Being Your One and Only Loyal Dog

*Did I see that right? He's blushing. But why?*

Feder stared directly at Noah, even raising an eyebrow in confusion.

*I kissed him, didn't I? Shouldn't he be mad?*

Feder didn't quite understand, so he continued to stare at Noah, his gaze unwavering.

Noah, feeling the intense stare, was on the verge of exploding, his face still flushed. He could only turn his head away, refusing to look at Feder.

*What's wrong with this guy? Why does he keep staring at me?*

Noah cursed inwardly but then grew anxious.

*Damn it, could he have figured something out?*

Noah quickly covered his reddened wrist, lowering his head as he held his breath.

Seeing Noah's reaction only confused Feder further. *Why is he blushing, and why is he acting so strange?* Feder's gaze was so intense that it seemed like he was trying to see right through Noah.

Unable to figure it out, Feder suddenly wrapped his arm around Noah and effortlessly pulled him onto his lap.

Noah was startled and immediately tried to get down, but Feder held him firmly, forcing Noah to look at him by gripping his chin.

"Let go!" Noah slapped Feder's hand away, clearly angry, though the redness in his face remained. He quickly averted his gaze, avoiding eye contact with Feder.

Noah's heart was pounding like crazy, as if it were about to leap out of his chest.

*W-what's happening? Why am I reacting like this?*

Noah questioned himself but found no answer, his heart continuing to race uncontrollably.

*Damn it!*

Noah was exasperated with himself. *It's all this bastard's fault for making me act this way.*

Noah blamed Feder for everything, not considering that his own sensitivity might be the cause.

Feder glanced at Noah's reddened wrist, then gently massaged it, asking, "Did I do that?"

"Who else could it be?" Noah snapped, his temper flaring as his eyes met Feder's.

He had intended to scold Feder, but then Feder suddenly apologized, his expression filled with genuine remorse. "I'm sorry."

Noah froze, and the anger in his throat dissipated halfway. He found himself just staring at Feder.

Ever since Feder's last apology, Noah had noticed that Feder had become more natural in his behavior, no longer as awkward as before.

*Damn it, why is he apologizing now? How am I supposed to stay mad?*

Noah was frustrated but didn't lash out. Instead, he frowned, still staring at Feder.

"Did I hurt you in my sleep?" Feder asked softly, lowering his head to kiss Noah's reddened wrist before gently massaging it, his concern evident.

Noah was taken aback. He had never seen this gentle side of Feder before.

*What's going on? Did he get hit on the head?*

Noah couldn't help but wonder, but he found it hard to dislike this side of Feder.

Who wouldn't want their man to be gentle with them? Noah was no exception.

If Feder had always been this tender, Noah might have fallen for him long ago instead of constantly bickering with him.

Feder gently hugged Noah, who was sitting on his lap, resting his head in the crook of Noah's neck. He let out a sigh of relief, likely because seeing Noah when he first woke up had brought him some comfort.

Feder had just experienced a terrifying dream. In the dream, his stepfather was brutally beating his mother, and though he desperately wanted to help, he found himself unable to move. All he could do was scream for his mother to run away. But his mother kept crying until she collapsed, while his stepfather laughed maniacally, accusing Feder of murder and betrayal.

Feder was terrified and ran as fast as he could, but all he saw ahead was endless darkness, a darkness with no end in sight.

Just as he was about to lose all hope, the nightmare ended, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Noah, the one person who made him feel safe.

"W-why are you crying?" Noah hesitated for a moment before asking.

Even as he asked, he didn't push Feder away, allowing him to hold on.

Feder's eyes darkened at the question. Resting his head on Noah's shoulder, he stared blankly at Noah's neck.

"There was a woman who went insane because of me, and a man who died because of me," Feder murmured, his voice heavy with guilt.

Noah's body tensed. *What does that mean?*

"I haven't been messing around with anyone else, I swear. You can rest assured about that," Feder added, tilting his head to look at Noah with a soft smile as he reached up to stroke Noah's hair.

Noah slapped Feder's hand away, clearly not liking being petted.

"Do I look like your pet dog or something?" Noah snapped.

"Well, then you can keep me. I'll be your dog, your loyal dog, only for you, Noah," Feder replied with a mischievous grin.

