How Can You Be So Cute, My Wife

Noah had no idea what he did in his past life to deserve being tortured by Feder, that bastard, in this one. He stormed out of the bathroom, cursing under his breath.

"Sorry, I knocked earlier, but no one answered," a maid cleaning up the dishes quickly explained, noticing Noah's frustration.

Noah, however, was more embarrassed than angry, his face flushed bright red.

"I just came in, really," the maid said, but it was clear that she had been there for a while. Her attempt at deflection wasn't convincing at all, and she quickly realized it herself.

To shift the awkward mood, she asked with a nervous laugh, "Um, we're offering free desserts at this time. Would you like me to bring you some?"

Noah cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. "No, thank you. I'm not a fan of sweets."

"That's okay, most guys aren't into sweets. Totally understandable," the maid replied, quickly trying to diffuse the tension. They stood there, staring at each other awkwardly, not knowing what to say next.

Suddenly, the bathroom door clicked open, and Feder stepped out. He raised an eyebrow at the sight of Noah and the maid locked in an awkward stare-off.

"What's going on?" Feder asked, a knowing smirk already forming on his face.

Noah, too embarrassed to respond, turned away and busied himself with adjusting the air conditioning, pretending not to notice Feder.

The maid, sensing the awkwardness, quickly smiled at Feder and said, "I was just here to clean up the dishes. I'll be leaving now."

She hurriedly pushed her cart out of the room, secretly admiring Feder's muscular frame as she left. *Wow, that Mr. Gao is one lucky guy.*

She covered her mouth to hide her grin, entertained by her own thoughts.

Feder, realizing what had likely happened, couldn't help but grin. He walked over to Noah, who was still pretending to be busy, and wrapped his arms around Noah's waist from behind.

"Are you embarrassed?" Feder teased, his voice full of amusement.

"Shut up! Who's embarrassed?" Noah snapped, pushing Feder away and flopping down on the bed, clearly irritated. He was upset because Feder always acted on his own whims without considering others' feelings.

Feder chuckled and lay down behind Noah, pulling him back into his arms despite Noah's attempt to ignore him. Noah felt a wave of frustration but didn't push Feder away. He knew from experience that the more he fought with Feder, the more Feder enjoyed it. So, Noah reluctantly tolerated his clinginess.

"Were you watching over me the whole time?" Feder asked as he gently stroked Noah's hair.

"Who'd waste their time watching over you?" Noah denied it, his tone defensive.

"Did I scare you when I fainted?" Feder asked again, knowing that Noah wouldn't admit the truth easily.

Noah fell silent, his irritation dissipating. He had been genuinely scared.

"It won't happen again," Feder said softly, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of Noah's head. His tone was uncharacteristically tender.

Noah, caught off guard by this sudden shift, felt his anger melt away. *Damn it. Why does he always soften up like this when I want to stay mad at him?*

Noah couldn't figure Feder out. One moment he was brash and overbearing, and the next he was gentle and caring. But despite the confusion, Noah couldn't bring himself to dislike this side of him.


**In Alex's Room**

"Are you trying to kill me, Alex?!" Mark shouted, kicking and punching at Alex, who had woken him up from his peaceful sleep. He was fuming with rage.

Alex, cradling his stomach and feigning pain, whined, "Ow, that hurt, honey."

"Serves you right! You deserve it!" Mark cursed, but his anger quickly subsided, and he settled back down in Alex's arms. Still, he couldn't help but glare at Alex with sharp eyes.

Alex knew Mark's temper well and had anticipated him calming down quickly. A knowing smile tugged at his lips. *I knew my wife was soft-hearted. Just a little acting, and he's back to being gentle.*

Lying beside Mark, Alex was in an unusually good mood. He reached out and gently pinched Mark's cheek, amused by how soft it felt under his fingers.

*My wife's cheeks are much better to pinch than that kid's,* Alex thought smugly.

"Why the hell are you always pinching my face? What's your problem?" Mark huffed, swatting Alex's hand away. Though he was cursing, his voice was soft and sweet, like it hadn't fully woken up.

"Because my wife's face is just too pinchable!" Alex teased, leaning down to kiss Mark's rosy lips.

Mark's face immediately flushed red, his heart grumbling. *What's so great about pinching my face? It's just a bit of flesh.*

Despite his thoughts, Mark reached up and pinched his own cheek before pinching Alex's face in return.

*Hmm, they really are different. I'm much softer,* Mark concluded with mild surprise.

"How can you be so cute, my wife?" Alex burst out laughing at Mark's actions, his eyes full of affection. He pinched Mark's cheek again, his gaze overflowing with love.

"Who's cute? You keep calling me cute, but I don't see it! Maybe it's your eyesight that's the problem!" Mark grumbled, rubbing his sore cheek.

Mark's voice was soft and sleepy, completely lacking any real bite. In his half-awake state, he was so adorable that it made Alex want to take a bite out of him.

