Always Sneaking Up

After freshening up and changing clothes, Alex led Mark out of the room. Mark walked ahead, but he kept holding his waist.

Damn it, that bastard, Mark thought, anger flaring up again as he suddenly stopped and glared at Alex, who was following him.

Alex was on a phone call at that moment. Seeing Mark stop and give him an angry look, he raised an eyebrow as if to ask what was wrong. But when he realized why Mark was upset, a smile tugged at his lips. He lifted Mark up into his arms like a child and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"You keep kissing me! My lips are going to get chapped from all your kisses," Mark grumbled under his breath, trying to keep his voice low so as not to interrupt Alex's call.

With the burden of walking lifted, Mark relaxed, resting his head on Alex's shoulder as he watched Alex talk. He listened to the conversation, which was about some land deal, realizing it was work-related and not a call to some other guy.

At first, Mark's expression was neutral as he thought about this, but then his face suddenly turned red. I'm not relieved because it's a work call—I'm not, he tried to convince himself. But his blushing face betrayed his thoughts.

Ah, Mark, you're such a fool! Mark quickly covered his face, his ears burning with embarrassment. He peeked through his fingers to see if Alex had noticed his reaction. Thankfully, Alex was too focused on the conversation with his subordinate to pay attention.

Mark sighed in relief, grateful that his moment of vulnerability hadn't been seen. It would have been so embarrassing if Alex had noticed.

Alex carried Mark into the dining room, gently setting him down in a chair before moving to the window to continue his call. Mark glanced at Alex, then focused on his breakfast, deciding not to bother him.

As Mark ate, Howard entered the dining room and silently took a seat across from him. Mark immediately frowned, still holding a grudge about the door-kicking incident.

Howard, however, ignored Mark's unfriendly gaze and quietly ate his breakfast. Is he seriously not going to apologize? Mark thought, incredulous and frustrated.

But then Mark reconsidered, wondering if Howard was still in a fight with Rick, which hadn't been resolved yet. That has to be it. He's been in a foul mood since yesterday—clearly, they haven't made up. Alright, I'll let it go this time. His man isn't talking to him, so I'll cut him some slack.

Deciding to be the bigger person, Mark continued enjoying his breakfast, his mood improving.

Noticing that Mark was no longer glaring at him, Howard glanced at him curiously. So carefree, Howard mused, feeling a pang of envy. Mark's life seemed so simple—no pressure, no worries. Even if there was trouble, Alex would handle it for him. Mark didn't have to lift a finger.

Howard's gaze darkened as he looked down at his plate, lost in thought. Before meeting Alex, his life had been a mess, so it was only natural for him to envy Mark's easygoing nature.

He pulled out his phone and checked it again—still no messages. His expression shifted from frustration to self-mockery. See? You've pushed him away for good. Are you happy now?

"Do you want some juice?" Mark asked, pouring a glass of juice and holding it out to Howard.

Howard put his phone away and forced a smile, thanking Mark. He wasn't in the mood to smile, but it felt strange not to, as if he'd be left feeling hollow if he didn't.

"No, thanks," Mark said, handing Howard the juice before pouring himself a glass.

"Alex, do you want some juice?" Mark called out to Alex, who was still by the window on the phone. He took a sip of his own juice as he waited for an answer.

Howard was about to say that Alex usually only drinks coffee, but before he could, Alex walked over, still on the phone, and bent down to take a sip from Mark's glass. He then smiled and gave Mark a quick kiss before ruffling his hair affectionately.

Howard froze for a moment, staring at Alex in disbelief. Love really does change everything about a person, he thought, his gaze turning somber as he reflexively reached for his phone again. But still, no messages, as if his phone had lost its signal.

Mark's face turned red from the kiss, but even in his flustered state, he couldn't help but think about how Alex was obliviously rubbing it in Howard's face. Howard was already in a bad mood from his fight with Rick, and Alex was practically shoving their happiness down his throat. No wonder Howard always seemed to have it out for Alex.

