Two Adorable Blushing Faces

"Go to hell!" Mark's furious voice echoed through the office after a while, clearly angry. Everyone outside exchanged puzzled glances, not quite sure what had happened. Some whispered, speculating that their boss must have done something to upset Mark, and they chuckled quietly at their workstations.

Monica knocked on the door and entered the office, carrying a document for Alex to sign. However, she was taken aback when she saw Alex leaning against his desk, a pained expression on his face, one hand clutching the desk while the other covered his pale face.

It seemed Monica had a pretty good idea of what had happened. She cast a glance at Mark, who was sitting on the sofa, angrily munching on snacks.

The boss's wife sure is feisty, Monica concluded.

"Bastard," Mark muttered angrily, taking another bite of his snack as he glared at Alex. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have fallen right into Alex's trap.

Alex, meanwhile, was still in pain, barely able to speak after almost being kicked in a sensitive area by Mark. The little guy really doesn't hold back at all, Alex thought as he gritted his teeth, signing the document Monica had handed him. He glanced at Mark on the sofa, who was pointedly ignoring him.

Alex sighed in resignation. He had only meant to tease Mark a little, not expecting him to actually kick. I'll deal with him properly when we get home, Alex vowed silently. He knew he couldn't push it too far here, or Mark might actually tear the office apart with his temper.

Just then, Mark's phone buzzed—it was Kyle calling.

"What's up?" Mark asked, munching on his snack as he answered.

Kyle glanced at the TV in the hall, nervously whispering, "I saw the news about your husband's resort. It looks pretty serious."

"Serious, my ass. That bastard still has time to mess around, as calm as ever," Mark spat, glaring over at Alex's desk.

Alex caught Mark's glance but didn't get angry. Instead, he patted his thigh, signaling for Mark to come over and sit. 

Mark promptly gave him the middle finger, mouthing the words *go eat shit* at him.

Alex's mouth twitched. They say a wife becomes more gentle after you win her over, but mine's just getting fiercer by the day, he thought, feeling slightly overwhelmed. Dealing with his wife seemed more challenging than handling the resort crisis.

"In the office?" Kyle's voice was tinged with surprise. Alex had always seemed like such a serious person.

"Yeah, that damn bastard is impossible," Mark fumed, getting more worked up the more he talked about it.

Kyle didn't respond immediately, but he glanced over at Richa, who was sitting nearby, watching the TV with a serious expression. Kyle's cheeks flushed.

Mark's husband is just like the big guy, Kyle thought, noticing the similarity.

"I'm so pissed, I could wring his neck," Mark continued to rant, clearly still very angry.

Kyle smiled. Seeing how much Alex spoiled Mark put him at ease. 

"Anyway, there's nothing to worry about on his end. Don't stress over me—I can't help much anyway, it's not like I know how to cure poisoning," Mark said, his tone losing some of its earlier fire.

"Okay," Kyle replied, but then he paused. Normally, Mark's husband would get mad when Mark talked like this. Why wasn't he saying anything today?

Kyle quickly realized why. Could it be... they've taken the final step?

Kyle blushed, having guessed correctly. He quietly advised Mark, "Make sure you rest and don't go wandering around."

At first, Mark didn't catch on, but then his face turned beet red as he realized what Kyle meant. Damn, did Kyle figure it out? Was I being that obvious?

Mark began to panic.

"Love," Alex called out, sighing as he noticed how loud Mark was talking to Kyle, not to mention that he had mentioned Alex's earlier antics. He could handle it, but Monica was still in the room!

Mark suddenly snapped out of it and quickly covered his mouth. Damn it, Mark, are you trying to broadcast this to the whole world? His face flushed with embarrassment.

*Ah, this is so humiliating,* Mark thought, wanting to disappear. He couldn't even bring himself to look in Alex's direction, using his hand to cover his face in a shy, adorable gesture.

Alex sighed again. At least it was Monica and not someone else, he thought. Monica was known for being discreet, but with someone else, this could have been much worse.

"I didn't hear anything just now, Mrs. Dupont. No need to worry," Monica said as she organized the signed documents and gave Mark a respectful nod before leaving the office without lingering.

Mark, feeling utterly ashamed, didn't respond. He kept his hands over his face, peeking through his fingers to watch Monica close the door before finally letting out a relieved breath. *Mark, you've really got to be more careful next time,* he scolded himself silently before glancing awkwardly at Alex with a pouty, almost tearful expression. "I didn't mean to. It's all your fault for making me so mad."

Alex didn't say anything, just looked at Mark with an expression that said he didn't know what to do with him. After all, this was his wife—he couldn't very well punish him.

"I know I was wrong, okay?" Mark mumbled, pouting as if expecting Alex to be angry with him.

Under normal circumstances, anyone else would be upset, given that Alex was a CEO who had just been thoroughly embarrassed in front of his staff.

"Kyle, I need to go. It seems like Alex is mad," Mark said quickly into the phone before Kyle could respond, hanging up abruptly.

Kyle was a bit startled but didn't dwell on it. He wasn't upset, but Richa, who had been sitting next to him, turned to look at him with a questioning gaze. Richa lowered his voice, asking who he had been talking to, clearly suspicious of Kyle's secretive behavior.

Kyle quickly turned off his phone, his heart racing. "It was a wrong number," he lied nervously.

He didn't dare tell Richa the truth, fearing it would upset him. He could tell that Richa wasn't particularly fond of Mark and often glared at him.

Thinking about it made Kyle's mood drop. It's all my fault. If I hadn't asked Mark to hit Richa, this wouldn't have happened, he thought, feeling guilty. In truth, Richa's irritation toward Mark was purely jealousy, and he had long since moved on from the incident.

Richa had realized that Kyle had been on the phone with Mark, but he didn't call him out. Instead, he gently rubbed Kyle's head and said, "Let's go to the resort for a few days."

Kyle's face instantly lit up with happiness, and he looked up at Richa with shining eyes.

Richa couldn't help but smile. He loved seeing Kyle react this way.

"People are watching," Kyle murmured shyly, glancing at the staff in the room, embarrassed by the attention.

"They wouldn't dare look," Richa said as he picked Kyle up and placed him on his lap.

Kyle blushed even more, his voice barely a whisper, "But they... they can hear us."

"What did you all hear?" Richa asked coldly, sweeping the room with a dangerous glare.

The staff members shook their heads frantically, signaling that they hadn't heard a thing, all of them too terrified to breathe too loudly.

Richa turned his attention back to Kyle, smiling as if to say, *See, you heard them too, right?*

"You're just threatening them," Kyle whispered, pouting slightly, though it was clear he wasn't really angry—just a little embarrassed.

Richa didn't bother to deny it. After all, that was exactly what he had meant.