ready to forgive Alex completely.

Alex lifted Mark onto his lap, giving him a quick kiss. 

"I haven't forgiven you yet! What are you kissing me for?" Mark protested, shoving Alex away.

"You're right. I shouldn't have kissed you before you calmed down," Alex apologized, still smiling indulgently as he ruffled Mark's hair.

Seeing that smile, Mark snapped, "Are you an idiot? How can you smile when I'm scolding you?"

"Because I deserve it. You're right to scold me," Alex replied, pulling Mark closer and giving him another kiss.

Mark's face immediately turned red. How could it not? Alex was so gentle, so handsome—it was impossible to resist him.

"Next time, I promise to be more careful. Can you forgive me now?" Alex asked softly, his affection for Mark evident in every word.

Mark pouted, still trying to hold onto his anger, but he found it hard to stay mad.

Damn it! How can I say no when he looks at me like that? Mark thought, feeling frustrated with himself for being so easily swayed.

"Sweetheart~" Alex continued to coax, his voice dripping with affection.

Mark couldn't withstand Alex's gentle approach. Though he wasn't really mad anymore, he stubbornly said, "Since it's your first offense, I'll forgive you this time. But only this once! If you ever do it again, I'll take Howard's advice and chop you up."

Mark punctuated his words with a scissor-like gesture, trying to look fierce.

Alex raised an eyebrow, already considering how to keep Mark away from Howard. He didn't want Mark picking up any of Howard's bad habits.

"Well? Are you going to answer me?" Mark demanded, his voice turning assertive as he glared at Alex.

"Yes, yes, I'll do as you say. Whatever you want, sweetheart, you're the boss," Alex quickly replied, pulling Mark closer for another kiss.

"Hmph, that's more like it," Mark said, finally letting go of his anger.

"I'm starving. Hurry up and take me to wash up," Mark ordered, sounding like a little emperor.

Worried that Alex might think he was being too demanding, Mark mumbled, "It's your fault I'm so sore. You'd better take responsibility."

"Of course, I'll take responsibility," Alex replied, his smile broadening. He was more than happy to take care of Mark, carrying him to the bathroom to brush his teeth was nothing.

Mark's face flushed red again, his heart racing as he felt Alex's warmth and care. It wasn't hard to fall for someone who was not only handsome and wealthy but also so gentle and considerate.

Why are you just sitting there? Hurry up and take me to wash up!" Mark scolded, giving Alex a light smack on the chest.

Alex chuckled, saying nothing as he lifted Mark out of bed and carried him to the bathroom. He placed Mark on the sink, squeezed toothpaste onto his toothbrush, and handed it to him.

Mark took the toothbrush and started brushing his teeth, his mood visibly improved as he swung his legs back and forth.

Seeing his wife looking so adorable, Alex couldn't resist leaning in to kiss his cheek.

Mark immediately shot him a glare, silently telling him to knock it off. 

Even though Mark didn't say it out loud, Alex could tell from his eyes that he was being scolded. But Alex just smiled, completely undeterred, his heart full of affection.