Mark is Easy to Soothe

"Sweetheart, are you upset?" Alex gently patted Mark's head, concerned that he might be sulking because of something he said.

"I'm not upset," Mark replied in a small voice, keeping his head down.

"If you're not upset, then look up and let me see you," Alex coaxed softly.

Mark hesitated for a moment before slowly lifting his gaze, biting his lip and looking at Alex with a touch of sadness.

Despite what he said, it was clear that he was upset.

Alex sighed, then leaned in to plant a kiss on Mark's forehead. He gently caressed Mark's smooth, pale cheek and asked, "Was it because I said something you didn't like? Did that upset you?"

"No," Mark mumbled quietly, clearly not wanting to talk about it.

He knew that Alex only lectured him because he was being unreasonable, but it still hurt. Alex had always been so indulgent, so when he suddenly corrected him, it felt like Alex was no longer willing to tolerate his whims. This left Mark feeling empty inside.

Mark placed a hand over his chest and looked down, lost in thought.

*What the heck? I'm your wife. No matter what I do, shouldn't you be the one to indulge me?*

Deep down, Mark knew he was in the wrong, but he still felt wronged.

He took a sip of his milk tea and let out a long sigh. *Being someone's wife is so hard,* he thought to himself.

After sighing, Mark pulled out his phone and, still sitting on Alex's lap, began texting Kyle while sipping his milk tea: *Alex is such a jerk! He doesn't appreciate me after he's had his way. He even lectured me. So unfair!*

Meanwhile, Kyle, who was also in a car heading to the resort, received Mark's message and couldn't help but smile. To him, it was clear that Mark was just showing off how much he was loved; he didn't sense any real anger at all.

Kyle texted back: *So, do you hate him?*

Mark quickly typed a reply: *I... I never said I hate him.*

Kyle smiled even more at this and typed out a suggestion: *Men can't resist their wives. If you soften up a little, you'll have him wrapped around your finger.*

Mark raised an eyebrow at that. *Really?* The idea of having Alex at his mercy piqued Mark's interest.

Curious, Mark looked up at Alex, staring at him intently.

"Sweetheart, who are you chatting with when your husband is right here?" Alex playfully grabbed Mark's head, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. He had a feeling it was Kyle on the other end, and he started to feel a bit wary. *Is that kid teaching my wife some weird stuff?* Alex thought, his irritation rising.

Mark didn't say anything, just continued to stare at Alex.

Alex was taken aback by Mark's sudden gaze, unsure of what was going on. He was about to ask when Mark unexpectedly leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

Alex was so stunned by the sudden affection that he froze, his mind unable to process the wave of happiness that washed over him. After all, Mark only initiated kisses when he needed a favor, never otherwise.

*Wait, what's going on? Why isn't he reacting?* Mark thought, scratching his head in confusion as he watched Alex's dazed expression.

But then Alex suddenly pulled Mark into a tight hug, his tone carrying a playful warning, "Sweetheart, are you trying to make sure we never leave this car?"

Mark quickly blurted, "You kiss me like that all the time. What's the big deal?"

Alex sighed, "I can kiss you like that, but you shouldn't kiss me like that, Sweetheart."

It sounded like Alex was scolding him, which only made Mark more annoyed.

"What the heck? Why can't I?" Mark huffed, feeling insulted that his kindness was being rebuked.

He started to squirm in Alex's arms, trying to move to the front passenger seat. "Let me go! I'll sit up front and stay far away from you!"

"You think you can run away after starting something?" Alex tightened his grip, a mischievous smile on his face.

"You were the one who complained, so why can't I leave?" Mark pouted and turned his head away, refusing to look at Alex.

Seeing how cute Mark was even when upset, Alex couldn't help but chuckle.

"Who said I was complaining? It's just that you're so irresistible, and I'm afraid I'll lose control," Alex teased, his words both sweet and sincere.

Hearing this, Mark's expression softened, the anger draining from his face as he looked back at Alex with a proud smile. "Really?"

Alex gave him a playful kiss, then responded earnestly, "Of course it's true. All you have to do is crook your finger, and I'd be at your feet in an instant."

"Hmph, you better be," Mark said, his mood instantly improving.

The driver, however, was having a tough time. *Dear young master, could you please stop teasing your wife in public? I'm getting too old for this.* The driver felt awkward, silently praying for the drive to end soon.

"Are you going to let me go or not?" Mark huffed, giving Alex a light slap.

"Alright, alright. Your husband's letting you go," Alex said, releasing Mark from his grip, though he couldn't resist stealing another kiss, grinning mischievously at him.