"Damn it, shut up!" Noah cursed, irritated.

This damn man! Why can't he be serious for once?

"Let go of me," Noah demanded, slapping at the arm that was wrapped around his waist.

"What if I don't?" Feder asked, still grinning mischievously, refusing to let go.

"Damn it, Feder!" Noah shouted, his temper flaring.

"Your husband has a head injury, not a hearing problem. No need to shout," Feder quipped, his playful demeanor only making Noah angrier.

"You want me to put a bullet in you, is that it?" Noah suddenly produced a weapon from who knows where, pressing it against Feder's head.

But Feder remained unfazed, chuckling as he looked up at Noah. "Before you shoot me, think carefully. If I really die, who's going to take care of you?"

Noah was both angry and at a loss for words.

*This bastard! Can't he be quiet for once? He was so gentle when he woke up!*

Noah was furious and shouted again, "Let go of me!"

"Shhh, no need to be so loud. Your husband is here," Feder teased, his smile broad, deliberately ignoring Noah's demand.

"You—" Noah was so mad he could hardly breathe, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

*Damn it! His head's injured, but he's still as lively as ever. And I was actually worried about him!*

Noah was exasperated with himself. He had assumed that Feder would be weak after the injury, but he was just as energetic as always.

"Weapons are dangerous. If it goes off, your husband's brains might splatter everywhere. I wouldn't mind dying, but having my brains all over your face wouldn't be pleasant, would it?" Feder said, casually taking the weapon from Noah's hand and tossing it aside.

Noah's frustration peaked. "Can't you be quiet for just a moment?"

"I'll be quiet if you give me a kiss," Feder bargained.

"In your dreams!" Noah snapped, not hesitating to refuse. He struggled to get off Feder's lap.

*So, he's not going to do as I say, huh?*

*But if this continues, I'll only make him angrier. No point in pushing my luck.*

Feder smiled inwardly at his thoughts and then released Noah.

Once free, Noah quickly retreated, putting as much distance between himself and Feder as possible.

Feder didn't try to pull him back; he simply watched Noah's panicked retreat with an amused grin.

Grrrr… Feder's stomach growled suddenly.

Feder wasn't embarrassed. Instead, he lay back on the bed and looked at Noah, grinning like a fool. "Wife, your husband is hungry."

"Starve to death, for all I care!" Noah cursed, glaring at Feder as he tidied up his rumpled clothes.

Feder remained relaxed, lying there with his head propped up, his mood visibly lifted.

Noah wanted to curse him out some more but couldn't find the words. Instead, he stormed out of the room, only to return shortly after with some food.

He intended to place the porridge on the bedside table and let Feder feed himself, but Feder sat up and shamelessly said, "Feed me."

"Are you stupid? Your head is injured, not your hands!" Noah snapped.

Feder immediately clutched his head, pretending to be in pain. "Ouch! It hurts! What's happening?"

Noah narrowed his eyes in anger, seeing through Feder's obvious act.

*Couldn't you at least try to act a little more convincingly?*

Noah was seething, but he couldn't just kill Feder. 

Besides, during their confrontation with Xavier Dupont, Feder had been so concerned about him that Noah couldn't deny that his heart had been moved.

Swallowing his anger, Noah pried Feder's mouth open and forcefully fed him the porridge.

Feder choked and coughed.

"Alright, I'll do it myself!" Feder quickly relented, realizing he might not survive Noah's aggressive feeding.

"You should have done that from the start," Noah grumbled, sitting down in a nearby chair and watching as Feder ate.

Feder devoured the porridge quickly, finishing it in no time and setting the empty bowl on the bedside table. Feeling his strength returning, he turned to Noah with a mischievous grin.

"What now?" Noah asked, frowning as he watched Feder approach with that familiar smirk.

"It's too hot. I'm going to take a bath," Feder announced. Before

 Noah could react, Feder had already scooped him up.

"What the hell, Feder! If you want to take a bath, take one, but why drag me along?" Noah cursed.

"Of course I'm taking you with me. It's boring to bathe alone. At least keep me company and chat with me," Feder replied, his tone playful.

Noah didn't believe a word of it.

"Let go of me!" Noah struggled, but it was futile—there was no way he could overpower Feder.