Smells So Good

Richa suddenly lifted Kyle from the sofa, standing up as he gave orders to the old housekeeper, "Go inform Noah that we'll leave for the resort in an hour and a half."

The housekeeper initially didn't understand, but after glancing at the ongoing news broadcast on TV, he nodded in understanding and headed towards the guest room on the first floor.

In the guest room, Noah had just finished freshening up and emerged from the bathroom, only to find Feder sitting comfortably on the sofa, legs crossed and smoking casually. Noah's temper flared instantly. 

Furious, Noah stormed over to the sofa, grabbed a pillow, and hurled it at Feder, shouting, "Why the hell are you still here?!"

Damn it! It's broad daylight—does he want to get me killed?

Noah quickly rushed to the window, hastily pulling the curtains shut to prevent the patrolling guards outside from seeing Feder.

But he was already too late. The guards had already noticed Feder. However, they had received orders to ignore him, so they didn't care about his presence. 

But Noah didn't know this. Enraged, he grabbed Feder off the sofa and used all his strength to drag him toward the door, cursing the whole way, "Get the hell out!"

Feder just smiled, not saying a word. Instead, he effortlessly scooped Noah up in his arms.

Noah was startled, his eyes widening in shock.

"Damn you, Feder!" Noah roared, glaring angrily down at Feder as he struggled in his grasp.

Feder grinned mischievously. "Noah, my little cutie, it's not good to get so worked up first thing in the morning. You'll age faster."

"Aging, my ass! Put me down, right now!" Noah demanded, pushing against Feder's chest, but Feder didn't let go. He just kept smiling up at Noah.

"Are you deaf or something? I said put me down!" Noah's shout echoed through the room.

"I've decided—I'm staying here from now on," Feder declared nonchalantly.

Noah's eyes widened in disbelief as he grabbed Feder by the collar, swearing, "Do you even know where you are? Are you trying to get me killed?"

"Keep it down, would you? You're going to make me deaf," Feder said, leaning his head back as if his ears were genuinely hurting.

Noah didn't have time for Feder's jokes. He angrily demanded, "Feder, what the hell do you want?!"

His grip on Feder's collar tightened as he glared furiously, the anger in his eyes burning intensely.

"You really don't know who I am?" Feder asked, raising an eyebrow as he stared directly at Noah's face.

"Do you think I've got amnesia or something?" Noah assumed Feder was just messing with him, and it only made him angrier.

In truth, Feder was asking if Noah knew about his connection to the DuPont family, but Noah hadn't caught on.

"Noah," came a knock on the door. It was the old housekeeper.

Noah immediately panicked, his face turning pale as he struggled to get down from Feder's arms. But Feder held him tightly and walked toward the door.

"Feder, do you have a death wish?" Noah whispered furiously, on the verge of tears. It was the housekeeper outside—the man who held a higher status in the DuPont household and was utterly loyal to Richa. If he saw Feder here, Noah feared what might happen.

"Don't worry," Feder said calmly before opening the door.

As soon as the door swung open, Noah froze, his heart racing as he stood there, unable to breathe.

But the old housekeeper simply regarded Feder with a cold expression before addressing Noah, who was still in Feder's arms. "The young master will be taking Mrs. DuPont to Mr. Shen's resort in an hour and a half. You should prepare yourself."

With that, he turned his attention back to Feder, frowning slightly. 

However, he said nothing further, delivering Richa's message before turning and leaving.

As Noah watched the housekeeper walk away, he was left utterly bewildered.

What's going on? That's Feder. The housekeeper can't possibly not know he's with the Shen family.

Noah looked down at Feder, frowning as he asked, "What's happening here? Why did the housekeeper treat you like that?"

"Kiss me, and I'll tell you," Feder said shamelessly.

Noah's temper flared again. He struggled free from Feder's grasp, storming over to the wardrobe in a huff.

Feder chuckled and followed him, wrapping his arms around Noah's waist.

"Let go of me!" Noah yelled.

But Feder shamelessly sniffed the scent of Noah's body wash, smiling as he said, "You smell so good."

"Smell your grandmother's! Get off me!" Noah kicked Feder away, opening the wardrobe to find something to wear.

Feder wasn't upset at being kicked. He leaned casually against the wardrobe, crossing his arms and watching Noah with an amused smile.

"Aren't you leaving?" Noah snapped, glaring at Feder with irritation.

"It's just changing clothes. It's not like I haven't seen it before," Feder teased, clearly enjoying himself.

Noah wanted to retort, but he knew better. Feder, with his thick skin, wouldn't be fazed by anything he said. So, he swallowed his anger and changed his clothes quietly.

Feder whistled from the side, looking every bit the rogue.

Noah told himself not to get angry, imagining Feder as nothing more than a pesky dog by his side. Ignoring him was the best strategy.

It worked. Noah finished dressing, slammed the wardrobe door shut, and headed for the door without a word.

Feder, still smiling, followed lazily, hands in his pockets as he trailed behind Noah.

Noah didn't bother stopping Feder anymore. The housekeeper clearly knew who Feder was and that he was associated with the Shen family, yet he hadn't made any move to kick him out.

So, my initial assumption that the guards were slacking off last night must have been wrong. The housekeeper probably let him in on purpose.

Which means... the boss knows Feder is here?

He must know. The housekeeper wouldn't hide something like this from the boss.

As Noah walked out of the first floor and entered the dining room, he sat down at the table, glancing at Feder, who casually took a seat beside him.

Not the slightest bit of nervousness, and he's sitting here like he owns the place. This definitely isn't his first time here.

"Who exactly are you?" Noah asked coldly.

"Who I am isn't important. As for Richa, he won't give you any trouble," Feder replied, waving to a servant to bring food.

The servant nodded respectfully and went to fulfill the request, apparently having been briefed by the housekeeper.

Noah was taken aback. The servants here wouldn't take orders from just anyone without proper instruction. The only reason they would is if the person giving the order had authority, like a member of the DuPont family.

"So that's it—you're the illegitimate son of the DuPont family," Noah finally pieced it together, realizing who Feder was.

He had heard rumors of an illegitimate child in the DuPont family, but not much else, as the family had strictly prohibited any discussion on the matter.

The mention of "illegitimate son" clearly displeased Feder, his eyes turning cold and dangerous as he stared at Noah. It was as if he'd snap Noah's neck if he brought it up again.

Noah wasn't afraid of Feder's expression, but he knew it wasn't wise to continue down this path. He hadn't expected Feder to be connected to the DuPont family. 

It seems he's allied with the Shen family out of spite for the DuPonts. His target is probably the old man, Noah thought as he chewed on his sandwich, ignoring Feder.

But then it hit him—if Feder is a DuPont, doesn't that make him my young master?

The revelation soured Noah's appetite, filling him with inexplicable anger.

Damn it, why does he have to be a DuPont?

Noah threw his sandwich back on the plate, glaring coldly at Feder, who was still smiling as he sipped his coffee and watched him.

Noah's hand tightened into a fist on the table, his frustration boiling over. He'd rather die than address Feder as "young master."

Feder reached over to wipe some salad dressing from the corner of Noah's mouth, tasting it with a grin.

He reached for Noah again, but before he could touch him, Noah slapped his hand away angrily.

"What, you want them to see you cry?" Feder's tone was teasing, but the threat was real. He wasn't joking—he was dead serious.