Mark frowned but chose not to react angrily this time. *Damn it! He keeps taking advantage of me. I should charge him more; I can't let him off so easily.*

Mark extended his hand toward Alex, looking assertive.

Not knowing what Mark wanted, Alex placed his chin in Mark's palm.

Mark gave him a look of disbelief, clearly unimpressed.

"Not that?" Alex asked, confused.

"Money. I want money. Are you dense?" Mark retorted, not bothering to sugarcoat it.

Alex chuckled as realization dawned. He pulled out his wallet and handed it to Mark.

"Hmph, that's more like it," Mark said, opening the wallet, only to find it filled with cards rather than cash. The sheer number of them made his head spin.

"What? Not a single penny?" Mark complained again, dissatisfied.

Alex laughed, "Sweetheart, it's the 21st century. Who still carries cash?"

"I do!" Mark retorted with a pout.

"Alright, alright. That's my mistake," Alex said, not wanting to argue. He glanced at the wallet in Mark's hands and offered, "You can choose any card you like. I'll even set the password to something easy for you to remember."

"And what if I want all of them? Would you give them to me?" Mark asked, his eyes locking with Alex's.

Mark was only testing Alex. He didn't care for all those cards—carrying them around would be inconvenient—but he was curious to see just how far Alex would go to spoil him.

*With so many cards, that must be his entire net worth,* Mark mused.

Alex gently stroked Mark's hair, smiling warmly. "If you want them all, they're yours," he said sincerely.

*What? He's really giving them to me?* Mark thought, surprised. His cheeks turned pink as he realized that Alex was serious. It was clear to Mark that Alex wanted to build a life with him, to share everything he had.

"I don't need them. I was just joking. Here, take it back," Mark said, quickly shoving the wallet back into Alex's hands, his face still flushed. His voice softened as he spoke.

Alex smiled again, clearly aware that Mark had only been testing him. Mark wasn't really interested in the money; he just wanted to see how much Alex cared.

*My wife is so considerate. He may love money, but he didn't want to take everything I have,* Alex thought, feeling even more affectionate. He leaned in to plant a kiss on Mark's lips, then said, "There's a seaside villa at the resort. Once we're done with business, I'll take you to see it. If you like it, we'll buy it."

Hearing this made Mark feel touched. He had thought Alex was only saying such things to appease him, but now it seemed like he was serious.

"And you're not afraid that I'll take everything and run away?" Mark asked, his tone full of pride.

"I've treated you so well. Would you really want to leave me for someone else?" Alex responded, turning the question around.

It worked. Mark immediately became excited, responding passionately, "I would never let someone else have you. You're mine, and so is everything you have. All mine."

He then snatched Alex's wallet back, clutching it possessively as if afraid Alex might take it away. Then, Mark threw his arms around Alex, holding him tightly.

Alex had expected this reaction and was pleased. He hugged Mark back, grinning like the cat that got the cream.

Meanwhile, Rick, who was driving behind them, caught sight of the couple's affection in the neighboring car and nearly lost control of the wheel.

Alex had ruined his plans and then sent Howard off to the resort to deal with the poisoned guests, forcing Rick to follow him there.

"If it weren't for the fact that the driver and your wife are innocent, I'd ram you off the road," Rick fumed, gripping the steering wheel tightly as he glared at Alex.

Noticing Rick's fiery gaze, Alex responded by lowering the car's windows, making sure Rick got a good view of him holding Mark close.

Rick practically choked on the jealousy and rage that welled up inside him.

*Damn it, Alex

, you bastard,* Rick thought, gnashing his teeth in frustration. He was so angry he could barely contain the urge to swerve and crash into Alex, throwing him right out the window.

The more furious Rick became, the better Alex felt.

He lifted Mark's chin, coaxing him sweetly, "Sweetheart, your husband has been so good today. Don't you think he deserves a reward?"

Mark didn't get angry but instead looked up at Alex, puzzled. "But didn't you just say I shouldn't kiss you?"

"That was different from now. Come on, be good, and give your husband a kiss—just one," Alex coaxed.

Mark's cheeks turned slightly pink, and although he agreed, he still put on an act, saying, "Fine, since you're giving me a villa, I'll grant you one kiss."

He leaned in to give Alex a quick peck, intending to pull away, but Alex suddenly deepened the kiss.

Mark was immediately flustered, thinking, *Damn it, this jerk. Shameless!*

He tried to push Alex away, but it was too late. His body had already gone limp, leaving him at Alex's mercy.

Rick, seeing this from his car, couldn't believe his eyes. *Alex, you son of a... This is too much!*

Rick was about to lose it. Alex's move left him seething with jealousy, anger, and more than a little envy.