"I say you're cute, so you're cute, no matter what anyone else says," Alex declared as he pulled Mark into his arms and kissed his forehead lovingly.

Mark couldn't help but blush again, mumbling softly, "You're just blindly doting on me. One day, I'm going to walk all over you, and all your wealth will be mine. Then I'll run away with it and leave you bankrupt."

Despite his words, Mark's desire to steal Alex's wealth and escape had faded significantly. It had once been a frequent thought, but now it was almost entirely gone.

"Honey, why run away with my money when you can just take me with you?" Alex coaxed with a grin.

Mark paused to consider that. *Hmm, that does make sense.* After a moment of thinking it over, Mark smugly replied, "Fine, I'll bring you along. At least then I'll have money to spend."

Alex's smile deepened. He was inwardly relieved that Mark had just woken up and was easier to trick. If it were any other time, Mark would have seen through him immediately.

"Honey~" Alex leaned in close, calling out to Mark sweetly.

Still half-asleep, Mark rubbed his eyes and yawned cutely. "What is it?"

Mark was too sleepy to notice Alex's mischievous expression. He yawned again and snuggled into Alex's chest, clearly wanting to go back to sleep.

Seeing how sleepy Mark was, Alex couldn't bring himself to make any moves. His heart softened.

"I need your arm. This pillow is uncomfortable," Mark mumbled sleepily, patting his pillow to signal for Alex to place his arm under his head.

Alex chuckled softly and did as Mark asked, sliding his arm under the pillow.

Mark yawned again, rubbing his eyes as he nestled closer into Alex's chest. It wasn't long before his breathing evened out, and he was fast asleep again.

Alex's face was full of tenderness as he gazed down at Mark, gently brushing aside his bangs and giving his nose a light pinch.

"You're such a troublesome little thing," Alex murmured with a soft smile.

Although his heart was full of love, Alex's mood darkened when his thoughts drifted back to Mark's parents.

"Could it be that my wife was trafficked?" Alex mused aloud. "But that doesn't make sense. If he had been sold, why would his parents keep him?"

Alex couldn't make sense of it, but the fact remained that Mark's father had been imprisoned.

The more Alex thought about it, the more frustrated he became. He couldn't tell Mark the truth right now, but Mark was also deeply concerned about his parents.

"Could there be more to this story?" Alex wondered, his thoughts drifting to The Brooks Family. His brow furrowed.

The timing of The Brooks Family's arrival was too suspicious, and the fact that the person who reported Mark's father had the same last name made Alex even warier.


Meanwhile, in the guest room above Alex's, a nervous subordinate was trembling as he reported to the man sitting on the sofa.

"We… we didn't catch Mrs. Ye. She escaped."

Vincent Brooks sat straight-backed on the sofa, his eyes cold and sharp as he stared down at the trembling subordinate. His aura was oppressive, and the tension in the room was thick.

He was dressed simply, a white shirt paired with dress pants. The muscles in his chest and arms were visible beneath the shirt, hinting at his strength. Despite his simple attire, Vincent exuded an intimidating presence, radiating male energy.

His chiseled features were as sharp as a knife, his expression cold and stern, giving him an air of unapproachability. Anyone who dared meet his gaze would be immediately overwhelmed.

The subordinate, feeling the pressure from Vincent's icy stare, swallowed hard, too afraid to

 even breathe.

After what felt like an eternity, the subordinate stammered out, "We… we're also searching for the young lady, but… but there's no news."

His voice was shaky, and he didn't dare look Vincent in the eye. His body trembled as if he were on the verge of collapse.

Vincent's face grew even colder, a storm brewing in his eyes.

The subordinate, sensing the impending danger, frantically promised, "This time, I swear we'll catch Mrs. Ye for sure."

"This time?" Vincent's voice was low and dangerous, like ice scraping against stone. His eyes flashed with anger, and the air in the room seemed to grow colder.

The subordinate trembled even more. "Mrs. Ye is highly skilled. We couldn't catch her…"

Vincent's gaze shifted to the file on the coffee table. Mrs. Ye's profile was marked with a high danger rating of four stars, indicating her combat skills and the threat she posed.

"And the person inside? Still nothing?" Vincent asked, his brow furrowing with frustration.

The subordinate stammered again, "No matter what methods we use, he won't talk. He refuses to reveal the young master's whereabouts. We'll have to catch Mrs. Ye to make him afraid."

Vincent frowned deeper, but he didn't disagree. He seemed to share the same thought.

"And if the young lady refuses to come back once we find her?" the subordinate asked cautiously.

"Break her limbs and bring her back," Vincent ordered, his voice laced with fury, his eyes as cold as ice.

"Understood…" The subordinate gulped nervously, bowing his head as he quickly retreated, not daring to stay any longer.

Vincent said nothing as he rose from the sofa and walked toward the inner room.

Inside, a man sat blindfolded, his hands tied behind his back. Hearing footsteps, he shrank back in fear and screamed, his voice trembling with anger and terror, "Vincent Brooks, you bastard! You damn animal!"