Feder Gets Taught a Lesson

While Noah was in the garage trying to decide which car to take out, he was suddenly shoved from behind, causing him to fall against the hood of a car. Startled at first, he quickly saw Feder's reflection in the windshield and immediately became furious, his teeth gnashing in anger.

*Damn this lunatic,* he thought. 

Recently, Feder had been driving Noah to the brink of a heart attack, constantly pushing his buttons and making him lose his temper.

"Do you have a death wish or something?" Noah roared as he got back on his feet.

Feder chuckled lowly but said nothing, his actions clearly intentional.

"Is there something wrong with you? If you're sick in the head, go get it treated," Noah shouted in exasperation.

Feder, as if oblivious to Noah's anger, exhaled a puff of smoke and replied calmly, "They say insanity is a sickness, so maybe I am sick."

Feder's candid admission left Noah speechless, too exasperated to even respond.

*Damn it, he's really a lunatic. There's surveillance in this garage, and yet he still dares to pull this on me,* Noah fumed internally.

"If you want to go crazy, find someone else to play with. I don't have time for your games," Noah snapped.

Feder blew out another puff of smoke, then smiled mischievously as he said, "Why would I want to play with someone else? I only enjoy playing with you."

Noah's face instantly turned beet red, his whole body flushing with embarrassment. It wasn't that he wanted to blush; it was Feder's constant flirting that was driving him mad.

*Damn this bastard, when will he stop?* Noah thought, growing increasingly frustrated.

Suddenly, Noah seemed to calm down as if he had thought of something. Then, with a sly smile, he beckoned Feder over with a finger.

Feder raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"What? Are you too scared to come closer?" Noah asked with a playful smile.

Feder's smile broadened. "Scared? Those words don't exist in my dictionary," he said confidently, blowing out a cloud of smoke as he approached Noah, curious to see what he was up to.

Noah didn't say anything, but instead, took a step closer to Feder so that they were now standing face to face.

*What's this? He's coming over on his own? Has he finally come around?* Feder wondered, his eyes locked on Noah's.

But instead of feeling pleased, Feder grew suspicious. He knew Noah too well—sudden compliance meant something was up.

"Noah, my dear, just say whatever's on your mind. I'm not used to you acting like this," Feder said, his smile faltering.

"Well, you'd better get used to it," Noah replied with a smile that was dripping with charm.

Leaning close to Feder's ear, he whispered softly, "I have a present for you."

"Oh? What kind of present is my dear wife giving me?" Feder's smile grew even wider, anticipating what Noah had in store.

"It's a present I guarantee you'll love," Noah said, still smiling, though there was something off about his tone.

Just as Feder began to sense that something wasn't right, Noah's expression hardened, and he kicked Feder square in the crotch.

Feder let out a grunt of pain, his body doubling over as his face turned bright red.

As Feder writhed in pain, Noah, the perpetrator, cursed at him before hopping into a nearby Mercedes and driving off, leaving Feder alone in the garage.

"Noah!" Feder roared, his veins bulging as he clung to the hood of a car, overwhelmed by pain and fury.

He wanted to chase after Noah, but the pain was so intense that he couldn't move.

"Fine, Noah, you're really something. Just wait until I catch you—I'll make sure you can't leave the house for half a month," Feder threatened, though even speaking made the pain worse, his face contorting in agony as he nearly passed out.

It was clear that Noah had not held back; he had really meant to do serious damage.

Meanwhile, the guards watching the security cameras had gone from puzzled expressions to knowing smiles, and finally to anger.

"Ah, damn it, this is torture!" one of them cried out, wanting to smash the keyboard in frustration. Just when they thought things were getting interesting, this happened?


At the same time, in Mark's world:

Mark was sitting in the car, on the way to the resort where Alex's incident had occurred. Sipping on his milk tea, Mark side-eyed Alex, who was sitting next to him, absorbed in his work on a laptop. Mark frowned in annoyance.

Since he hung up on Kyle earlier, Alex had barely acknowledged him, fully immersed in his work.

*What's with the cold shoulder? If you're mad, just say so! Why give me the silent treatment?* Mark grumbled internally. He acted like he didn't care, but in reality, he was deeply bothered by Alex's unusual behavior.

When Mark had whimsically demanded a stop to get milk tea, Alex had coldly instructed the driver to pull over without even glancing at him. Mark had only wanted some attention, but Alex's indifference left him no choice but to sulk as he went to buy the drink.

When he returned to the car, Alex immediately ordered the driver to continue, resuming his work without looking up.

*I'm so mad! I knew it—men are all the same. The moment they get what they want, they stop caring,* Mark fumed. They had only been intimate for one night, and Alex was already treating him like this.

Mark was so angry that he contemplated grabbing Alex's laptop and tossing it out the window. But he held back, knowing he couldn't interfere with Alex's work. So, he sat there stewing in his frustration.

*Fine, don't talk to me then. See if I care. You'll be sleeping outside tonight, mark my words,* Mark thought, biting his straw and staring out the window, determined to ignore Alex.

Meanwhile, Alex, who had been watching Mark's reactions out of the corner of his eye, smirked. He had been purposely ignoring Mark to see if he would apologize first.

But getting Mark to admit he was wrong seemed unlikely—two hours had passed, and Mark showed no signs of doing so.

Sighing, Alex set aside his laptop and patted his thigh, signaling Mark to sit on his lap.

Mark heard the sound and glanced at Alex, tempted, but then turned away in a huff. "Who cares? I'm not sitting there," he said defiantly.

"Oh? So you wouldn't mind if I let someone else sit here?" Alex teased.

"You wouldn't dare," Mark snapped, brandishing his milk tea like a weapon, ready to strike.

Knowing that Mark would get angry, Alex smiled without saying a word, continuing to pat his thigh.

Mark pouted but quickly gave in, climbing onto Alex's lap and then forcefully shoving the straw of his milk tea into Alex's mouth. "Fine, I forgive you. You can have a sip," he grumbled.

Alex chuckled, amused by how Mark was turning the situation around. Clearly, it was Mark who had been in the wrong, but now he was acting as though Alex had been at fault.

But Alex didn't call him out on it, knowing it would only lead to another argument. Instead, he took a sip of the milk tea, then handed it back to Mark.

As soon as Alex accepted the drink, Mark's mood lifted, and he happily sipped his milk tea, finding it even sweeter than before.

Seeing Mark's visible shift in mood brought a smile to Alex's face. Even though Mark hadn't realized his mistake, Alex was just glad they weren't fighting anymore.

But just as Alex was thinking this, Mark hesitated, then asked tentatively, "Were you mad at me earlier?"

Alex smiled and wrapped his arms around Mark's waist, kissing him on the lips before asking, "Do you think you did something wrong?"

Mark didn't want to admit it, but he knew he had been out of line, raising his voice and saying those things in front of Monica. Feeling guilty, he lowered his head and reluctantly apologized, "I know I messed up. I'll be more careful next time."

Hearing Mark admit his mistake made Alex feel like his wife was finally growing up and becoming more mature.

He gently patted Mark's head, smiling as he comforted him. "When it's just the two of us, you can say whatever you want. But in front of the employees, at least give your husband some face, okay?"

"I got it. I'll be more considerate next time," Mark mumbled, staring down at his milk tea.

He knew he was wrong, but that didn't make it any less embarrassing to admit.