Chapter 7 I'm Your Man, You Have to Acknowledge It!

She was petrified with fear.

Not daring to breathe, she clung to the swing rope, staring at the figure outside.

It grew quiet outside.

After a while, she saw one figure walk away.

The remaining one slowly turned and approached the door.

Qiao Zhiyi's heart was taut, watching the door being pushed open, seeing that ugly face, she nervously swallowed.

Shi Jingzhou closed the door behind him and approached her.

"You also have a hobby of eavesdropping?" Shi Jingzhou said in an unfriendly tone.

Qiao Zhiyi stood up shakily, feeling awkward and uneasy, "I came here first. I didn't dare to come out and disturb you for fear of affecting you."

"So, should I thank you for being considerate?"


Qiao Zhiyi knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but it wasn't intentional.

Shi Jingzhou took another step forward, his long, fair fingers lifted her chin, and seeing her panicked eyes, he asked, "Do you despise me?"

His fingers were cool, seeping into her skin, the chill penetrating her heart.

After being in contact for a while, she wasn't as scared of that face as she was before.

A man's pride is as important as a woman's sensitivity to being called fat or old.

Qiao Zhiyi shook her head.

How could she dare to say she despised him to his face? Wasn't that suicidal?

"Kiss me."


Shi Jingzhou's eyes were cool, "Since you don't despise me, kiss me."

Was this his way of forcing her to make a commitment?

Qiao Zhiyi couldn't bring herself to do it.

For someone her age, who rarely held hands or hugged, let alone take the initiative to kiss a man.

Shi Jingzhou's eyes narrowed.

Qiao Zhiyi steeled her heart and quickly pecked his lips, as if touching the water surface with a dragonfly's wing, fearful of sticking, she quickly retreated.

Just as she pulled away, the back of her head was held, warmth was on her lips, and she widened her eyes in shock.

Being so close magnified the scars on his face, which were intricate, striking her vision directly and triggering an instant physiological reaction.

She pushed him away forcefully and turned to flee.

Shi Jingzhou's face darkened.

He clenched his fist slightly.

Qiao Zhiyi covered her chest, but she didn't throw up.

After the reaction passed, she gasped for air and didn't dare to get up.

Acting like this in front of him, wouldn't it be too hurtful?

"That... I'm sorry." The apology that should be made still needed to be given.

It was her who had been rude.

Shi Jingzhou's gaze was cold, like a snake coiling around her neck.

Qiao Zhiyi stiffened her neck to meet his eyes, "No wonder I was shocked... it was you who scared me."

"Just scared, not disgusted?" Shi Jingzhou's voice squeezed through his teeth.

Qiao Zhiyi nodded.

Shi Jingzhou looked at her intently, "I'll give you another chance to prove to me that you don't despise me."

"Does it have to be this way?"


Qiao Zhiyi thought it was a mistake.

Kissing in such a beautiful place didn't feel romantic at all.

"Dr. Sen Ge's favor is hard to repay, it's better not to owe it in the first place."

Shi Jingzhou threatened her casually.

Qiao Zhiyi almost forgot, her mother's illness still depended on his help.

Dr. Sen Ge is a leading figure in the medical field, with research on all kinds of cancers. To be able to invite him, that truly required a huge favor.

Qiao Zhiyi wanted to curse him for his despicability but did not dare, for she could not afford the great privilege of inviting Doctor Sen Ge.

She took a deep breath, approached Shi Jingzhou, lightly tiptoed, and wrapped her hands around his neck, hypnotizing herself that this was her husband, she did not despise him.

She gazed at those thin lips, slowly leaning forward.

Suddenly, she was pushed away fiercely and crashed into the rose wall, scattering petals all over the ground.

She grabbed onto the branches, steadied her footing, and was still in shock.

"Look, he doesn't love her at all," Bai Yue said with a smug smile on her face from the rooftop terrace, glancing at Shi Lanting.

