Fluttering Heartbeat


"I... I'm not crying," Noah said, feeling a bit lost as he looked at Feder with concern. Damn it, is he just pretending? But he doesn't look like it...

Noah wasn't sure what was going on with Feder, so he kept a close eye on him.

Feder rested his head on Noah's shoulder again, holding him tightly without saying a word. His emotions seemed off, with his eyes slightly reddened.

Many people said Feder could kill without blinking, but who knew he had lost any sense of normalcy? From the moment he killed that man, he had lost his chance to live as an ordinary person.

"You're hugging me too tightly; it hurts!" Noah squirmed, feeling like Feder was going to crush his bones.

Feder didn't say anything but relaxed his grip slightly, worried that Noah might get angry.

His compliance surprised Noah, leaving him bewildered. What's going on? Did he take the wrong medicine or something?

Noah was completely thrown off, wondering if this man was really the Feder he knew.

Standing at the dining room door, the old butler watched as Feder held Noah. He was the only one who understood why Feder was so afraid—he knew all about Feder's past.

Over twenty years ago, Richa's father had been drugged and urgently needed a woman. At the time, the only young and beautiful woman in the house was Feder's mother, who caught Richa's father's eye. Despite her pleas, he violated her.

Because Feder's mother was a servant, Richa's father didn't acknowledge Feder as his son. He simply gave her some money and had her leave the DuPont household.

Feder's mother, being a strong woman, threw the money in Richa's father's face and left with the newborn Feder. A few years later, she married a man from her hometown.

That man had claimed he didn't mind Feder's presence and would treat him like his own son, but as it turned out, men's words can't be trusted.

"Could you let go of me now?" Noah pushed against Feder. Sitting on his lap was making him uncomfortable, especially with the servants around.

"Just let me hold you a little longer," Feder tightened his embrace, burying his face in Noah's neck, his breath warm against Noah's skin.

Noah suddenly felt a strange tingle, his body stiffening as he dared not move.

Sensing Noah's tension, Feder chuckled. "Relax, I won't do anything here. I wouldn't let them see you like that."

It was as if he was saying he wouldn't let others see Noah's body—protective in a strange way.

For some reason, Noah felt a flutter in his heart. Right from the start, Feder had been Noah's type—whether it was his tall, strong physique or his bold and handsome features. Everything about him fit Noah's tastes, except for his personality, which was the only reason Noah resisted him.

"What should I do? I suddenly want to take you back to the bedroom," Feder lifted his head from Noah's neck, resting it on his shoulder with a mischievous smile.

Noah immediately frowned, any budding feelings of affection quickly squashed.

Damn it, am I crazy? I actually thought this guy was decent for a moment?

Noah felt like he was losing his mind. He pushed Feder away, refusing to let him rest his head on his shoulder.

Feder's back hit the dining table, making him wince as if in pain.

"Stop pretending," Noah scoffed, not believing it for a second.

Feder didn't reply. Instead, he took Noah's hand and placed it on his face, then kissed the palm of his hand.

Noah's face flushed instantly, his heart suddenly racing. Damn it, why... why is my heart beating so fast?

Noah questioned himself, stumbling over his thoughts, unsure if it was out of fear or something else.

"Did you take the wrong medicine today or something?" Noah stammered, hastily getting off Feder's lap, straightening his clothes, and quickly heading out of the dining room, trying to calm himself down.

Noah, you know exactly what kind of person this guy is. How could you let your heart race?

Noah scolded himself, feeling frustrated at how easily Feder could affect him.

Feder, left behind, smiled and followed Noah, catching up to him and wrapping his arms around Noah's waist from behind.

"Let go," Noah snapped, pushing Feder away.

Damn it! The hallway's wide enough; why does he have to walk right next to me?

Noah quickened his pace toward the garage, needing to get the car ready for Richa.

Feder intended to follow Noah, but his attention was caught by the news on the television in the hall. The screen was still broadcasting the incident at Alex's resort, where guests had been poisoned. It was causing quite a stir.

"Heh, those two are proving to be somewhat useful," Feder smirked with disdain as he watched the news.