"Okay, I understand. Yes, that's fine," Alex finally finished his call and sat down next to Mark. A servant promptly brought him a cup of coffee, which he accepted with a nod before turning to Mark. He patted Mark's head, telling him to focus on his breakfast instead of staring at him.

Mark's face flushed even more, and he quickly looked down at his plate, embarrassed that Alex had caught him staring.

Howard had lost his appetite. He shot Alex a glare before getting up and leaving the room. He headed toward the downstairs restroom, needing to splash some water on his face to cool down.

As he walked, he heard footsteps following him. His brow furrowed—this was all too familiar. Sure enough, just as he entered the restroom, someone shoved him against the wall.

Rick had expected Howard to be angry, but instead, Howard remained calm, not even pushing him away. Rick was taken aback, staring at Howard in surprise.

"Howard?" Rick called out cautiously, his voice laced with fear. Howard's silence was making him nervous.

"What's wrong? Seen a ghost?" Howard replied coolly, his tone calm, his gaze steady as he looked at Rick.

"No, it's just... When you don't say anything, it scares me!" Rick admitted, thinking of Howard's reputation as a "madman." He had been lucky not to get punched in the past five years, but now he couldn't help but wonder why Howard tolerated his antics.

Could it be... Howard has feelings for me too? Rick thought, staring intently at Howard's face.

Howard ignored Rick's gaze, responding coldly, "For someone who starts things with their hands, what do you expect me to say?"

Rick felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him. He scratched his head and muttered, "I saw you called me, and I got so excited that I rushed over here."

Howard didn't need to be told that. It was obvious from how quickly Rick had arrived. "I spent last night with my grandmother. Natalie had my phone charging elsewhere, so I didn't get your call," Rick explained, worried that Howard might be upset.

Howard didn't respond, walking over to the sink to wash his hands. He had already guessed that Rick's phone wasn't with him. Otherwise, knowing Rick's personality, he would have come running immediately, not shown up this late.

But even though he knew that, Howard was still a bit frustrated. He had lowered his pride for the first time, only to be met with silence. It annoyed him even more that he cared so much about Rick—so much that he felt off-kilter whenever Rick wasn't around.

"You missed me, so you called, right?" Rick said, wrapping his arms around Howard's waist from behind.

Seeing that missed call from Howard had made Rick so happy he almost fainted. He wanted to call Howard back, but he couldn't wait to see him, so he had raced over to Alex's house instead.

"In the five years I've known you, this is the first time you've called me. I was so excited I almost passed out," Rick admitted, holding Howard tighter and nuzzling his neck.

"Then why didn't you pass out? Why did you come running here?" Howard asked coldly, turning his head to glare at Rick.

"You know why I'm here," Rick replied softly, then asked, almost pleadingly, "Howard, can I hug you?"

"Aren't you already?" Howard asked icily, raising an eyebrow at Rick.

"You know that's not what I meant," Rick said, hurt by Howard's coldness.

"I don't have time to mess around with you. I have to go to work," Howard replied, pushing Rick away and heading for the door.

"I'll ask Alex to give you the day off," Rick offered, quickly grabbing Howard's wrist.

Howard's expression remained indifferent as he looked at Rick. His silence made Rick's heart sink. Letting go of Howard's wrist, Rick lowered his head, not knowing what to say.

Howard didn't say anything either, heading toward the main hall. Rick watched him go, feeling a deep sense of disappointment. He had thought that Howard's call meant he finally had a chance, but he was wrong.

But just as Howard was about to leave, he turned back and called out coldly, "What are you standing there for?"

Rick blinked in confusion, staring at Howard, who was now some distance away.

Without waiting for Rick, Howard headed upstairs. Rick quickly followed, his heart pounding faster with each step.

When Rick entered the room, he saw Howard sitting by the coffee table, lighting a cigarette. Howard took a drag, then exhaled the smoke, tossing the lighter aside.