Shi Lanting raised an eyebrow and motioned for her to look, "See, they're kissing."

Bai Yue followed her gaze, her smile instantly freezing on her face.

Shi Jingzhou's hands braced against the apparently fragile rose wall, ensnaring Qiao Zhiyi in front of him, his grotesque face gloomy and lusterless, his eyes filled with malevolence.

In the midst of Qiao Zhiyi's horrified gaze, he forcefully kissed her lips.


Pain pricked Qiao Zhiyi's lips, and tears were about to fall.

He bit her!

"Remember, even if you despise me, you'll have to swallow it back. I am your man, and you have to accept it!"

Qiao Zhiyi did not dare to breathe heavily; her lips tightly pursed as the taste of blood spread. The man's oppressive presence left her at a loss.

She knew all too well that she had no way to resist Shi Jingzhou.

And she increasingly understood that once she had fallen into this pit, without a foothold, she could not climb out.

He was completely sick, with an inexplicable possessiveness, making others think he had deep feelings for her, fearing she would abandon him, and that's why he wanted to possess her so pathologically.

She probably also knew whom he was doing all this for.

The kiss marks before coming here, undressing her upon arrival, making her change into pajamas, to the forced kiss now... all of this was for Bai Yue to see.

She did not move, and then suddenly she wound her arms around his neck and kissed his lips.

His lips were slightly cold, and the moment she made contact, she felt his slight tremor.

She closed her eyes and kissed him carefully, afraid that he would push her away again.

Since it was to stimulate Bai Yue, she just played along.

If Bai Yue got upset, it would only be beneficial for her.

Besides, she needed his favor.

It was just a kiss, right? She could do that. Closing her eyes, it was all the same who she kissed.

Suddenly, a gust of wind arose, scattering rose petals like rain, showering upon the embracing pair, beautiful and romantic.

"Looking at them now, she and my brother are quite a match," said Shi Lanting, her eyes deep and meaningful, as she watched the two kissing beneath the petals.

Bai Yue's delicate face was filled with anger, her hands clenched into fists, and the hatred in her eyes was undisguised.

"Why are you so angry? After all, you were the one who didn't want him. Aren't you happy marrying Park Bom?" Shi Lanting asked with a slight lift of her brow, looking at the people lost in their embrace.

Qiao Zhiyi was indeed ruthless, to actually go through with kissing Shi Jingzhou.

Bai Yue struggled to regain her composure, "Their relationship won't last."

"That's hard to say. Even if it doesn't last, it has nothing to do with you," Shi Lanting said with a smirk, "You can't just divorce and be with him."

"Even so, he shouldn't be with anyone else!" Bai Yue's eyes glittered with venomous light.

Shi Lanting stared at the couple who had finished kissing then turned around, her hand resting on Bai Yue's shoulder, "Then you'd better work hard."

Bai Yue took a deep breath and narrowed her eyes, determined not to let Shi Jingzhou have any woman!


Qiao Zhiyi hung entirely on Shi Jingzhou's frame, her feet dangling in the air.

A fresh breeze blew over, slowly bringing her back to her senses. She couldn't believe she had fallen for it.

She had only intended to cooperate with him, yet she had become lost in that kiss.

"Don't despise me anymore?" Shi Jingzhou pursed his lips, seemingly with a trace of disdain for her.

She couldn't even pause to breathe during a kiss.

Qiao Zhiyi gasped for air, more exhausted than from running three kilometers.

Her hand still rested on his shoulder, but it was only with his arm wrapped around her waist that she remained supported.

Qiao Zhiyi was likely deprived of oxygen, or else there was no way she would have inexplicably shaken her head.

Shi Jingzhou's eyes softened, "Speak."

"I don't despise [you]," Qiao Zhiyi complied with his wish, daring not to despise [him].

Shi Jingzhou was very satisfied, his long fingers gently wiping her reddened lips, his voice husky, "Stay by my side obediently, and I will be good to you."