Just then, his phone rang in his pocket. He didn't need to check to know it was Rick's second brother. Answering the call, he said casually, "It's me."

On the other end, Rick's second brother was elated, praising Feder. "Well done, Feder, this was executed perfectly."

"I only offered them verbal support. Isaac and the others were the ones who did the work," Feder said, not taking credit for the success.

But Rick's second brother didn't care. "It's all the same. If you hadn't said you'd back them, they wouldn't have dared to act so boldly."

Feder didn't deny it, but the truth was, the resort incident wasn't his idea. If it were up to him, he would have confronted Alex head-on, not resorted to such petty tactics.

"As long as that brat Rick loses Alex, he'll be finished," Rick's second brother said with gritted teeth, his disdain for Rick evident.

It wasn't surprising. The family inheritance was supposed to go to their eldest brother, Richard. Rick's second brother wanted to fight for it but couldn't win against his older brother.

Finally, when the matriarch stopped overseeing things, she passed the estate to Rick instead of them. How could Rick's second brother not be furious?

"That damned Richard—he already has our father's estate, and now he wants to take the matriarch's as well. He's insufferable," Rick's second brother fumed.

Feder lit a cigarette, exhaling a cloud of smoke into the air. The affairs of the Rick family were of no concern to him. He had only joined their ranks to use them against the DuPont family.

"I have other matters to attend to," Feder said coldly, ending the conversation abruptly.

Rick's second brother knew better than to push Feder's patience, quickly wrapping up the call. He knew he couldn't afford to offend Feder, especially after their initial agreement made it clear that theirs was a partnership, not a subordinate relationship.

Feder had chosen to work with Rick's second brother because he was easier to manipulate. Richard was too dangerous and too smart—Feder preferred not to collaborate with men who were too clever, as it often ended up being more trouble than it was worth.

Watching from the shadows, the old butler had been observing Feder's call. He quickly grasped the situation and hurried upstairs.

Reaching Richa's door, he knocked gently.

After a moment, Richa, dressed in a bathrobe, opened the door.

"How is it?" Richa asked calmly, his voice steady as he looked at the butler.

The butler immediately replied, "The resort incident is indeed connected to Young Master Feder."

Richa's eyes darkened. He knew Feder disliked the DuPont family, but he hadn't expected him to go so far as to target Alex.

"Are you sure you still want to take the lady to that resort?" The butler was concerned that if something went wrong, it could scare Kyle.

"Yingyu is in trouble; I can't just stand by," Richa responded.

The butler hesitated but didn't press further. He knew how much Richa cared for his nephew, Alex.

"Uncle?" Kyle called out, stepping out of the bathroom, his curiosity piqued by seeing Richa at the door.

"Have Noah prepare the car. I'll be down shortly," Richa instructed the butler before closing the door.

The butler, used to such orders, quickly made his way downstairs to find Noah.

Richa turned back to Kyle, who was staring at him with wide eyes. He walked over, scooping Kyle up into his arms and giving him a kiss.

"Aren't we going out?" Kyle asked shyly, his face flushed as he thought Richa might have other plans.

"We are," Richa replied, ruffling Kyle's hair before heading to the wardrobe to pick out clothes for him. He returned to Kyle with the chosen outfit.

Realizing he had misunderstood, Kyle's face turned beet red, and he lowered his head in embarrassment, unable to meet Richa's gaze.

Richa simply chuckled, helping Kyle into his shirt.

"I... I can do it myself," Kyle mumbled, quickly taking over.

Richa gave Kyle's hair another affectionate ruffle before heading to his own wardrobe to get dressed.

Kyle, already dressed, blushed as he watched Richa remove his bathrobe, revealing his well-toned physique.

Even now, Kyle couldn't believe that such a handsome and mature man was his.

Kyle's face flushed even deeper as he looked away in a fluster, his head lowering in shyness.

When he finally looked up again, Richa was already dressed and standing beside him, leaning down to plant another kiss on his lips.


's face grew even redder as he buried his head into Richa's waist, holding onto him tightly. This was a man he didn't want to share with anyone.